
AnotherDilbert said:
Chas said:
And they won't be surprised by anything, except in some extraordinary circumstance, (which for the most part will be avoidable) not with the sensor drone mesh that all my fleets will be accompanied by :wink:
I agree tactical surprise shouldn't be a problem. But if you jump into a system and the enemy jumps into the same system, perhaps a few days earlier, you do have a problem. Your intel of neighbouring systems are at best one week old.
I see the different varieties all having applications, the configuration you've got there ideal for carrier systems that have to get out again if they run into trouble.
The "Landsort" Class Orbital Defence Battery: 100 kdT, Crew: 1600, GCr 28 + GCr 22 for a full load of torpedoes.
1G, Armour 15. Buffered Planetoid.
Armament: 100 Large Torpedo Bays. Launches 3 000 torpedoes / attack, priced with 12 rounds of multi warhead nuclear torpedoes.
Defences: Armour 15. 500 PD Batteries.
TL 15              HullP 106 667                   49 412      
                         Desired  Rat   #   dTonn    Cost   Power  Hardp  Crew
Hull                                       100000           20000   1000  
Config  Buffered Planetoid   7     7        35000     600      
Hull strength  Reinforced    3     3            
Armour  Bonded Superdense   20    11         8800     528      
Rad Shielding                1          1            2500  
Repair Drones                1          1    1000     200
JumpD  VAdv,2*FuelEff                
ManœuvreD  HiTech.3*RedSize  1     1    1     700    2100    5000          20
PowerP  TL12,3*RedSize                  1    1985    2977   42525          57
Fuel, Power                  4     4    1     198        
Command Bridge               1          1      80     750      
    Holographic              1          1             188      
Comp         CORE/100       30   100    1             130      
Backup Comp  CORE/90        19    90    1             120      
    /fib                     1          1             125      
Sensors  Advanced            9     4    2      10      11       6    
Array  Distributed           9     3    2      40      42      
Extension Net                9     1    1    1000    1000      
Signal Processing  Enhanced  9     2    2       4      16       2    
Countermeasures  Military    9     2    2      30      56       2    
Staterooms                100%   764  764    3056     382      
Common Areas               25%   25%    1     764      76      
Briefing Room                5          5      20       3      
Library                      5          5      20      20      
Medical Bay  10% of crew     1         28     112      56      
Workshop                    10         10      60       9      
Armoury                      1         56      56      14      
Brig                        10         10      40       3      
Low Berths                  50         50      25       3       5    
Cargo                                         990        
UNREP                       10         10      10       5      10    
Large Bay                  
Torpedo  High Technology   100  TL12  100   35000    4500    2500    500  400
Torpedoes 3000 torp / att   12      36000           21600      
Point Defence Type III     500        500    9000   11000   15000    500  
Boat Bay                                     2000     400                 100
Crew                1400              
  Command            128  
  Bridge              94  
      Pilot                  3
      Astrogator             0
      Sensor & EW           91  
  Engineer           277  
      Engineer              77
      Maintenance          200
  Service            111  
      Admin                100
      Medic                 10,5
      Steward                0
  Gunner             440  
  Flight             100  
  Troops             250
Can be mass produced for GCr 25. Torpedoes chosen for budget reasons. The missile variant would cost almost twice as much with missiles. Weak to fighters and boarders.

Intended for traffic control / defence of a gas giant. A few of these should discourage raiders of a CruRon or so from refuelling.

Note that two or three of these should hold off a CruRon of Hades-class BCs, but cost as a single BC.
Yep. That's one thing that's not changed through the editions. System only defences are brutal. Something like taking the home world of those pesky upstart humans of Terra must have been a blood bath of epic proportions.
Once upon a time there was a poor world without an extensive military industry. Faced with an immediate threat they decided to build warships, but they lacked the know-how. Somehow they succeeded to steal the drawings for the fearsome Hades-class BC. Lacking the industry to build the hi-tech weaponry, they ripped it all out and replaced it with cheap and simple torpedo launchers. Realising that they probably needed defences they installed modules that could be replaced once such specialised military equipment could be produced.

