Episode timeline & race info

Mongoose Si


I've been a bit of a stranger around these parts lately so thought it was about time to show my face again and do some shameless pimping of my website ;) I've added a few new pages which may (or may not) be of use to people:

Episode timeline - now I know there are various timelines knocking about, but this one is a little different - it's based on the dates listed in the Mongoose season source books and also includes a brief episode summary and a page reference to the afformentioned books. I find it useful when I need to tie in the dates of my game to those of the TV show and if I need a quick reminder of a certain episode.

Races - lists all the main races that can be played, showing a photo and a brief description. This is more of a players reference for those people who can't remember which race is which.

These new pages can be found in the "Date Files" section on my website http://www.starstuff.co.uk. I hope some people will find this of use :)
Welcome back Ghost Dancer, no comment on the pimping. Good to see you back in these hallowed forums.

Nice job on the timeline, and I imagine the races 'rogues gallery' would be really useful for new players or as a reminder for lapsed ones.

Chobbly said:
Welcome back Ghost Dancer, no comment on the pimping. Good to see you back in these hallowed forums.

thanks :)

Nice job on the timeline, and I imagine the races 'rogues gallery' would be really useful for new players or as a reminder for lapsed ones.

yeah, I put the races page together for a game I'm running in a few months. It's based on the Athena Strain and I wanted a good mix of races - some of the players don't know all the races that well so I provided it as a quick reminder of who they are and what they look like.