i intensely dislike the "tournementt", "win at any cost", and "playing the rules, not the game" mind set that has swept through the gaming community since GW appeared on the screen as a major company. they have done a complete 180 from the original fun, use anything you own gaming concept of 40K: RT. . .
and man, i am a veteran of the WRG powerplayer wars, which i thought were bad, but the GW mindset is sooo much worse!
since the 70s, most of my (and my close friends) gaming has been scenario driven one off games, mini-campaigns, and full blown campaigning. moe beddah than competition gaming!
i win, i lose, i barely survive, etc, but i play to have fun, not to win at any costs.
that was why i decided _my_ MI assigned to duty as ship's troops with the FLEET in multiple patrol corvettes, would include at least a MARAUDER armor squad from the MARAUDER PLATOON (i tend to view this platoon like a modern infantry weapons platoon).
additionally, i have been drifting toward the concept that each powrsuit platoon, might include a MARAUDER squad (much like the old US ARMY infantry concept of the fourth squad being the heavy weapons squad). this too me makes since out of the 2-3 powersuit grunts in each squad having access to MARAUDER armors.
the full strength 30 bod powerssuit platoon serving as ships' troops would need to be _more_flexible and self reliant than larger MI units serving together, and i think would have a nice TOE that allowed for use of weaponry/equipment not normally found in a normal powersuit company TOE.
i am also assuming that the patrol corvette's , like submarines, have a very limited number of drop capsules for use with powersuits, exo-armor , and MARAUDER armors. another thought is that the patrol corvette has a finite number of drop capsule tubes/magazinies, and that there are two sizes of launcher/drop capsule (for powersuit, exo-armor, and a larger capsule for use with MARAUDERs or cargo insertions) a finite number of assault landers, etc. and in turn this implies a complete deck or larger portion of a deck for MI prep, launch, recovery.
another way of looking at a MARAUDER armor platoon for each powersuit company, would be like the attachment of MBTs to infantry units s needed now days, when they are available.
the exo suits,which i need to buy (among other things: the long illness/recent death of a family member have kinda suck money to a low for the time being), really make me think of MI from SST:THE BOOK . everyone would have exo-armor in this type of unit, maybe supported by the heavier MARAUDER armors?
my MIF troopers (at this time) occassioally find themselves on the same table with powersuit MI, but usually fight their battles without the benefit of the powersuit MI for support/re-enforcement.
since i do not have the MI ARMY BOOK or the KLENDATHU BOOK, i have not a clue about these troopers having access to limited numbers of MARAUDER armor. i am assuming they have all of the "shake an' bake" stationary weapon emplacement bennies, but again i do not have any of these, so i have not used them to date.
anyway, this is an interesting discussion!