"Hel" class Battle Cruiser, 100 000 dT, Crew: 1650, GCr 76.5 + GCr 21.5 for a full load of torpedoes (including ten torpedo modules modules)
J-4, 9G (6G w drop tanks), Armour 15, partial streamlining and fuel purification for wilderness refuelling.
Permanently mounted 33334 dT drop tank to enable J-4, internal tanks for J-2.
Armament: 74 large torpedo bays, 80 torpedo barbette, ten 1000 dT torpedo modules. Launches 3280 torpedoes / att.
Defences: Armour 15, optional ten 1000 dT modules
TL 15            HullP 73333                       87 413      
                         Desired  Rat   #   dTonn    Cost   Power  Hardp  Crew
Hull                                       100000           20000   1000  
Config  Close Structure      4     4                 6050      
Hull strength  Standard      2     2            
Armour  Bonded Superdense   20    15        12000    7260      
Rad Shielding                1     1                 2500      
JumpD  VAdv,2*Size           4     4   1    10671   20008   53334         305
ManœuvreD  VAdv,2*Size       9     9   1     7200   18000   90000         206
PowerP  TL12:3*Size                    1     6850   10275  146780         196
Drop Tank Collar             4     4   1      133      67      
Drop Tank      33334 dT                               833      
Fuel, Jump                   2     2   1    20000        
Fuel, Power                  4     4   1      685        
Fuel Purification         24 h  24 h   1     1000      50      
Command Bridge               1         1       80     750      
    Holographic              1         1              188      
Comp         CORE/100       30   100   1              130      
Backup Comp  CORE/90        19    90   1              120      
    /fib                     1         1              125      
Software                                              100      
Sensors  Advanced            9     4   1        5       5       6    
Array  Distributed           9     3   1       10      11      
Extension Net                  
Signal Processing  Enhanced  9     2   1        2       8       2    
Countermeasures  Military    9     2   1       15      28       2    
Staterooms                100%   900 900     3600     450
Common Areas               20%   20%   1      720      72
Briefing Room                5         5       20       3      
Library                      1         1        4       4      
Medical Bay  10% of crew     1        38      152      76
Workshop                     6         6       36       5  
Armoury                      1       116      116      29  
Brig                         2         2        8       1  
Low Berths                  10        10        5       1       1
Cargo                                         379    
1000 dT Module              10        10    10000           34750    550  
Large bay
Torpedo  HiTech 3*Size      74  TL12  74    25900    3330    1850    370  296
Torpedo High Technology     80  TL10  80      280     360     160     80   80
Torpedoes  2300 torps/att   12     27600            16560      
Boat bay                                      200      40                  10
Module PD Battery, Type III           55      990    1210    1650     55  
SUM                                   55      990    1210    1650     55  
Module Meson    Meson Screen          92      644    2760    2760          92
                Pulse Laser           55       55     303     715     55   55
                Staterooms            74      296      37      
SUM                                           995    3099,5  3475     55  147
Module Nuclear  Nuclear Damper        92      644    1380    1840     92
                Pulse Laser           55       55     303     715     55   55
                Staterooms            74      296      37      
SUM                                           995    1719,5  2555     55  147
Fighter Bay     Fighter Hangar 35 dT  12      840     168                  60
                Staterooms            40      160      20      
SUM                                          1000     188       0      0   60
Boat Bay        Boat Hangar                   500     100      
                Staterooms                    400      50      
                Cargo                         100        
SUM                                          1000     150       0      0    0
Drone Bay       1.8 dT docking space 500     1000     200      
                1.8 dT Drones        500             2500      
SUM                                          1000    2700       0      0    0
Torpedoes       Large Bay              1      350     188      50      5    4
                Medium Bay             4      280     150      40      4    8
                Small Bay              0          
                Barbette              44      154     220      88     44   44
                Staterooms            28      112      14      
                Torpedoes 98 / att  1176      103     706      
SUM                                           999    1277     178     53   56
Flag Bridge     Command Bridge         1       80     100      
                Briefing Room         30      120      15      
                Staterooms           100      400      50      
                Common Areas         50%      200      20      
                Boat Bay                      200      40  
SUM                                          1000     225      
Barracks Bay    Barracks             350      700      35      
                Staterooms            12       48       6      
                Armoury               75       75      19      
                Briefing Room          5       20       3      
                Medical Bay            4       16       8       4    
                Traning Facility      40       80      16      40    
                Brig                   6       24       2      
                Cargo                          37        
SUM                                  374     1000      87,75   44      0    0
Extended Ops  Collapsible Fuel Tank 1000       10       1      
              Cargo                           990        
SUM                                          1000       0,5     0      0    0
Crew                 1650  
  Command             150  
  Bridge               94  
      Pilot                   3
      Astrogator              1
      Sensor & EW            90
  Engineer            907  
      Engineer              706
      Maintenance           200
  Service             113  
      Admin                 100
      Medic                  12,39166667
      Steward                 0
  Gunner              376  
  Flight               10  
  Troops                0
Blatant copy of Chas' concept to compare weapons.
Chas said:
Yep. That's one thing that's not changed through the editions. System only defences are brutal. Something like taking the home world of those pesky upstart humans of Terra must have been a blood bath of epic proportions.
"And the sky was full of stars...and every star was an exploding ship"

