Emperor Mongoose
Perhaps we might include smaller clans in their entirety who think their prospects will be improved by attaching themselves to a member of a larger clan when he declares an interest to fly off and find land? If they support the expedition, they might earn a share of some newly settled world with more opportunity to expand, and gain the appreciation/protection of a major clan in the process? In which case I could see the majority or even entirety of a small clan's males joining Second-Son-of-TlaukhuBigCheese on his journey.Like, small bands of ihatei are definitely going to be a problem for neighbors. But hordes of ihatei seem a real stretch. There just doesn't seem like there's gonna be enough non-inheriting male Aslan who aren't going to join the clan military or a clan mercenary or exploration company to get land that way.
I think that while the focus of ihatei is on the motive of the instigating Aslan -- so, it's an expedition -- it also makes sense, when considering the entourage of the son of a prosperous clan, to think of it in terms of a migration. Whole low-status or landless families and clans hitching their wagons to a non-inheriting noble son. So in those cases it's probably not "second sons" in practice, but "a whole lot of Aslan (male and female) seeing opportunity and taking a gamble."
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