Conan - The RPG - Atlantean Edition?


excuse my ignorance but, What does the Atlantean Edition mean?
If you read the ad, right below te preorder button it says:
Note: This is the updated Atlantean Edition, with combined errata.
Thus, it is the second printing of the rules for which we've been waiting.
Grrr... :evil:

I saw "Atlantean Edition" and immediately saw visions of Kull and Atlantis and Valusia, with adventurers going up against the Giant-Kings and Serpent-Men.

Shoulda just called it the "Second Printing" guys...
Oh, come on! They're just having a wee bit o' fun. That's all.

I, for one, appreciate the inside joke :lol:
So when will the Sons of Cimmeria be able to pre-order their discounted copies of the 2nd printing?
Is the character sheet going to be fixed to include things like corruption ratings, magic attacks, power points, max power poins, reputation and the missing combat maneuvers and fixing the current errors on the combat maneuvers?

That would be great. If you want I will send you a character sheet with our fixes in place on it. I just penned them into place, but it would do you guys a world of good when rewriting the .pdf for the sheet.
Qjedi said:
Is the character sheet going to be fixed to include things like corruption ratings, magic attacks, power points, max power poins, reputation and the missing combat maneuvers and fixing the current errors on the combat maneuvers?

That would be great. If you want I will send you a character sheet with our fixes in place on it. I just penned them into place, but it would do you guys a world of good when rewriting the .pdf for the sheet.

Check out the Conan character sheet available at this site. :)
juanjose said:
excuse my ignorance but, What does the Atlantean Edition mean?

The joke, for those who don't get it, is a reference to the film Conan the Barbarian, where Conan's second (and supposedly more powerful) sword is found in an Atlantean tomb. The two major swords he uses in the film are referred to as the Father's Sword and the Atlantean Sword.
Jason Durall said:
Check out the Conan character sheet available at this site. :)

Yes, Ema did a wonderful job with that, as with all of the rest of her sheets.

I've done character sheets for a few games, and it's not easy work.

I've not tried my hand at that yet, but I'm sure it's quite involved. :) Layout work is never easy. :)

I use his sheets exclusively if there's one available for the system I'm playing.
Jason Durall said:
Fyrestryke said:
I use his sheets exclusively if there's one available for the system I'm playing.

Ack! My bad. I've seen others refer to Ema as female - mostly from

Ah, don't worry about it. I thought he was a she for the longest time. I realized my mistake when I actually read his "About me" section on the site instead of just downloading character sheets. :lol:
Thanks fyrestryke, I do like Ema's sheets (I had d/led them before, but now we have UPGRADES!), but my problem is that they are ink intensive with the way he uses the background coloring and images. They are very VERY well laid out, but all I want is a sheet with no background coloring and more room for spells.
I know Ema isn't getting paid for it and I do like his sheets, I just don't want to waste the ink needed for the graphics on four pages to play a scholar. At least they are relatively error free and well edited :)

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