Just got this announcement on the mailing list, feel free to use the link to get cheap scripts if you haven't already.

Coupled with the cheap domestic shipping you could perhaps (If my maths is right) pick all 8 up for $290, which is only $10 bucks more than if you'd been buying them from the get go.



From J. Michael Straczynski

As many of you may already know, a few days ago as I write this, I canceled all of my convention appearances through February of next year due to the press of work, both in terms of finishing up work on my script for Ron Howard, and in order to free up room to begin the process of writing, producing, and directing the first in what we hope will be a series of new Babylon 5 anthology episodes for DVD.

The other result of this is that we are going to push back volume nine just far enough to make room for me to get these projects up and on the rails. It will not be much of a delay, it will be a September release, but the Babylon 5 scripts team and I wanted to make sure everyone knew about the delay, and that it is only a delay.

The good thing is that the delay is caused primarily by the creation of new Babylon 5 episodes, to be produced with the original cast, which is a cause for celebration on every level imaginable. We hope to follow up this with another announcement with the September publication date for volume nine as quickly as possible, so stay tuned, for as they say in the television business...there is more to come.

Message from the Scripts Team - Special $5 Sale

For those folks who want to fill out their collection (or get a jump start on the holidays -- did we just say that?), we have put together a special sale: $5 off every volume published to date.

Here's the thing. This is not a sale for just anybody. It's only for people who are already on the Babylon 5 Scripts bandwagon.

There’s no minimum. So if you need only one or two volumes to fill out your set, that’s fine. You can get as few or as many as you like. The idea is to let those folks who might be missing some volumes get up-to-date with the series before it is pulled entirely after volume 14.

Because this is an exclusive sale, we have an exclusive store for it that you can only get to via this exclusive link.

P.S. If you want to order these sale books by phone, email us first ( so we can give you a special number to call. CafePress reps do not have access to the secret $5 off store.

Cheaper Domestic Shipping For domestic orders CafePress has a new "5 for 5" flat rate shipping program: $5 ships up to five items. Yay.
Just got the mail, my Vol 9 is on the way, I can't believe I forgot about it till the e-mail telling me they were on sale hit my Inbox, but then, that's why I'm on the alert list. :lol:

Well my volume 9 finally arrived in the post, though it took so long that it was declared missing so they've already despatched a second one to me, wonder when that will get here.

lastbesthope said:
Well my volume 9 finally arrived in the post, though it took so long that it was declared missing so they've already despatched a second one to me, wonder when that will get here.

How odd. Mine arrived a week ago, having taken about 10 days to arrive. A guy at work was the same, although he ordered his much quicker than I did.
" Londo as a part-time pick-pocket "

Seriously ! I almost died after reading that. Laughed so hard while eating a piece of steak my roomate had to give me the hymlic { ? ] manuver ohn me.

That's great stuff that SHOULD have been in the show
PhoenixAndy said:
lastbesthope said:
Well my volume 9 finally arrived in the post, though it took so long that it was declared missing so they've already despatched a second one to me, wonder when that will get here.

How odd. Mine arrived a week ago, having taken about 10 days to arrive. A guy at work was the same, although he ordered his much quicker than I did.

Well my replacement copy of Volume 9 arrived this morning, I don't really need 2 copies so it's still in the shrink wrap though I have friends who might want it though.

Just heard from the mailing list that due to a lot of fan requests for delays to the next volume unbtil next year that it will be postponed till after the holiday season.

Something to do with fan concrens about financial constraints :lol:

Just got a message saying that the next volume, number 10, will be out at the end of the month (Feb).

Plus, there's a couple of new images up on The Lost Tales page (here). A new logo, and a new render of Babylon 5 that's got me grinning from ear to ear, don't know about anyone else... :D

Neat, I didn't know there was a Lost Tales site, nifty. Good photos, too, they are forcing me to speculate wildly, which is kinda fun. Thanks for the link!
I asked about the upcoming release of Volume 12:

Dear B5 scripts,

I was wondering when the release of Volume 12 would be announced.


Here's the reply:

Back on topic, we're expecting a date in the next few days, so you're timing is good in asking.
We will send out an announcement to the mailing list as soon as we get final word.

Well I just got Volume 13 in the post. Turns out that to get Volume 15 for free you need to fill in a web form BEFORE you order Volume 14, details of what to do came with Volume 13, anyone else:
