Conan Hyborian age Monster Manual

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when will we be getting a monster manual with all the new creatures
from the world of conan like the chak ghost snake gray apes and others
plus a listing of encouners would be pretty neat
Indeed they are.

There are several other creatures I wouldn't mind seeing though. A conversion of D20 Call of Cthulhu Serpent Men, as well as stst for the Snake-like being from The God in the Bowl, to name two.
Alarickk said:
when will we be getting a monster manual with all the new creatures
from the world of conan like the chak and others
plus a listing of encouners would be pretty neat

The Chaken is in The Scrolls of Skelos and a list of encounters is in this month's Signs and Portents #19.
I am not sure a "Conan Monster Manual" would be interesting. Most of the "classic monsters" one can encounter in hyborian campaigns have already been described in the main rulebook or in the first supplements. There would be a risk of "forgotten-realmization" of the world of Conan if Mongoose were to add too many creatures to it.

For now, Mongoose has been adding severeal new creatures in each supplements, linking them either to the setting description or adventures, which is the best thing to do IMO.
I agree with the Hyborian. If you want a new monster, brew your own - then it's guaranteed to surprise the players.

Now an Enemies book, filled with NPCs and a few monsters, that would be interesting.
Conan's worst opponents were always men, monsters were great for pulp fiction, but as it stands there seems to be enough.
Remember serpent men in the original REH as opponents, only mentioned.
I do agree a book on evil/ anti-hero types would be ideal from everything like a Hyporborean Witchman to Kushite Witchfinder, a Darfuri Cannibal Wrrrior Chief, etc...
Anonymous said:
I do agree a book on evil/ anti-hero types would be ideal from everything like a Hyporborean Witchman to Kushite Witchfinder, a Darfuri Cannibal Wrrrior Chief, etc...

Plus their minions! A couple of pages decribing a character, followed by some mooks would be great!
If only human opponents are needed, it is best to provide some templates in each regional books.
Then if all pastiche works are (sometimes rightfully) discarded this monster manual will be very thin and I don't expect it to exceed 64 pages.
Anonymous said:
Remember serpent men in the original REH as opponents, only mentioned.
I do agree a book on evil/ anti-hero types would be ideal from everything like a Hyporborean Witchman to Kushite Witchfinder, a Darfuri Cannibal Wrrrior Chief, etc...

I might be a good idea to take this one step further : since "nameless" opponents are already described in various supplements, a "bestiary" of named adversaries (or allies after all) could be fun. With original sorcerers, original mercenary generals, and so on. A detailed description of those characters, with story hooks and that kind of stuff. A bit like what Malhavoc Press did with the Skreyn's Register series.
I picked up the Pocket Edition, which will have to do for me for now since the local shops have yet to get the Atlantean Edition of the main book. I haven't located any creature stats in it yet, so I assume this is one way it differs from the big book. It's too bad, but I have plenty of D&D/d20 monster books, as well as The Scrolls of Skelos and Road of Kings, so I can make do.
Mongoose, please push this book top the front of the schedule!
Ok yeah like your going to listen to me.