Drakh Fleet Boxes: Announcement


The manufacturers did not send the things! Safe to say that Chris, the mail order chap who took over from me, is fuming.

He has now gone to the directors over this since it is not good enough (especially since he was told they were on their way0.

Chase again in a couple of weeks if you have not heard anything in the meantime.


Nick Robinson
Mongoose Publishing
Shadow Queen said:
And that is???

Simon: You c... c... couldn't c... c... catch me if I stole your ch... ch... chair with you in it!
John McClane: My ch... ch... chair with me in it? Well, Simon, why are you trying to k... k... k... kill me?

I must admit that I am really frustrated by the Drakh mess as well. Though my fleet box did include the Mothership, it was not very well cast and damaged. I have been able to make due with it (thanks to some filing and green stuff) but the cruisers were the biggest disappointment. They should have never left the factory they are so poorly cast.

I was also rather frustrated when I contacted Mongoose about getting them replaced; they told me to send them back to them and they would replace them. So not only did I pay for shipping to get the box in the first place, they expect me to do it again to make up for their error. Poor judgement on their part. I still have yet to bother to send them in because a friend of mine received the wrong torsos in his Grizzly boxed and was told to do the same thing. It has now been a couple months and he still has yet to receive the replacements.

Even with all of this said, I must admit that even the raiders are rather annoying in their casting. The edge where the "wings" attach to the main hull are at a 30 degree angle so that it is very difficult to get them glued on properly.

Then of course there is the light cruiser. This was the only good miniature in the my fleet box. Ah well. It's no wonder really why no one else in Vegas has bothered to pick them up yet...
Ahh, I got an e-mail from them saying that the mo ship was in bad shape, did i want a naff one to repair, or wait for a new one.
I am waiting, but they gave me a choice which was good.
then I was 7 fins short for my heavy raiders, I mailed Alex as the top notch geezer that he is, and got em 3 days later. Bit of a bummer that you will have to pay for postage to return stuff, but in all fairness to mongoose, whatever their other faults, they are usually really good with replacement models and parts.
I would advise your mate to contact them again, and then if he gets no-where, he should contact Matt, who will go kick some ass. Last model Issue I had, Matt sorted within a day.

but you know man, the heavy cruisers REALLY do look like a flattened roach.... thats not a miscast ;-)
Hi Derina.

The odds of having any motherships before next year are slim-to-none, I'm
afraid. I do know that you're waiting for one, but my ability to accelerate
their production is, sadly, limited.

Chris Longhurst
Mongoose Publishing
I think it is entirely likely, Mongoose have sold a product that is unfit for purpose, ie doesn't exist. You should have no problem if you contact them.
The problem is, Monkey has been trying to contact Mongoose and he dosn't seem to get any responses. I too have had some difficulty getting some responses back, which reminds me I have a few more defective/missing parts I need to contact Mongoose about.
CmdrKiley said:
The problem is, Monkey has been trying to contact Mongoose and he dosn't seem to get any responses. I too have had some difficulty getting some responses back, which reminds me I have a few more defective/missing parts I need to contact Mongoose about.

Hmm, ok, I would say contact Alex, or Matt direct then, tell them you are having problems, they are both good at solving things like this. I'm sure LBH will come on now and quote the service E-Mail, but if you are getting squat, go to the top..
Definitely get in touch with Matt. I sent him an email months ago, when there were still motherships in stock, and he practically bent over backwards to help out. He's very good at dealing with stuff when things go wrong.
I got the Drakh fleet box some time ago, discovering a burnt mini (Lets call it the mothership) apon cotacting nick he said keep hold of it and we'll send out another one this was at the July 22nd openday thats 5 of waiting and hassling mind i got the boxset from an other online retailer. 5 months for the mould to be redone i was going to pass it on to another but i think he's lost interest.

So who's passing the buck??????