Arkobla Conn said:
Let me tell you - I'm a huge LOTR fan
and a huge RPG fan
And I thought the books were gorgeous....
But tell me it's a d6 base game....and I won't even read it.
Like it or not, d20 is the way to go. It's easy - most players understand the mechanics and you can easily inject flavor and special rules. Decipher goofed big guess is, they took a bath on the fact that the masses don't want a different system...they wanted a different (familiar) world.
I can't change your mind, but believe me when I say that the Decipher LotR RPG was quite good at evoking the Middle-earth feeling, and the mechanics were not even remotely the problem. Our group played a 30-session campaign using Decipher's rules set - and it was the best campaign any of us had been in, and the best the GM ran. The rules did wonderful service in supporting the epic level of heroism and high danger the campaign called for.
Sales on the line were good, and any other company would have been ecstatic to have them. However, Decipher, a card company, thought that the profit margins on the books were not enough to justify their expense. They didn't do any promotion on the line - virtually nothing aside from basic distribution information - and it still sold very well.
If anything, the masses were fine with the rules system (as in need of fixing as they were), but there was very little effort made by Decipher to promote the LotR (and Trek) games, due to (what I am told) was a high-level management contempt for RPGs in general.
No, it doesn't make any sense, but that's what I've heard firsthand from at least two folks who worked with the studio, and it certainly supports my own experience playtesting, proofing, and writing for them.
And now, I am off to Gen Con!