I just have this image of swarms, and I mean SWARMSs of SDBs screaming up out of atmo loaded for bear with nukes and every nasty weapon they can cram into the hull.
Now this was my original High Guard favourite build and what I came back to Mongoose 1st edition to do. I have written chunks of fluff to go with this and could do a bunch more now with a storyline sketched out in my mind.

It is with reluctant acceptance I have to admit this hasn't turned out as well in this edition as it did in previous. Here and now I'd have to say it would only be an experimental build for specific mission use only, secret long range intrusion etc.

When I first approached this it was labeled Frontier Cruiser as a replacement for the Ashanti, where the FC was a deliberate misnomer for what was in fact a secret Fast Cruiser: an interceptor, a long range intruder useful in a bunch of tactical situations.

So the Jump 6 3+3 cruiser.

I would say you have done rather well, you have ~11500 dT payload on a 100 kT J-6 cruiser.

Thats around 30% of the payload of the 2+2 cruiser. So you pay three times as much for the same firepower but you also get three times as much hull. Not bad for J-6 vs J-4.
So I wanted to find a standard use for a breakaway hull. And as mentioned I figured the idea of having the hull split into a jump drives and fuel portion to go down into a gas giant's gravity well to skim and process fuel, while the weaponry stayed in a high guard station might be a conventional use of this. Where a ship that might regularly have to enter potentially hostile or unknown territory might judge the 2% weight and cost worthwhile.

So I've done the following design as a Frontier Cruiser, a state of the art replacement for the Ashanti. Here I have a 100,000 ton hull which splits on a 40/60 ratio which I'm call the front and rear ends. As a whole the system is J5. The rear the bigger part being the majority of the drives and fuel, but I've kept Jump 4 drives onboard the front part along with a bit over J2 fuel. Attached to both portions is 8000 ton drop tanks.

Which makes for a series of interesting options. The drop tanks can be used to refuel the front end while it is in high guard station as tugs ferry the drop tank between the parts. The front end can go on an independent jump mission, or worst case jump out itself if surprised and totally over matched while the fuel section is down in the gravity well. I've kept the drop tanks for the total build at an overall 4+1 configuration, much safer than the admittedly risky 2+2 or worse 3+3 build above... one that is more likely to pass muster with approval boards and keeps the vessel viable at all times. I'd imagine the use case for the front end would often have its drop tank left behind in the same system as the rear as it does another local smaller jump with the tank being refilled while away and having J2 to return with. This ship also has the option to have the entire ship do a jump 4, and then the front end immediately, with no further refueling need, can do another Jump 2 with the front only.

No great firepower, but then anything that was going to be Jump 5 for a frontier cruiser design was never going to be.



Interesting is the necessary double computer costs and sensors et al here... but this is also built in redundancy to a point.
Nice illustration.

Chas said:
Interesting is the necessary double computer costs and sensors et al here... but this is also built in redundancy to a point.
Especially a frontier cruiser should have backups for cheap components. For such a big ship computers and sensors are insignificant costs.

(You only have 1% in each hull for a total of 1% of total hull for breakaway connectors, it should be 2%. Negligible change.)

(Your laser turrets appear to be 2 dT each, should be 1 dT. Negligible change.)