Kyu Kage
Greetings ladies and gentleman, I require your assistance.
For some time I have been planning an A:2089 global campaign.
Whilst the initial focus will be around Europe, it will quickly shift to a global focus after the first few missions.
Unfortunately, many of my players know what to expect from much of my A:2089 gaming, since I, like any player/GM, have favourite tactics and units that consistently turn up in games.
So I turn to you all for inspiration.
What I need is two separate and distinct mercenary groups. Whilst their budget is similar, tactically and flavour wise I need them to be different.
The first needs to be of European focus and equipment. I would prefer it if they only used European manufactured units. I would also like them to have two bases of operation. I was going to make them a ground base in Lithuania and an air base in France, but like I said, they know what I do…
The second needs to be of western focus. They must have a large base in the Outback of Australia, a combination land/air base. Maybe even with repair facilities. Some secondary bases in the States or Asia may be a good idea, even if they're just refuelling stops the group has leased.
They also need to have at least one satellite asset.
As for their makeup, they can use pretty much any company’s product. No Cannons above 100mm, and lots of 30mm Auto-Cannons are part of their flavour. They also refuse to use any form of biological weapon. Their commander prefers to avoid having larger WarMeks, preferring the speed and ease of transport of the smaller chassis.
Other than that, they have no equipment restrictions.
Now for the important bit, the money.
Both groups get $20M for purchasing WarMeks and support vehicles, and $59M for purchasing Air assets and support vehicles. At least 78% of the money must be spent on its intended ‘area’.
The Europeans then get another $7.5M for purchasing other assets, and the Westerns get $12.5M. The Westerns also get another $21M that must be spent entirely on combat units. This is simply due the fact that the PC's will have well and truly upgraded by the time they branch out.
Any money left over from any area may be spent in others. Any money left over after everything is bought is doubled and kept as their initial operating budget. I’ll probably also roll a couple of d8’s and add that to the cash reserve (x10k of course).
I’m not to concerned about having NPC’s ready, it’s more the equipment I’m concerned about. However, if your feeling helpful, here’s what I’m thinking. Initial personnel will be a 12th level, a 10th level and four 5th level characters. Add a pair of 10th levels for the Westerns, and bump the 12th to a 15th. Stats for all I’ll leave up to you, but no more than a single 18 for each please.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thankyou all in advance for your assistance.
For some time I have been planning an A:2089 global campaign.
Whilst the initial focus will be around Europe, it will quickly shift to a global focus after the first few missions.
Unfortunately, many of my players know what to expect from much of my A:2089 gaming, since I, like any player/GM, have favourite tactics and units that consistently turn up in games.
So I turn to you all for inspiration.
What I need is two separate and distinct mercenary groups. Whilst their budget is similar, tactically and flavour wise I need them to be different.
The first needs to be of European focus and equipment. I would prefer it if they only used European manufactured units. I would also like them to have two bases of operation. I was going to make them a ground base in Lithuania and an air base in France, but like I said, they know what I do…
The second needs to be of western focus. They must have a large base in the Outback of Australia, a combination land/air base. Maybe even with repair facilities. Some secondary bases in the States or Asia may be a good idea, even if they're just refuelling stops the group has leased.
They also need to have at least one satellite asset.
As for their makeup, they can use pretty much any company’s product. No Cannons above 100mm, and lots of 30mm Auto-Cannons are part of their flavour. They also refuse to use any form of biological weapon. Their commander prefers to avoid having larger WarMeks, preferring the speed and ease of transport of the smaller chassis.
Other than that, they have no equipment restrictions.
Now for the important bit, the money.
Both groups get $20M for purchasing WarMeks and support vehicles, and $59M for purchasing Air assets and support vehicles. At least 78% of the money must be spent on its intended ‘area’.
The Europeans then get another $7.5M for purchasing other assets, and the Westerns get $12.5M. The Westerns also get another $21M that must be spent entirely on combat units. This is simply due the fact that the PC's will have well and truly upgraded by the time they branch out.
Any money left over from any area may be spent in others. Any money left over after everything is bought is doubled and kept as their initial operating budget. I’ll probably also roll a couple of d8’s and add that to the cash reserve (x10k of course).
I’m not to concerned about having NPC’s ready, it’s more the equipment I’m concerned about. However, if your feeling helpful, here’s what I’m thinking. Initial personnel will be a 12th level, a 10th level and four 5th level characters. Add a pair of 10th levels for the Westerns, and bump the 12th to a 15th. Stats for all I’ll leave up to you, but no more than a single 18 for each please.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thankyou all in advance for your assistance.