B5 Lost Tales Update with Photos and serious detail

And I'll be interested to see how grand a scale this 'virtual set' gets used on. Crusade was interesting, but right at the start of that technology developing....with half a decade of development bringing us to the Revenge of the Sith Coruscant/ Battlestar Galactica Dogfight level, it'll be good to see how they look.

Will also be interested to see the new presidential cruiser.

(Oh - one other thought; do you suppose there'll be any white star gunships in the show? :) )
MustEatBrains said:
Same here; don´t care that most on this forum will disagree...

Most here just enjoys whining.

Heck biggest problems I had with LotR were with space battle sequences(oh and too little G'kar shown! :lol: ) but they were most boring part of original B5 anyway. Who cares.

And Crusade...Well remove episodes where WB had effect(always bad thing when company starts affecting production...) and the episodes left I enjoyed very much(especially Galen ones :D). And what I have heard of unfilmed episodes(where o' where I could get my hands on those...) it was definetly starting to speed up.

As for season 5: Well it helps for me that they involved lots of Mollari/G'kar, my 2 favourite characters. And also curious note: This TOO was damaged by company ruining things(told them to wrap up which killed momentum which was supposed to carry into S5 which left JMS hang out for dry...).

So actually biggest reason for S5&crusade problems were WB...

Has anybody seen WB having effect on these Lost Tales? I don't think so...
frobisher said:
Yup, Season 5 was not as good as porevious B5, but we are grading on a curve here.

And most of problematic episodes(oh there were few I'll give you that) had WB allowed 5 year arc run uninterrupted. Make list of "bad" episodes and count them. If it's 3-4 then odds are good they would have been gone if WB wouldn't have tried to kill B5 after S4.
Season 5 WAS bad compared to the previous 4 seasons of the show (and Byron was the most irritating character every invented) but as noted if you compare it to alot of the other crap on TV it stands up pretty well. I'd still rather watch Season 5 of B5 than Andromeda.

Crusade wasnt exactly all that well acted with the exception of Galen who was a great character but I really did feel that the show was just starting to get interesting when it got canned.

When all's said and done imagine if B5 iteself had been cancelled halfway through the first season.... would we REALLY think any better of thatn we do of crusade?

Legend of the Rangers.... well to be honest the problem I had with it wasnt really that it was actually THAT bad just that it really wasnt B5. Other than G'Kar and a few Minbari it really did have practically no relation to any of the rest of B5 seemingly!
I liked season 5... or rather the underlying plot through out it. The final fall of Centauri prime, the issues of an interplanetary alliance, ancient technology in the hands of younger races, the end of Londo's arc, Lyta - G'karr story, Garabaldi taking Edgar's industries, Number 1 working for the Rangers...

I think it's better than people give it credit for. Also, we all have to remember that there wasn't even going to BE a 5th season. WB was skeptical so he cleaned up the Shadow War really quickly and blew through the Civil war (which was supposed to be the final arc of season 5).

Crusade... I'll be honest... I really didn't get to see much of it. It was on at an extremely inconvienient time and only ran once or twice... so I missed most of it. I have been meaning to get the DVDs, but come this Xmas I will finish my B5 collection with season 1 (woot!).

I am amazed at the pesimism (I can't spell for beans) I see around B5 forums over these "Lost Tales". Yes, LotR did suck ass... but I always felt he didn't have the control over it like he normally would... though the acting is what REALLY killed it.

I am usually a pescimist (does this look more "right"?) by nature, but in the end I think we are going to be pleasently surprised with these.
compare crusade to season 1 of B5 is a better comparison. it takes a while for the actors to setle into the characters. That being said, I was really happy with the direction Crusade was going, I just wish that:
1) episodes had been aired in order
2) kept the black uniforms. looked better than the red and grey stuff.

Chernobyl said:
2) kept the black uniforms. looked better than the red and grey stuff.

Remember the black uniforms were actually the upgrades in reality - the 7 episodes with others were the first ones filmed, and were part of the changes that TNT wanted (and in this case, correctly so...).

But because TNT also wanted a new intro episode, with that look, jms had to shunt those episodes until later for continuity reasons plus the necessary "retcon" to get them to work. If they'd got the other half of the season, some of the earlier block would have been shown after the 7 originals but that wasn't t happen :(
It is fairly clear that the characters are more familiar and friendly with one another in the earlier episodes than the later ones.

Crusade had a lot of potential, it didn't deserve to be cancelled (although it had some stinking episodes).
It'll be fun to see the ships we know along with new ones, using current CGI. Even in the original series, the acting could sometimes (only sometimes) be...suspect. Worst case scenario it'll be like the recent Star Wars movies; great effects with forgettable acting.
Well, to be honest, I don't think JMS has the budget for Star-wars level CGI, but you're right that with current tech they can do much better than before. The stuff from the show still looks good, and crusade looks better...!

Abraxas said:
blew through the Civil war (which was supposed to be the final arc of season 5).

Actually only 3-4 seasons in S5 would have been about civil war. But still. It killed the momentum. It also removed intersections in real time being S4 finale(that would have been really unusual season finale for sure!).

I am amazed at the pesimism (I can't spell for beans) I see around B5 forums over these "Lost Tales".

Guess some folks enjoy having miserable time.
Chernobyl said:
Well, to be honest, I don't think JMS has the budget for Star-wars level CGI, but you're right that with current tech they can do much better than before. The stuff from the show still looks good, and crusade looks better...!


If you got a look at "Legend Of The Rangers" you can see the huge improvement in CGI, particularly the look of Minbar and the Jump effects. I'd expect "Lost Tales" would have the same quality of effects. Hopefully with a better quality of script.
Iain McGhee said:
If you got a look at "Legend Of The Rangers" you can see the huge improvement in CGI, particularly the look of Minbar and the Jump effects. I'd expect "Lost Tales" would have the same quality of effects. Hopefully with a better quality of script.

I'm hoping that they contracted Zoic... Obviously "shakey cam" wouldn't suit B5 so they'd not use that, but the shear quality of the stuff they can do on an obviously tight budget is staggering.
frobisher said:
I'm hoping that they contracted Zoic... Obviously "shakey cam" wouldn't suit B5 so they'd not use that, but the shear quality of the stuff they can do on an obviously tight budget is staggering.

I hate "shakey cam" effects...especially on Battlestar Galactica. I think years from now people will look back on it and laugh.
B5Temple said:
I hate "shakey cam" effects...especially on Battlestar Galactica. I think years from now people will look back on it and laugh.

There are only two series that have done it so far (to my knowledge), Firefly and Battlestar Galactica, and they share a common effects company ;)

You're probably thinking of shows that use hand held cameras, and there are plenty of those about...

Personally, I like Galactica's style - it makes a huge change from the endless "beauty shots" that you get in most SF series...