A ship enters hyperspace via a JumpGate. It locks onto the signel of the gate and the signl of the gate it is going to.
In that case, how does a ship that makes its own jump point lock on to its end of hyperspace if theres no local jumpgate?
A ship follows the known hyperspace routes, and its course takes it through another system before it reaches its destination (Lets say, Earth -> Planet X -> B5 ), does it have to come through the jumpgate at Planet X or can then shift the lock on to the destination system and make the entire ride in hyperspace?
A ship enters hyperspace via a JumpGate. It locks onto the signel of the gate and the signl of the gate it is going to.
In that case, how does a ship that makes its own jump point lock on to its end of hyperspace if theres no local jumpgate?
A ship follows the known hyperspace routes, and its course takes it through another system before it reaches its destination (Lets say, Earth -> Planet X -> B5 ), does it have to come through the jumpgate at Planet X or can then shift the lock on to the destination system and make the entire ride in hyperspace?