I originally intended to, at request of my players, run a game set in Hyboria - but a fantasy version of Hyboria's history. I didn't work on the idea an awful lot - doing other things, and over time actually convinced my players of a different theme, still using the Conan rules, but not the setting.
Here's a little write-up covering the generalities, some small rule changes, etc. I'll be using a modified version of this as a hand-out to the players. One of the players also is a GM and will, hopefully, be running his own campaign with this setting - so I can get in on the fun. Anyway, here's a write-up, thought some of you guys may be interested. . .
Setting: I decided to go with a fantasy Earth. The RP will take place in Italy, around the early-to-mid 12th century. The available races will be Italian, Greek (Byzantine), Islamic (Syrian/Egyptian), Sicilo- or Anglo-Norman (Elves), Westerners (German, French, English), Northerners (Russians, Polish).
Backstory: This is a sort of Alternate-Earth, so I've played around with some facts. For instance, the Catholic Church, while being the most prevalent religion alongside Islam, does not have significant political power. It has only just begun preaching a Crusade (so, about 50-60 years later than in real history) and isn't getting much of a response. Italy is, as usual, a confederation of independant city-states ruled over by a nominal king - who is also emperor of the German (Holy Roman) Empire. The difference being that Italy has maintained a good portion of its land as purely Italy, rather than as 'part' of the Empire. The Normans managed most of their usual conquests, but only held Normandy for a short time. However, their conquest of England is still lasting, as well as their conquests of parts of Italy. The twist is that the Normans in this world are Elves - having swept down from the forest-lands of Scandinavia. The largest difference between a Man and an Elf being minor physical attributes and lifespan (the latter having a lifespan that is almost three times longer). The mountains of Northern Italy are home to reclusive, black-skinned Dwarves with a penchant for hunting men who get too near.
The Dwarves suffered a sound defeat at the hands of the (now) Sicilo-Normans as they broke into Italy from the ruins of Normandy. Having become a relative power in Sicily, the Elves established treaties with the Dwarves, allowing passage for any caravan, military or merchant, flying Sicilian colours. The lack of a crusade means that Muslims are not presenting much influence in Western Europe. However, the Venetians are certainly feeling their influence, as the Venetians are competing with the Syrians as a merchant and military sea-power. Likewise, Byzantium is attempting to maintain control over territories that the Syrians want - which has led some Genoese (Italian) crossbowmen to sell themselves as mercenaries to the Byzantine emperor. Finally, all other Europeans can be found in and around Italy for varying reasons - the most common being Germans. There is also a fair amount of native Britains (such as Welsh and established Saxon families) in Italy as servants to the conquering Normans.
Role of the Players: As yet I'm unsure exactly how things will start. It's likely, however, to remain in Italy for awhile. The plan is to eventually have the players serve as mercenaries in Byzantium against the Saracens, or perhaps even against the Byzantines, if the players should choose to convert to Islam. Either way, I want to eventually make them fight a dragon, which means they have to go to Syria.
1.) Removed Prohibited Classes. Classes now simply need to be justified by character history. If it makes sense, the desired class is available at level 1.
2.) Racial Stats:
--Dwarf = Cimmerian
--Italian = Zingaran
--Elf = Vendhyan (Change - Weapon Familiarity: Tulwar becomes Weapon Familiarity: War Sword [as per Nordheimer])
--Greek = Meadow Shemite (Change - Weapon Familiarity: Syrian Bow [Shemite bow])
--Northerner = Nordheimer (Change - Weapon Familiarity: War Sword becomes Weapon Familiarity: Sabre)
--Westerner = Hyborian (Change - Weapon Familiarity: Greatsword removed, replace with +1 bonus to attack rolls when charging with a lance)
--Islamic = Hyrkanian (Change - Weapon Familiarity: Tulwar becomes Sabre, Weapon Familiarity: Hyrkanian Bow becomes Syrian Bow, +2 Diplomacy [etc] bonus applies in Syria and Egypt)
3.) Favoured Classs:
--Dwarf = Barbarian or Borderer
--Italian = Soldier or Pirate
--Elf = Soldier or Noble
--Greek = Scholar or Thief
--Northerner = Nomad or Borderer
--Westerner = Soldier
--Islamic = Pirate or Nomad
1.) Noble Region Feature Changes: Vendhya replaces attack bonus with scimitar to bonus with arming sword; Shem changes to Syrian bow and broadsword bonus; Northerner added - same features as Hyboria; Hyrkania loses tulwar bonus, Hyrkanian bow replaced with Syrian bow.
