Collected thoughts from Agis over past couple of years - enj


Thought this might be sufeul to WaW players (Sticky?). Its my collecetd thoughts from Agis on Waw over past few years.

From Agis...

Some ideas I was discussing with Matt during writing of WaW but that were eventually discarded.

The following rules will give elite forces a decent “bump” - however – and I really have to stress this point – IMO Elites are good enough as they are!

These rules are totally unofficial, they were discarded with good reason after all!

New or changed rules:
P. 10 - Unit Leaders and Command Distance
Better trained troops did not need such a short leash and can act more independently.
Every unit in the game has a unit leader, as listed on its unit description in the army list. If a unit consists of only one model, then that model is assumed to be the unit leader. All models in the unit must end every action within Command Distance of their unit leader.
The Command Distance is 4” plus the initiative modifier of the army in inches (see below).

Army Initiative Modifier
British Army Infantry +2
British Army Carrier Platoon Force (all Infantry units are fielded with UC transports) +3
British Paratrooper +4
British Commando +5
German Grenadier +2
German Panzergrenadier (all Infantry units fielded with transports) +3
Fallschirmjäger +4
Waffen SS +5
Soviet Army Infantry +1
Soviet Motor Rifle (all Infantry units are fielded with transports) +2
Soviet Tank Desant +2
US Army Infantry +2
US Army Armoured Infantry +3
US Paratrooper +4

Example: Every unit in an US Infantry army (initiative modifier 2) has a Command Distance of (4+2) 6”.
Every unit in an US Paratrooper army (initiative modifier 4) has a Command Distance of (4+ 4) 8”.

For the rest of the text of the World at War rulebook use the above mentioned way to determine the Command Distance instead the fixed 6” distance.

Design Note: When using the variable Command Distances make sure to also use the Double Suppression Trait for MG's! Otherwise it is too easy for many forces to spread out so far that it is almost impossible to suppress any unit.

P. 13 - The Game Turn
Each game turn is split into two phases to make the process of combat more orderly (aka playable). Players will run through each phase together and, when each turn is complete, every unit on each player’s side will have had a chance to act and affect the outcome of the battle.

The two phases are – Initiative Phase and Activation Phase.

When the Activation Phase has been completed, the game turn ends and the next one begin with the Initiative Phase. This continues until the battle is complete and a victor is declared!

Initiative Phase
Beware - the following alternating activation method changes the way of playing Bf:Evo considerable! It requires some book keeping and is best suited for smaller battles!

The Initiative Phase is used to resolve any actions that do not require players to make any choices and to decide who will have the initiative for the turn – in other words, who has gained a position of tactical advantage.
At the start of each game turn, both players roll for initiative using 2D6 adding the initiative modifier of the army (see Army Lists). Any ties are re-rolled. This is called the Initiative roll. The Initiative roll is also used in some scenarios.
If the Command unit of an army was suppressed last turn, it will suffer a –1 penalty to its initiative roll if the Command unit has lost one action in the previous game turn and a -2 penalty if the Command unit has lost two actions in the previous game turn.
The initiative roll also suffers a -2 penalty if the Command unit is destroyed or none was chosen.

Activation Phase
The player who wins the Initiative Phase by rolling higher than his opponent will decide whether to activate a unit first or force his opponent to do so. Players then alternate activating their units. First, a player nominates one of his units and activates it, and then his opponent nominates one of his own and activates that. This continues until all units has been activated. Note that a particularly large army may still have units to activate after its opponents units have finished acting. In this case, the remaining units are just activated in any order the controlling player wishes. After all units from both sides have been activated the game turn is over.

P. 41-140 - Army Lists
All Command Assets of all armies get the following special rule for free:
Command: As long as the Commanding Officer of the Command unit remains on the table, the player can activate not only one but two friendly units one time per game turn, no matter how many Command units are on the table. Any unit activated in this manner can NOT be activated in the same game turn again.

Example: The Lieutenant of a British Paratrooper Command section is still alive and on the table. His controlling player is about to activate 1 unit. But since another unit is in a perfect position to also open fire he decided to activate both units at once.

P. 145… - Scenarios
Whenever a scenario is asking for both players to roll a dice to decide who starts, make an initiative roll:
Both players make an Initiative roll. The lowest scoring player deploys his army first and takes the first turn.

Double Suppression
This weapon trait applies mostly to Machineguns. A similar morale-devastating effect was also achieved when using flamethrowers.
The Machineguns of World War Two were able to shoot with an enormous rate of fire. The German MG-42's most noted features was its incredible high rate of fire of about 1,200 rounds per minute, twice the rate of the British Vickers machine gun and American Browning at 600 round/min.

Every Damage Dice the weapon with the trait rolls will count as two for the purposes of Suppression only. If every model in the target unit is assigned two or more Damage Dice when this weapon is used, the unit will lose two actions from Suppression, rather than just one.

