There seems to be a lot of confusion about whether or not you get to roll for a skill in addition to basic training at the beginning of subsequent careers, with most people concluding that you don't get to. The rules say:
For your first career only, instead of rolling for a skill,
you get all the skills listed on the Service Skills table at
level 0 as your basic training. For subsequent careers,
you may pick any one skill listed in the Service Skills
table at level 0 as your basic training.
Interpreting these rules as written, it is ONLY in the first term of the first career, that you get all the skills listed on the Service Skills table at level 0 instead of rolling for a skill. The rules DO NOT say, "For subsequent careers, INSTEAD OF ROLLING FOR A SKILL, you may pick any one skill listed on the Service Skills table at level 0 as your basic training. So for subsequent careers you get basic training and get to roll for a skill.
For your first career only, instead of rolling for a skill,
you get all the skills listed on the Service Skills table at
level 0 as your basic training. For subsequent careers,
you may pick any one skill listed in the Service Skills
table at level 0 as your basic training.
Interpreting these rules as written, it is ONLY in the first term of the first career, that you get all the skills listed on the Service Skills table at level 0 instead of rolling for a skill. The rules DO NOT say, "For subsequent careers, INSTEAD OF ROLLING FOR A SKILL, you may pick any one skill listed on the Service Skills table at level 0 as your basic training. So for subsequent careers you get basic training and get to roll for a skill.