B5 Lost Tales Update with Photos and serious detail

Yeah, that's supposed to be a gritty documentary-type style of filming...I think Blair Witch Project ushered in that style. Shows like NYPD Blue do that too.
philogara_mk2 said:
But there is a nagging worry- I'd rather Memory of Shadows had got off the ground - is that ever likely without Katsulus (sp?) and Biggs though ????
I guess that depends on whether either of their characters is vital to the plot. JMS has said that he would never recast either of these guys and as a fan of the show and the actors I agree with this decision 100%. However do you need G'Kar and Franklin?

JMS could (and probably would) introduce new characters to fulfil the required plot functions. If a role called for Franklin, another Doctor would probably do. G'kar might be more difficult in that he has more personal connections to certain characters but considering Londo is unlikely to be in the stories, another character could probably fulfil G'Kar's function in the plot.
Karhedron said:
JMS could (and probably would) introduce new characters to fulfil the required plot functions. If a role called for Franklin, another Doctor would probably do. G'kar might be more difficult in that he has more personal connections to certain characters but considering Londo is unlikely to be in the stories, another character could probably fulfil G'Kar's function in the plot.

Would be a nice opportunity to reintroduce Na´Toth, Ta´Lon, Vir... there´s enough "second line" characters who developed a lot in the series, and which could carry vital parts of future plots.
angelus2000 said:
Ta'Lon ges my vote for most interesting third string character in the series by far.

Not bad, but my favourite must be Draal! (Well, he´s more like fourth line or something like that, but still - John Schuck rules! :D )