2.) Scholar loses all access to Lay Priest background. While some priests may secretly be spellcasters, Christianity, Judaism and Islam deem spellcraft as evil and do not teach it to their priesthood.
3.) Multi-class options available from Hyboria's Finest. Subject to same restrictions as normal classes - gotta make sense. (Will assuredly add other books to this list as I get them.)
1.) Relationship between Broadsword and Arming Sword modified. Arming sword is more expensive (160 sp, broadsword falling to 115 sp). In real history swords capable of both effective cuts and thrusts replaced earlier designs which were more suited only to the cut, but had more weight to their cut. Broadswords remain fairly popular, especially among horsemen who have little need for a good thrust - but arming swords are gaining ground there as well, and are overall more useful in combat, having more options for attack.
2.) Removed Weapons: Yuetshi knife, Stiletto, Ghanata knife, Zhaibar knife, Heavy Lance, Cutlass, Pike, Pollaxe, Whip (not a weapon!), Greatsword, Tulwar, Bossonian Longbow, Hyrkanian Bow
3.) Name Changes: Arbalest becomes Windlass Crossbow, Shemite Bow becomes Syrian Bow
4.) Akbitanan weapons reduced in power. +1 attack rolls, +1 AP, 1.5 times usual Hardness and 1.5 times Hit Points. Renamed, can be either Damascus or Superior Steel.
1.) Leather Jerkin and Quilted Jerkin switched around. Padded material garments were far more protective than leather.
2.) Quilted Jerkin renamed Gambeson. Brigandine Coat renamed Coat-of-Plates.
3.) Breastplate renamed Leather Breastplate. DR lowered to 5. Cost reduced by half.
4.) Removed: Plate Armour and Visored Helm
5.) Armour added: Legs are a vulnerable target. Mail chausses and/or greaves can be worn, providing the same benefit and drawbacks as a steel cap, and stacking with the bonuses and penalties provided by both helms and body armour.
6.) Armour houserule. If armour reduces damage taken to 0 (there is no "minimum of 1" rule in play), character has 50% chance of taking 1 point of nonlethal damage.
7.) Inferior Armour: Iron deposits are not all created equal. Armour made from poorer iron (such as that generally found in Syria) provides 1 less point of DR than normal, but does not cost less. An Appraise check (DC 15) is usually sufficient to tell that the armour is not made of the finest materials. A Profession: Soldier check can replace the Appraise check if the soldier has worn the armour to be appraised in battle at least once.
8.) Superior Armour: Just as armour can be less in quality, it can be greater. Superior armour grants 1 point more DR than normal and has its ACP reduced by 1.
1.) Shields function somewhat differently. Early style shields (such as the Norman 'kite' shield) were largely not designed for active defense. As shields got smaller, they became more capable of being manipulated easily, but also lost their ability to protect simply by being worn. To this end, Large Shields, which can be represented by large kite shields and the oval Byzantine shields of similar size, provide a +3 bonus to your -base- Defense when worn (unless you are prone), as well as a +2 bonus to Parry Defense.
2.) Targe renamed to Small Shield, representing the various circular shields, as well as the heater shields that were just starting to show up. Provide a +1 bonus to base Defense and a +3 bonus to Parry Defense.
3.) Buckler reduced to 0 AP. Bucklers were small, hand-held metal shields and their sometimes cone-like shape or protrusions did nothing to aid in damaging armour. Provide no bonus to base defense, but a +4 bonus to Parry Defense, and have an Armour Check Penalty of 0. Hit points increased to 6.
4.) As an addendum to this rule change, shields function differently against ranged fire now as well. Bucklers only provide a +1 bonus to your Dodge Defense against ranged weapons, small shields providing a +3, and large shields provide a +4.
