Book margin layout suggestion


Suggestion to mongoosepublishing and anyone who works on a lay out for a new RPG book.
Use the side margin on the pages in a book to identify its chapter. Use different graphics in the page margins or a little icon in the cornet that changes color to identify the different chapters.
Would mage every GMs life easier to quickly flip true a half open book and find the content he was looking for
All good points. I'll get on to my Hobby Horse :)

Starting with the 1st Edition Traveller Core Rule Book (and continuing with the 2nd Edition), I have typed up an extended table of contents and used that to quickly look things up. It complements the official, much briefer table of contents quite nicely.

I have also printed the Traveller GM's screen and pasted it into the front inside cover and rear inside cover pages of the Core Rule Book. Next to each table name, I've noted the number of the page that table can be found. Useful when needing to quickly look something up.

HTH :)
Well, as long as we are complaining about the book layout . .

The background pattern that mongoose uses really, really slows down the page rendering on tablets, and I have a pretty good tablet. Is it really necessary? I use a pdf cracker to unlock the files, then adobe acrobat to delete the background.