Core22 Psionics: Teleportation Suits


Cosmic Mongoose
Regarding Teleportation Suits, Core22 Page 235 states: "This device can be integrated into a suit of armour..."
But on page 234 all the versions of Teleportation state "(but not armour)".

Does the entry on page 235 mean that integration of a Teleportation Suit is the only way you can teleport and have armour on?
Is there any game-word logic as to why you cannot teleport using armor when you could in theory teleport up 500kg of equipment? After all, the heaviest Battle Dress only weighs 100kg out of the box. Why would gear that is completely not attached be teleportable but not armour? Is it just because it is worn? Could you teleport your armour with you just as gear as long as you are not wearing it? If so, again, what is the game-word logic?
Was this restricted for just some game-balance reason?
Lore for psi hasnt been expanded on for 2e. I havent read the 1e psionic book, which seems to have mix feeling from the community.
My guess is that, is that its inherieted lore.
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Lore for psi hasnt been expanded on for 2e. I havent readl the 1e psionic book, which seems to have mix feeming from the community.
My guess is that, is that its inherieted lore.
Yeah I was thinking it was an editing mistake too. But here's the thing; in another 2e book, Aliens Volume 1, the Zhodani have not only the suits with the same description, but a type of BATTLE DRESS that has this suit as standard and they are described as gear for Teleporting commandos.

Honestly, it seems like the whole "but no armor" thing either needs to be dropped or explained in either game balance logic or game world logic why they ever wanted to put that in.

1e seems to have no proscription against armor and teleporting. (Oh, and that 1e Psionic book? "Psion - Book 4"? Yeah, that whole thing is a self contradictory mess. I just became an expert on that book this last week. I would not even call it Traveller tbh. It is seriously the worst rule book I have ever read in all the Traveller canon from 1977 till 2024.)
Is there any game-word logic as to why you cannot teleport using armor when you could in theory teleport up 500kg of equipment?
for the base cost and dufficulty you can only teleport with 10kg. i see the no armour as insuring armoured teleportation is at at a higher cost and difficulty. Hence needing teleportation suits and special battledress.
for the base cost and dufficulty you can only teleport with 10kg. i see the no armour as insuring armoured teleportation is at at a higher cost and difficulty. Hence needing teleportation suits and special battledress.
Yeah, I that's one way to go too. It's still odd that you need a special suit just to teleport armor at all if clothing and gear are not a problem. I get the point about thermal energy and needing to rapidly cool or heat but the way the rules read a teleportation suit just aids in the difference in range/altitude. It doesn't read "or to teleport using any armor at all".

Sounds like a house rule patch is needed regardless. Mine will be you just have to count the armor's weight against your gear limit of 10kg or 500kg for teleportation. You can wear it, just like clothing, but you don't get to ignore the weight like you do with encumbrance and worn armor. This makes sense to me until someone chimes in for why not.