1.) Non-human baddies from Bestiary in use: Sons of Set (referred to as simply Giant Snakes or Satan's Snakes, found in Egypt), Giant Spider (found in Russia, Poland, and parts of Germany), all Demons, Ghoul (found anywhere), Risen Dead (found anywhere), Yemli (found in Russia), Giant Crocodile (found in Egypt), Crawler of Xuchotl (renamed Deep Dragon, found in the Alps, harassing Dwarves), Dragon (found in Syria), Forest-devil (found in England)
The three major religions are represented. Christians predominate Europe, broken into Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic. Catholicism is the choice religion of most of Europe, with only Byzantium and parts of Poland and Russia really embracing Eastern Orthodox. Islam is the religion, obviously, of the Muslims of Syria and Egypt, as well as the Moors of Spain. Jews are found in most areas of Eastern Europe, and in some areas of Western Europe and even Syria and Egypt.
The primary organization operating in the area is the Hospitallers, or the Order of Saint John, which is made up largely of French and some Greek knights. While the Crusades haven't happened, this order still managed to come to be, via a Papal Mandate to protect the road to the Holy Land for Christian pilgrims. There are also numerous other active military groups in the area, including many mercenary companies, such as the Genoese crossbowmen, and Venetian captains with their own vessels and crews. There are even Turcopols, horse-archers from Syria who serve as mercenaries for Byzantium, some even converting to Christianity.
1.) Manuel I Comnenus is the Emperor of Byzantium. He's scheming, and kind of a bastard.
2.) Pope Eugene III is the current Pope, and may possibly be a spellcaster in secret.
3.) European Kings include Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany, the latter of which has close ties to Pope Eugene III.
4.) Zengi, atabeg of Mosul, has recently betrayed Mahmud II, making himself Sultan of Syria, and now has plans to take Damascus, which is still held independantly by Taj al-Mulk Buri.
Extra Rules:
Various stuff from all the Conan books I have will show up. Diseases from Aquilonia, sorcery rules from Skelos, feats from everywhere, etc. I just didn't list these things as there are are so many of them to note. I've also excluded animals in the Bestiary list - various things from elephants to tigers or what-have-you will show up wherever appropriate, as can be assumed.
Here's a little write-up covering the generalities, some small rule changes, etc. I'll be using a modified version of this as a hand-out to the players. One of the players also is a GM and will, hopefully, be running his own campaign with this setting - so I can get in on the fun. Anyway, here's a write-up, thought some of you guys may be interested. . .
Setting: I decided to go with a fantasy Earth. The RP will take place in Italy, around the early-to-mid 12th century. The available races will be Italian, Greek (Byzantine), Islamic (Syrian/Egyptian), Sicilo- or Anglo-Norman (Elves), Westerners (German, French, English), Northerners (Russians, Polish).
Backstory: This is a sort of Alternate-Earth, so I've played around with some facts. For instance, the Catholic Church, while being the most prevalent religion alongside Islam, does not have significant political power. It has only just begun preaching a Crusade (so, about 50-60 years later than in real history) and isn't getting much of a response. Italy is, as usual, a confederation of independant city-states ruled over by a nominal king - who is also emperor of the German (Holy Roman) Empire. The difference being that Italy has maintained a good portion of its land as purely Italy, rather than as 'part' of the Empire. The Normans managed most of their usual conquests, but only held Normandy for a short time. However, their conquest of England is still lasting, as well as their conquests of parts of Italy. The twist is that the Normans in this world are Elves - having swept down from the forest-lands of Scandinavia. The largest difference between a Man and an Elf being minor physical attributes and lifespan (the latter having a lifespan that is almost three times longer). The mountains of Northern Italy are home to reclusive, black-skinned Dwarves with a penchant for hunting men who get too near.