Example: A US Infantry HMG Support Team is shooting from 30” at a German Grenadier Fire Team (full 5 man) that is in the open (no obscure-ment, no cover). Since the M3 SMG and the Ga-rand rifle are out of range only the M1919A6 is shooting. The US player rolls 4 dice for the set up weapon and comes up with 2, 3, 3 and 5.
All damage dice are allocated since no die came up as a 1. Since every damage dice counts as two for suppression, the German unit is suppressed and loses its next two actions. In addition one Grenadier is removed (5+1 = kill score) and 2 Grenadiers have to roll equal or greater then their Save score to survive.

The following weapons of the Battlefield Evolution: World at War rulebook gain the Double Suppression trait:

British Armoury:
• Bren LMG
• Flamethrower
• Vickers MMG
British Vehicle Armoury
• Browning .50 cal MG
• Heavy Flamethrower
• MG
• Pintle MG
German Armoury
• FG-42 LMG
• Flammenwerfer-41
• MG-42 MMG
• MG-42 LMG
German Vehicle Armoury
• MG
• Pintle MG
Soviet Armoury:
• Flamethrower
• Maxim HMG
Soviet Vehicle Armoury
• MG
• Pintle MG
US Armoury:
• M1918 BAR
• M1919A6
• M2 .50 Cal HMG
• M2-2 Flamethrower
US Vehicle Armoury
• Browning .50 cal MG
• MG
• Pintle MG

If you are not using the alternate activation system I recommedn the basic 6" command radius for the following armies:
British Army Infantry
British Army Carrier Platoon Force (all Infantry units are fielded with UC transports)
German Grenadier
German Panzergrenadier (all Infantry units are fielded with transports)
Soviet Army Infantry
Soviet Motor Rifle (all Infantry units are fielded with transports)
Soviet Tank Desant
US Army Infantry US Army Armoured Infantry

and 9" command radius for the following "elite" forces:

British Paratrooper
British Commando
Waffen SS
US Paratrooper

Hithero –
Agreed, I've mentioned this a few times already. What we now do is to not allow shooting while performing Track/Wheeled movement which is now defined as a fast or evasive manuevre, instead the vehicle gets a Dodge Save bases on their maximum track speed.
up to 6" - 6+
6" - 12" - 5+
over 12" - 4+

This now gives your light tanks and scout cars the possibility of actually using their speed to good effect and not rely on non-existant armour for protection.

With the current rules, light vehicles will almost certainly perish whever it goes to cover, moves quick or even a Tiger moving and shooting - it WILL be blown to pieces. This new idea does allow some evasive manueuvre to avoid the inevitable
Option – only reroll to hit on special moves

PAK 38 50mm L60 anti-tank gun: 48" D10+1, Lethal Zone/1", Piercing/1, Slow

HE Rounds

since the release of WaW HE or the lack of it was discussed countless times. Personally I still think that LZ covers the HE effect well enough for the aspired game effect, but what about the following optional rule I was toying around for a long time:

Any AFV (yes I know some did not...) is presumed to have AT and HE ammunition.

Whenever an AFV targets an infantry unit with its main gun it can decide to use HE rounds.

When a HE round is used triple the LZ and lower any Damage Dice that uses a D10 to D6 and any DD that uses a D6 to D6-2.
Any additional weapon traits are not used.

Example: A German PzKmpf IV Ausf. H is shooting at a dug in Infantry unit
with its 7.5cm L48 anti-tank gun. The commander decides to use a HE round.
Since the 7.5cm L48 anti-tank gun uses a D10 the weapon profile looks now:
7.5cm L48 anti-tank gun 48" D6 LZ/3"

Please bear in mind that this will shift the game balance towards vehicles again. But with the Take Cover rule (unofficially) established I think it worth considering.

Light Mortars for the British and US army lists
Well, I have send an article to Mongoose in May 2008 about small Mortars. IIRC it was never published (for whatever reasons). You can assume the same stats for the German small mortar.
Maybe try it... Four New Units for British and US Forces in Battlefield Evolution: World at War

by Agis Neugebauer

Late War British Army Infantry

The Command Section gets the following additional option:
Option: You may add up to one 2" Mortar Team for +65 points. The Team may be attached to the Command Section or may act independently.

2" Mortar Team Command Attachment – 65 points
This Mortar Team gives the platoon light fire support where most needed.
You may use the following photos of BAM models:

Type Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Corporal 1 4” D6 4+ 6+ 6+ -
Soldier 1 4” D6 4+ 6+ 6+ -

Unit: 1 Corporal (unit leader) with Lee-Enfield rifle, 1 Soldier with 2” Mortar (FaF), 1 Soldier with Lee-Enfield rifle.

Late War British Army Commandos

The Commando Command Section gets the following additional option:
Option: You may add up to one 2" Mortar Team for +100 points. The Team may be attached to the Command Section or may act independently.

