Combat Example for Download


Hey, in order to introduce my players to some of the new issues and tactics in CONAN, I put together this 4-page combat example of a fight between two 1st-level PCs. One is a Cimmerian Barbarian, the other a Hyborian Soldier. I got the idea from a combat example posted on the forums and borrowed the general trend of the battle from that, although I started from scratch when writing the characters and the battle.

Anyway, I would appreciate feedback on it. Especially if you find mistakes I may have made.

CONAN Combat Example with 1st Level Characters (PDF)
Feedback: Conor's mighty blow should have done more damage. His strength bonus is 6 for a two-handed attack, and he has scored a critical. Therefore, Conor does 10 + 10 (for the crit) + 12 (Str x 1.5 for two-handed = 6, doubled for a critical) – 3 DR = 29 points of damage.

Also, there's nothing preventing Hadrathus from using his shield as an offhand weapon, as long as he's willing to accept the penalty for not using a light offhand weapon, and also not have the shield bonus to DV. He did the right thing in this combat example, but you present it as though he has no other choice.

Lastly, somewhere on the message boards we were told that a failed massive damage Fort save will drop you to -10 HP, not -1. In either case, you can spend a Fate Point to be left for dead, but it's worth clarifying.
InsomNY said:
Feedback: Conor's mighty blow should have done more damage. His strength bonus is 6 for a two-handed attack, and he has scored a critical. Therefore, Conor does 10 + 10 (for the crit) + 12 (Str x 1.5 for two-handed = 6, doubled for a critical) – 3 DR = 29 points of damage.

The wording of the rule is the same as in D&D, that is that only the damage caused by the weapon is rolled twice AND THEN extra damage is added. I don't think you are meant to double strength damage in the event of a critical.

Also, there's nothing preventing Hadrathus from using his shield as an offhand weapon, as long as he's willing to accept the penalty for not using a light offhand weapon, and also not have the shield bonus to DV. He did the right thing in this combat example, but you present it as though he has no other choice.

I knew that, but you are right, I should include that here, so my players are aware of it. Good point! You'll notice I did, at least, remember to include the stats for using the Buckler as a weapon. :)

Lastly, somewhere on the message boards we were told that a failed massive damage Fort save will drop you to -10 HP, not -1. In either case, you can spend a Fate Point to be left for dead, but it's worth clarifying.

Thanks! I kinda remember seeing that...
Yuan-Ti said:
InsomNY said:
Feedback: Conor's mighty blow should have done more damage. His strength bonus is 6 for a two-handed attack, and he has scored a critical. Therefore, Conor does 10 + 10 (for the crit) + 12 (Str x 1.5 for two-handed = 6, doubled for a critical) ? 3 DR = 29 points of damage.

The wording of the rule is the same as in D&D, that is that only the damage caused by the weapon is rolled twice AND THEN extra damage is added. I don't think you are meant to double strength damage in the event of a critical.

In D&D, strength bonuses are doubled (or tripled, quadrupled...) in a critical. Only bonus dice aren't doubled. According to the Conan RPG, nothing other than the base weapon damage it doubled.

This may be deliberate to keep armour useful, or it may be a mistake (there certainly are enough other mistakes). The armor rules do make weapons with improved critical threats more valuable.
Yuan-Ti said:
The wording of the rule is the same as in D&D, that is that only the damage caused by the weapon is rolled twice AND THEN extra damage is added. I don't think you are meant to double strength damage in the event of a critical...

No, he's right You mutiply all of your normal damage ie: the damge done by the weapon and the damge done by your strength as well as any normal enhancements to the weapon if its magical. What you don't multiply are extra damage dice caused by sneak attack, bursting weapons, good , evil, or holy weapons and the like. This is covered under Damage on page 159 of the Conan Rule book.
I stand corrected on the strength doubling for a crit! I really don't know why I thought we were doing it that way in other d20 games...
Nice Job, This will be useful, perhaps I can give it out to my group. I just re -read the Gladiator rules and they would make for a nice addition as well.
tagnetti said:
Nice Job, This will be useful, perhaps I can give it out to my group. I just re -read the Gladiator rules and they would make for a nice addition as well.

I ran my first combat today. I had the players make characters for the campaign, and then just to give them the feel for the game, I had 4 Nordheimers with Axes and Scale + Great Helm (DR 7) attack them. The combat example helped, but there was nothing like actual battle for them to get the idea. One of my players, at the end, was saying -- "So let me get this straight. If my finesse attack roll is better than his DV + DR, then I *IGNORE* his DR? Wait, maybe I want a DEX-based character instead..." :D