Yeah, mine arrived a couple of days ago :)

As usual, there are some great insights into what happened behind the scenes as well as lots of explanations of episode subtexts (some of which we kew, some that slipped us by but were bleedin' obvious!). Also, he explains the meaning of all the dreams/visions in "All Alone in the Night".
Quick heads up!

Volume 4
Available Saturday,
February 11th at 10am PST

According to the website

Although I'm sure it went on sale a few hours early last time.

Just went to the shop site just now.

You can put it in your cart, but it'll cost you $400 plus shipping!

I think I'll wait till tomorrow :lol:

Just ordered my copy of Vol 4.

Now by my reckoioning Pacific is 8 hours behind GMT, so it did go on sale early.

Not that I mind.

I really want to thank all of you for turning me on to the script books, just ordered Vol 5 today 12 March, 2006 because I am a cheap Bastid and wanted to get it while it was still 29.95. I will order the first four in the next month or so.

I want to thank you all for helping me dispose of my small disposable cash allowance!! I certainly will not have to worry about that for the next eight months, not while I work on bringing my B5 RPG collection up to date and my B5 ACTA etc. oh well I didn't really need to eat any hoooo.

Seriously thanks for the info and links. :wink:
You're welcome,

I've been picking them up at the $30 since they came out, all you need to do is order them within a week of going on sale. It's just good sense :lol:

lastbesthope said:
I saw the quotesstuff, trouble is I can't decide on one, and I can't afford them all :p
I can't agree with you more, although "Only one human captain..." could be The One. ;)

The Declaration of Principles hit me like a hammer, though. I had forgotten about it and read it almost like it was the first time. I was all but exhausted when I finished, translated it into Swedish on the spot, tried to figure out ways to spread it to my friends without looking like a fanatic moron, and felt the Urge to watch the entire series again. :D

We are one.

Dr Goth

Edit: Then again, I just might be a fanatic moron. ;)
Hello All,

Volume 7 hits the online store on Mon 22 May at 10am Pacific Time (1800 BST, 1700 ZULU IIRC)

And stop by the website, has had a little revamp and is now a much cooler intro.

Oh gosh, I do like to read scripts. I had a book on writing them, I think I still do. But seeing the real stuff. Well, I need to hide some money away, or lock my kids in their rooms for several months. :D
Well I picked up Vol 7 from the post office yesterday, I really must get around to reading them all back to back one week.
