I concur, Sidney! And in the effort to grant a suggestion. The B5 universe always had something up its sleeve. It never told you the whole story until you where in the thick of things and then it jumped out at you, making you go AH-HA! Thats the reason for all the issues of the past. So give all your players a Blank Feat. And only you as the GM will know what it is. You can unveil the feat at an opportune time. IE: your player wanting the coutari, picked it up, took a few lessons and realized he was a natural. IE has the exotic weapon prof. feat.
Later, you can reveal that one of your players is a latent telepath, sleeper agent, natural pilot, crack shot, poet, or whatever the plot/character development dictates. Heck secretly grant one of the players the Wealthy feat. Then have some private investigators start nosing around making him/her nervous. Then when it all comes out, inform them a rich family member associated with a mob family died and they had to be sure who to give the money to, or some such.
Lots of possibilities. . . enjoy