Well we have a while to wait yet, but its never too early to start planning the slaughter of your local gamer group. So I thought I would put you guys to the question of what Race are you MOST Excited about?
Federation: To Boldly Go! yes the impeccable Federation, clean, happy, and packing some serious technology.
Klingons: The people who reinvented the wheel just to run the universe over.
Romulans: its not the dagger hiding behind their back, or the two in their boot, nor it is the blade hidden in their belt buckle you have to worry about, its when they start smiling at you like that
Gorn: The rubber monsters return! slower than ever, and just as unstoppable!
Hydrans: Wait! these guys don't even breath oxygen and they want our worlds? Well what else can you expect from a race with three sexes.
Kzinti: Please refrain from making goofy kitty noises in front of the Kzinti, you may inadvertently start an interstellar war.
Lyrans: A more sophisticated cat to be sure, just don't mention any sort of relation to the Kzinti within eithers' hearing.
Tholians: What do you do when you lose a whole galaxy? why you come to ours of course!
Seltorians: There is just something wrong with the roaches kicking you out of the house. Just ask the Tholians.
Andromedans: The Borg wish they had been this cool and mysterious.
WYN: These guys have it all, Money, sky rocketing property values, and brotherly love among races who are suppose to hate each other. To bad the rest of the universe wants what they have...
Lyran Democratic Republic: See Democracy is the greatest form of government! wait wait that was a joke guys... honest..ha.....ha...(sounds of a furious cat fight)
Interstellar Concordium: Just like the Federation, Noble, proud, and too clean. Naturally they can't resist playing policeman and telling everyone one else how to behave.
Orions: Green space babes! Can you say "hello Nurse! hay! where's my wallet?"
Unfortunately I ran out of poll options so just type yours in if you don't see it on the poll.
Federation: To Boldly Go! yes the impeccable Federation, clean, happy, and packing some serious technology.
Klingons: The people who reinvented the wheel just to run the universe over.
Romulans: its not the dagger hiding behind their back, or the two in their boot, nor it is the blade hidden in their belt buckle you have to worry about, its when they start smiling at you like that

Gorn: The rubber monsters return! slower than ever, and just as unstoppable!
Hydrans: Wait! these guys don't even breath oxygen and they want our worlds? Well what else can you expect from a race with three sexes.
Kzinti: Please refrain from making goofy kitty noises in front of the Kzinti, you may inadvertently start an interstellar war.
Lyrans: A more sophisticated cat to be sure, just don't mention any sort of relation to the Kzinti within eithers' hearing.
Tholians: What do you do when you lose a whole galaxy? why you come to ours of course!
Seltorians: There is just something wrong with the roaches kicking you out of the house. Just ask the Tholians.
Andromedans: The Borg wish they had been this cool and mysterious.
WYN: These guys have it all, Money, sky rocketing property values, and brotherly love among races who are suppose to hate each other. To bad the rest of the universe wants what they have...
Lyran Democratic Republic: See Democracy is the greatest form of government! wait wait that was a joke guys... honest..ha.....ha...(sounds of a furious cat fight)
Interstellar Concordium: Just like the Federation, Noble, proud, and too clean. Naturally they can't resist playing policeman and telling everyone one else how to behave.
Orions: Green space babes! Can you say "hello Nurse! hay! where's my wallet?"
Unfortunately I ran out of poll options so just type yours in if you don't see it on the poll.