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Could anyone please give me the page number in the gazateer where the darzai plane is mentioned?

Under the brotherhood mage class, and under grand word of power, it states that the darzai plane is mentioned in the gazateer. Its not in the index however, and I could not find it manually, after an hours searching!
It isn't really described in detail (unless I missed it somehow).

It is mentioned briefly in the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star section, on p.17 and in the Gazeteer on p.182
The dazirian Plane will likely be expanded on in a future suppliment. Until then, just remember that brief sojourns into Dazirian are usually nightmarish or at the least confusing and not recommended for mortals. <chuckle>

Speaking of the Daziarn Plane, does the final quest of the Brotherhood mean that, if I don't want to contradict the official timeline, no wizard of the Crystal Star can reach level 20 (hint: when he finds himself in the Daziarn, Lone Wolf is desperate because the mages of Toran believe there's no escape from there. That's why they drop their worst criminals through the Shadow Gate)?
This is one of the few aspects of the rulebook that did not convince me , the others being Telchos Warrior (this class seems alien to Magnamund, since it appears neither in the gamebooks nor in the MC. I would have preferred to have the Vakeros, but the Masbate would have been a good substitute for this kind of class), and the fact that the informations provided by Joe Dever in the Lone Wolf Club Newsletters were ignored, especially as far as the timeline is concerned.
Now, please, don't misunderstand me. I think you made a great job with the rulebook, there are a lot of things i liked very much: for instance, the psychic combat, the supporting roles and many more... they are too many to mention.
Nyxator said:
...Telchos Warrior (this class seems alien to Magnamund, since it appears neither in the gamebooks nor in the MC...and the fact that the informations provided by Joe Dever in the Lone Wolf Club Newsletters were ignored, especially as far as the timeline is concerned.

I'll admit I'm pretty new to this whole Lone Wolf thing, but a quick surf of the InterWeb turned up a host of Lone Wolf Club Newsletters, one of which contained "The Companion PostScript".

The description of Telchos was in there, and I also got the impression that further information was given in the computer game. I don't think the Mongoose guys disregarded the Newsletters... :)
Actually Nyxator, it means that a 19th level Brotherhood member has a very daunting task ahead of them and may decide to change professions or halt their development. The Dazairn Plane is a great unknown and makes for a great high-level quest for Games Masters to design as they wish (which is why it was included in the Brotherhood class write-up).

I am glad you like the book, though I am confused why you feel the way you do about the 'disregarded' newsletters and information from Joe Dever. What may be causing your perception of omission is that a number of those sources are conflicting (though Joe is almost always internally consistent) so when I was in doubt on a certain point, I turned to his personal notes.

Thus, the game is as pure a version of Magnamund as it can be, given that it was given a page by page by Joe himself and approved. :)

InfinityDoctor said:
The description of Telchos was in there, and I also got the impression that further information was given in the computer game. I don't think the Mongoose guys disregarded the Newsletters... :)

Yes, I know that Telchos "exists" in Magnamund. :)
What I was trying to say is that there's no mention of that class anywhere, as far as I know. I mean, the Magnamund Companion
tells us about the sommlending knights of the realm, we meet the buccaneers of Shadaki in gamebook 22, but we never read anything about such powerful warriors from Telchos. I hope I explained myself better, this time. :)

Mongoose August said:
[...]The Dazairn Plane is a great unknown and makes for a great high-level quest for Games Masters to design as they wish (which is why it was included in the Brotherhood class write-up).

Ok, after all it would be a waste not to use a setting like the Daziarn Plane at all.

Mongoose August said:
What may be causing your perception of omission is that a number of those sources are conflicting (though Joe is almost always internally consistent) so when I was in doubt on a certain point, I tuirned to his personal notes.

Well, that cleared things up quite a bit. I was referring to small details, like the way the book of the magnakai was stolen, but the version reported in the rulebook makes more sense, after all.
Thanks for the answers! :D