The Dwarves suffered a sound defeat at the hands of the (now) Sicilo-Normans as they broke into Italy from the ruins of Normandy. Having become a relative power in Sicily, the Elves established treaties with the Dwarves, allowing passage for any caravan, military or merchant, flying Sicilian colours. The lack of a crusade means that Muslims are not presenting much influence in Western Europe. However, the Venetians are certainly feeling their influence, as the Venetians are competing with the Syrians as a merchant and military sea-power. Likewise, Byzantium is attempting to maintain control over territories that the Syrians want - which has led some Genoese (Italian) crossbowmen to sell themselves as mercenaries to the Byzantine emperor. Finally, all other Europeans can be found in and around Italy for varying reasons - the most common being Germans. There is also a fair amount of native Britains (such as Welsh and established Saxon families) in Italy as servants to the conquering Normans.
Role of the Players: As yet I'm unsure exactly how things will start. It's likely, however, to remain in Italy for awhile. The plan is to eventually have the players serve as mercenaries in Byzantium against the Saracens, or perhaps even against the Byzantines, if the players should choose to convert to Islam. Either way, I want to eventually make them fight a dragon, which means they have to go to Syria.
1.) Removed Prohibited Classes. Classes now simply need to be justified by character history. If it makes sense, the desired class is available at level 1.
2.) Racial Stats:
--Dwarf = Cimmerian
--Italian = Zingaran
--Elf = Vendhyan (Change - Weapon Familiarity: Tulwar becomes Weapon Familiarity: War Sword [as per Nordheimer])
--Greek = Meadow Shemite (Change - Weapon Familiarity: Syrian Bow [Shemite bow])
--Northerner = Nordheimer (Change - Weapon Familiarity: War Sword becomes Weapon Familiarity: Sabre)
--Westerner = Hyborian (Change - Weapon Familiarity: Greatsword removed, replace with +1 bonus to attack rolls when charging with a lance)
--Islamic = Hyrkanian (Change - Weapon Familiarity: Tulwar becomes Sabre, Weapon Familiarity: Hyrkanian Bow becomes Syrian Bow, +2 Diplomacy [etc] bonus applies in Syria and Egypt)
3.) Favoured Classs:
--Dwarf = Barbarian or Borderer
--Italian = Soldier or Pirate
--Elf = Soldier or Noble
--Greek = Scholar or Thief
--Northerner = Nomad or Borderer
--Westerner = Soldier
--Islamic = Pirate or Nomad
1.) Noble Region Feature Changes: Vendhya replaces attack bonus with scimitar to bonus with arming sword; Shem changes to Syrian bow and broadsword bonus; Northerner added - same features as Hyboria; Hyrkania loses tulwar bonus, Hyrkanian bow replaced with Syrian bow.
2.) Scholar loses all access to Lay Priest background. While some priests may secretly be spellcasters, Christianity, Judaism and Islam deem spellcraft as evil and do not teach it to their priesthood.
3.) Multi-class options available from Hyboria's Finest. Subject to same restrictions as normal classes - gotta make sense. (Will assuredly add other books to this list as I get them.)
1.) Relationship between Broadsword and Arming Sword modified. Arming sword is more expensive (160 sp, broadsword falling to 115 sp). In real history swords capable of both effective cuts and thrusts replaced earlier designs which were more suited only to the cut, but had more weight to their cut. Broadswords remain fairly popular, especially among horsemen who have little need for a good thrust - but arming swords are gaining ground there as well, and are overall more useful in combat, having more options for attack.
2.) Removed Weapons: Yuetshi knife, Stiletto, Ghanata knife, Zhaibar knife, Heavy Lance, Cutlass, Pike, Pollaxe, Whip (not a weapon!), Greatsword, Tulwar, Bossonian Longbow, Hyrkanian Bow
3.) Name Changes: Arbalest becomes Windlass Crossbow, Shemite Bow becomes Syrian Bow
4.) Akbitanan weapons reduced in power. +1 attack rolls, +1 AP, 1.5 times usual Hardness and 1.5 times Hit Points. Renamed, can be either Damascus or Superior Steel.
1.) Leather Jerkin and Quilted Jerkin switched around. Padded material garments were far more protective than leather.
2.) Quilted Jerkin renamed Gambeson. Brigandine Coat renamed Coat-of-Plates.
3.) Breastplate renamed Leather Breastplate. DR lowered to 5. Cost reduced by half.
