Hi! After 40 years I've finally taken the plunge into Traveller. Firstly, may I say that Mongoose has done a spectacular job of updating the game from the (now ancient) copy of MegaTraveller I purchased back in the 1980's. But enough of this flattery - to my question!
I had a player choose Military Academy during Pre-Career generation. This grants all Service Skills to level 0. But rolling on the Pre-Career Events table, the player rolled 11 - "War comes and a wide-ranging draft is instigated." They do not graduate. Their SOC was not high enough to "pull strings" and graduate anyway.
This caused some confusion. The Skills section of Military Academy states "Gain all Service Skills of the military career theacademy is tied to at level 0, as with basic training." If the player continues into the Army for their first Career Term, the Basic Training section states "For your first career only, instead of rolling for a skill,you get all the skills listed on the Service Skills table atlevel 0 as your basic training." This would technically be the character's first career out of school/pre-career. So the debate within our group boiled down to:
Does the character gain all Service Skills again raising them to Level 1? Do they simply repeat basic training and receive no additional skills? Or do they treat this term as "not their first career" and generate skills by rolling on a table of choice as they would in a second term?
Sorry for the lengthy question but I hope you can help.
I had a player choose Military Academy during Pre-Career generation. This grants all Service Skills to level 0. But rolling on the Pre-Career Events table, the player rolled 11 - "War comes and a wide-ranging draft is instigated." They do not graduate. Their SOC was not high enough to "pull strings" and graduate anyway.
This caused some confusion. The Skills section of Military Academy states "Gain all Service Skills of the military career theacademy is tied to at level 0, as with basic training." If the player continues into the Army for their first Career Term, the Basic Training section states "For your first career only, instead of rolling for a skill,you get all the skills listed on the Service Skills table atlevel 0 as your basic training." This would technically be the character's first career out of school/pre-career. So the debate within our group boiled down to:
Does the character gain all Service Skills again raising them to Level 1? Do they simply repeat basic training and receive no additional skills? Or do they treat this term as "not their first career" and generate skills by rolling on a table of choice as they would in a second term?
Sorry for the lengthy question but I hope you can help.