Finally: Traveller Trading Tool

We do not need further testers as the tool is already fully up and running.
If you like an account just drop me a message with your desired username.
I will create a useraccount for u.

Yes. I do not want dead accounts.
As soon as its open I loose control. Hundreds of bots will try to get accounts.
I prefer to handpick my users.
In case you did not notice or login for a while.
The site got some improvements.
We implemented paging on most pages. Because in our own campeign there is a lot of data already so it took a while to load it all. That should be a lot faster now.
And we have new icons for a lot of things. We think it all looks a bit better now.

In the near future we will make a new module, that we are working on right now, accessible to all players. All the characters of the crew of the spaceship will get character sheets.
And then we will be able to set which character has what position on the spacecraft. So the apropriate attributes will be used for buying/selling of goods/post/freight.

Keep on travelling!
markus_d said:
We do not need further testers as the tool is already fully up and running.
If you like an account just drop me a message with your desired username.
I will create a useraccount for u.


Hi Markus. I've just started running a campaign and we're struggling a bit to handle the trading with the broker/purser type PC without boring the other players. I found an online tool (traveller tools), but it doesn't seem completely consistent with MgT 2e rules or setting material.

Would you be able to set me up with an account so I can check your tool out? It'd be great if I could just leave that player to deal with the economics in an app while I ran other aspects of the game with the rest of the group. He's an Elite fan, so happy to dig into this aspect of Traveller, and I want the campaign to be at least partly driven by the economics of the group's situation. I'm hoping the tool you describe here is the answer I'm looking for. I'd really appreciate it if you could set me up.

My name on this forum is TheMachine, but it might be better to use my roll20 ID I use running the game, which is SiMakin.

Huge thanks if you can.


Hi, is this tool going to be released commercially?? Either way it sounds awesome. I can never get players to bother with trading but with a tool it could become a part of our games.
markus_d said:
In case you did not notice or login for a while.
The site got some improvements.
We implemented paging on most pages. Because in our own campeign there is a lot of data already so it took a while to load it all. That should be a lot faster now.
And we have new icons for a lot of things. We think it all looks a bit better now.

In the near future we will make a new module, that we are working on right now, accessible to all players. All the characters of the crew of the spaceship will get character sheets.
And then we will be able to set which character has what position on the spacecraft. So the apropriate attributes will be used for buying/selling of goods/post/freight.

Keep on travelling!

Hi Markus,

I'm still just playing around with the tool (waiting for the group to finish a scenario before they start using it in earnest - which will probably be a week on Sunday), but I keep coming across discrepancies between what I expect from the MgT2e rulebook, and what I'm seeing it actually doing. Things like buying illegal drugs on Porozlo lists (and applies) the -6 modifier for High Pop, but not the +1 modifier for being a Garden world. Or buying the same on Jae Tellona doesn't list the +1 for being a desert world. The first thing I noticed was it not applying a +2 for Low population for buying radioactives on Pirema. The base cost of common electronics also seems to be 10K instead of 20k. Is that a discrepancy arising from different editions?

You seemed to develop this tool via play-testing and feedback from early users on here, so I'm starting to wonder whether I'm doing something wrong, or maybe misinterpreting the 2e rules? Did you never get any feedback from anybody else on here that it was occasionally missing modifiers and stuff?

In short, is anybody else seeing this, or am I doing something dumb?

If not, I'm hoping there might be a quick fix, as the tool is extremely cool, but having to comb through it's output every time will throw a spanner in the works.
It's mostly small errors, but they're exactly the kind of thing that will make it next to impossible for my broker character to make intelligent decisions about where and what to trade - unless we're constantly checking for and correcting them.

Apologies for pestering you!