4.) Removed: Plate Armour and Visored Helm
5.) Armour added: Legs are a vulnerable target. Mail chausses and/or greaves can be worn, providing the same benefit and drawbacks as a steel cap, and stacking with the bonuses and penalties provided by both helms and body armour.
6.) Armour houserule. If armour reduces damage taken to 0 (there is no "minimum of 1" rule in play), character has 50% chance of taking 1 point of nonlethal damage.
7.) Inferior Armour: Iron deposits are not all created equal. Armour made from poorer iron (such as that generally found in Syria) provides 1 less point of DR than normal, but does not cost less. An Appraise check (DC 15) is usually sufficient to tell that the armour is not made of the finest materials. A Profession: Soldier check can replace the Appraise check if the soldier has worn the armour to be appraised in battle at least once.
8.) Superior Armour: Just as armour can be less in quality, it can be greater. Superior armour grants 1 point more DR than normal and has its ACP reduced by 1.
1.) Shields function somewhat differently. Early style shields (such as the Norman 'kite' shield) were largely not designed for active defense. As shields got smaller, they became more capable of being manipulated easily, but also lost their ability to protect simply by being worn. To this end, Large Shields, which can be represented by large kite shields and the oval Byzantine shields of similar size, provide a +3 bonus to your -base- Defense when worn (unless you are prone), as well as a +2 bonus to Parry Defense.
2.) Targe renamed to Small Shield, representing the various circular shields, as well as the heater shields that were just starting to show up. Provide a +1 bonus to base Defense and a +3 bonus to Parry Defense.
3.) Buckler reduced to 0 AP. Bucklers were small, hand-held metal shields and their sometimes cone-like shape or protrusions did nothing to aid in damaging armour. Provide no bonus to base defense, but a +4 bonus to Parry Defense, and have an Armour Check Penalty of 0. Hit points increased to 6.
4.) As an addendum to this rule change, shields function differently against ranged fire now as well. Bucklers only provide a +1 bonus to your Dodge Defense against ranged weapons, small shields providing a +3, and large shields provide a +4.
1.) Non-human baddies from Bestiary in use: Sons of Set (referred to as simply Giant Snakes or Satan's Snakes, found in Egypt), Giant Spider (found in Russia, Poland, and parts of Germany), all Demons, Ghoul (found anywhere), Risen Dead (found anywhere), Yemli (found in Russia), Giant Crocodile (found in Egypt), Crawler of Xuchotl (renamed Deep Dragon, found in the Alps, harassing Dwarves), Dragon (found in Syria), Forest-devil (found in England)
The three major religions are represented. Christians predominate Europe, broken into Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic. Catholicism is the choice religion of most of Europe, with only Byzantium and parts of Poland and Russia really embracing Eastern Orthodox. Islam is the religion, obviously, of the Muslims of Syria and Egypt, as well as the Moors of Spain. Jews are found in most areas of Eastern Europe, and in some areas of Western Europe and even Syria and Egypt.
The primary organization operating in the area is the Hospitallers, or the Order of Saint John, which is made up largely of French and some Greek knights. While the Crusades haven't happened, this order still managed to come to be, via a Papal Mandate to protect the road to the Holy Land for Christian pilgrims. There are also numerous other active military groups in the area, including many mercenary companies, such as the Genoese crossbowmen, and Venetian captains with their own vessels and crews. There are even Turcopols, horse-archers from Syria who serve as mercenaries for Byzantium, some even converting to Christianity.
1.) Manuel I Comnenus is the Emperor of Byzantium. He's scheming, and kind of a bastard.
2.) Pope Eugene III is the current Pope, and may possibly be a spellcaster in secret.
3.) European Kings include Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany, the latter of which has close ties to Pope Eugene III.
4.) Zengi, atabeg of Mosul, has recently betrayed Mahmud II, making himself Sultan of Syria, and now has plans to take Damascus, which is still held independantly by Taj al-Mulk Buri.
Extra Rules:
Various stuff from all the Conan books I have will show up. Diseases from Aquilonia, sorcery rules from Skelos, feats from everywhere, etc. I just didn't list these things as there are are so many of them to note. I've also excluded animals in the Bestiary list - various things from elephants to tigers or what-have-you will show up wherever appropriate, as can be assumed.