Commando 2" Mortar Team Command Attachment – 100 points
This Mortar Team gives the Commando platoon light fire support where most needed.
You may use the following photos of BAM models:

Type Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Corporal 1 4” D6 4+ 6+ 6+ -
Soldier 1 4” D6 4+ 6+ 6+ -

Unit: 1 Corporal (unit leader) with Lee-Enfield rifle, 1 Soldier with 2” Mortar (FaF), 1 Soldier with Lee-Enfield rifle.
Options: The Corporal may swap his Lee-Enfield rifle for a Sten SMG for +0 points.

Extended Late War British Armoury
Weapon Range Damage Traits
2“ Mortar 36” D6 Artillery, Lethal Zone/2”, Ready, Slow

2” Mortar: The "2-inch mortar" was a British mortar issued to British and Commonwealth armies that saw use during the Second World War and later. Its biggest advantage was its better portability compared to larger mortars which needed vehicles to be carried around, but gave greater range and firepower than rifle grenades.

Late War US Infantry and US Armoured Infantry

New Support Asset:

60mm Mortar Company Support Team – 60 points
Laying down successive bombardments, mortar teams forced enemies to redeploy units in order to escape the worst effects of this light artillery.
You may use the following photos of BAM models:

Type Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Corporal 1 4” D6 4+ 6+ 6+ -
Soldier 1 4” D6 4+ 6+ 6+ -

Unit: Corporal (unit leader) with a M3 SMG, Soldier with an 60mm Mortar (FaF), Soldier with a M1 Garand rifle.
Options: Any member of the team may swap their M3 SMG or M1 Garand for a M1 Carbine for +2 points each. An US Armoured Infantry 60mm Mortar Company Support Team may have an M3 halftrack for +80 points or a Jeep for +70 points.

Late War US Paratroopers

New Support Asset:
Paratrooper 60mm Mortar Support Team – 120 points
The light Mortar Team provides the Paratrooper platoon indirect fire support.

Type Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Corporal 1 4” D6 4+ 6+ 6+ -
Soldier 1 4” D6 4+ 6+ 6+ -

Unit: Corporal with a M3 SMG, Soldier with an 60mm Mortar (FaF), 4 Soldiers with M1 Garand rifles.
Options: The whole unit may be parachute deployed. Any member of the team may swap their M3 SMG or M1 Garand for an M1 Carbine for +2 points each.

Extended Late War US Armoury
Weapon Range Damage Traits
60mm Mortar 36” D6 Artillery, Lethal Zone/2”, Ready, Slow

60mm Mortar: The 60mm mortar was lighter as the 81mm mortar but still able to suppress enemy units.

Open transport Vehicles
Up to half of the mounted models (rounding down) may fire from an open transport vehicle at a –1 penalty to their Damage dice if the open transport vehicle takes a Shoot action. If the open transport vehicle is destroyed, every model on board will immediately suffer a D6 Damage Dice.

Example: A German Panzergrenadier squad has mounted a SdKfZ 251/1. The SdKfz 251/1 is a Transport 10 open vehicle, so half of the squad = 5 Panzergrenadiers may shoot.

However, this goes both ways! As soon as a mounted unit shoots from an open transport vehicle in its last action all enemy units may shoot at the mounted unit instead of the vehicle itself. The mounted unit will benefit from the vehicles armour and counts as in cover. The mounted unit receives therefore a +2 bonus to both Target and Kill scores.

Example: The above mentioned German Panzergrenadier squad has shot from their SdKfZ 251/1 in its last action. A US infantry squad wants to shoot at the mounted German unit. Since the German unit is within an open trans-port unit their Target score raises to 6 while their Kill score is 8!

It is only possible to shoot at a mounted unit if the unit shoots as their last action. If a mounted unit shoots as their first action and the vehicle then moves as the second action, it is presumed that the mounted unit is keeping their heads down and a Line of Sight to the mounted unit is n
Whoahh, nice work. However, the following is not be from me (I do not like this house rules to be honest...):
"Hithero –
Agreed, I've mentioned this a few times already. What we now do is to not allow shooting while performing Track/Wheeled movement which is now defined as a fast or evasive manuevre, instead the vehicle gets a Dodge Save bases on their maximum track speed.
up to 6" - 6+
6" - 12" - 5+
over 12" - 4+

This now gives your light tanks and scout cars the possibility of actually using their speed to good effect and not rely on non-existant armour for protection.
With the current rules, light vehicles will almost certainly perish whever it goes to cover, moves quick or even a Tiger moving and shooting - it WILL be blown to pieces. This new idea does allow some evasive manueuvre to avoid the inevitable
Option – only reroll to hit on special moves

And many of the above are already collected in the A.D.Publishing "Add On!".
Feel free to download it for free from the Wargames Vault. Maybe it will give you the final push to download one our supplements...
Troll66 said:
ah sorry about that one ...I got all your supplements already - fab stuff!
No problem, thanks again for collecting the postings!

(And even more thanks for buying my books!)