ACTA's Star Fleet: What Race are you most interested in?

What Race Interests you the most?

  • Federation

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Klingons

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Romulans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gorn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hydrans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kzinti

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lyrans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tholians

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Andromedans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well we have a while to wait yet, but its never too early to start planning the slaughter of your local gamer group. So I thought I would put you guys to the question of what Race are you MOST Excited about?

Federation: To Boldly Go! yes the impeccable Federation, clean, happy, and packing some serious technology.
Klingons: The people who reinvented the wheel just to run the universe over.
Romulans: its not the dagger hiding behind their back, or the two in their boot, nor it is the blade hidden in their belt buckle you have to worry about, its when they start smiling at you like that :)
Gorn: The rubber monsters return! slower than ever, and just as unstoppable!
Hydrans: Wait! these guys don't even breath oxygen and they want our worlds? Well what else can you expect from a race with three sexes.
Kzinti: Please refrain from making goofy kitty noises in front of the Kzinti, you may inadvertently start an interstellar war.
Lyrans: A more sophisticated cat to be sure, just don't mention any sort of relation to the Kzinti within eithers' hearing.
Tholians: What do you do when you lose a whole galaxy? why you come to ours of course!
Seltorians: There is just something wrong with the roaches kicking you out of the house. Just ask the Tholians.
Andromedans: The Borg wish they had been this cool and mysterious.
WYN: These guys have it all, Money, sky rocketing property values, and brotherly love among races who are suppose to hate each other. To bad the rest of the universe wants what they have...
Lyran Democratic Republic: See Democracy is the greatest form of government! wait wait that was a joke guys... honest..ha.....ha...(sounds of a furious cat fight)
Interstellar Concordium: Just like the Federation, Noble, proud, and too clean. Naturally they can't resist playing policeman and telling everyone one else how to behave.
Orions: Green space babes! Can you say "hello Nurse! hay! where's my wallet?"

Unfortunately I ran out of poll options so just type yours in if you don't see it on the poll.
Hydrans: Wait! these guys don't even breath oxygen and they want our worlds? Well what else can you expect from a race with three sexes.

They want our women! Because you can't play Bridge with only three people.
Klingons! The whole purpose of ACTA is to blow the other side's ships into small pieces. The same can be said of Klingons. :twisted:
Hydrans - not only do you blow the enemy ships up, you get to take your own out as well.

Proof that even in the far future you can bring a knife to a gunfight....
Federation and Romulan if someone rescales their decal sets for the new models :)

Otherwise, I was always fond of the Lyrans: charge the enemy with yer ESG on max power/min radius then unload phasers and overloaded disruptors point blank through the hole in their shields. Add lots of angry kitty marines to taste and stir :wink:
Re: decals, I believe Mark Hoyle at starfighter decals is considering re-sizing his line of SFU decals for the new line of ships, and I heard that "Mongoose is reconsidering their decision not to do decals" which means that there may be decals from Mongoose. (It doesn't mean that there will, just that it's a "maybe" not a definite "no".)
I'd love to see Klingons done well, possibly with a bit of reimagining of the minis, because I love the D7s and D6s (though would love them with more detail) but the F5s and E4s always left me cold.
Just FYI, the first book for AcTA:SF will probably have the same ships from the Klingon and Romulan Border/Attack products for FC, so that means the following Empires:

Federation (Lots!)
Klingons (Wide range, with all major ship classes covered)
Romulans (Wide range, but they have three series of ships: Eagle, Kestrel [Klingon-Romulan as seen in The Enterprise Incident] and Hawk)
Gorns (All major ship classes)
Kzintis (All major ship classes)
Tholians (a few of the most common/useful for play ships)
Orion Pirates (a few of the most common/useful for play Pirate ships)
Civilians & units used by all Empires (the most common, e.g. small and large standard freighter, free trader, battle station)
No surprise about the Klingons :) However, I am surprised the Romulans are not getting a better showing (they are _very_ popular in the office). Come on guys, they get Cloaking Devices! It does not get much cooler than that!

(we even have rules for them rippling in and out of the cloak, just like they do on the screen :)).
For what it's worth I would have chosen Romulans as my 2nd choice :)

Interesting to see how the cloaking works! Obviously can't fire while cloaked... but should be useful for getting around the back?
Yep, I reckon I'd be a Romulan player too, unless there's a race out there with REALLY eccentric rules and style of play. I like being different.
Then you might be interested in the Andromedans, there a mysterious Inter-Galactic Invader. They don't use shields, they can travel at warp 15 (Old warp-scale not Next Generation), they use robotic marines, and have strange weapons like the Temporal Elevator and other bizarre devices.

Unfortunately I highly doubt they will be getting released anytime soon so your going to have to wait if you are interested.
They can only go warp 15 under very specific circumstances; otherwise, they are slower at a strategic level than modern-era Alpha Octant starships would be. (Those circumstances are the key to understanding the nature of Andromedan operations in Alpha and in... other places.)

Plus, there isn't any Temporal Elevator in Federation Commander; in that game, some of the systems they do have (like power- absorber panels) work very differently than in SFB.

But then, I guess it probably begs the question; will ACtA:SF treat FC as its main source of inspiration rule-wise (the way Starmada does, for the most part at least) or not?

(Also, it's probably a sign of how well I've been conditioned by the new formatting conventions introduced over on the two ADB boards, but it's hard for me to fight back the urge to point out that it's "empire" or "species", not "race", it's "Gorn/Gorns" and "Kzinti/Kzintis" in singular/plural, there should be a hyphen between "Inter" and "Stellar" for the ISC, etc etc... but then, if I let that kind of thing get to me, I might not end up being all that popular around these parts. Sigh.)
For my part, I picked "other":

1) ISC
2) Andromedans
3) Fleets from various non-Alpha settings (Omega, LMC, etc)... if they ever get a look-in, that is.
AdrianH said:
Klingons! The whole purpose of ACTA is to blow the other side's ships into small pieces. The same can be said of Klingons. :twisted:

that def appeals - although the Romulan and Orion women also pique my interest as do cat people :)
Da Boss said:
AdrianH said:
Klingons! The whole purpose of ACTA is to blow the other side's ships into small pieces. The same can be said of Klingons. :twisted:

that def appeals - although the Romulan and Orion women also pique my interest as do cat people :)
That is only significant if they are supplied along with the fleets. :D

More seriously:
Iron Domokun said:
Romulans (Wide range, but they have three series of ships: Eagle, Kestrel [Klingon-Romulan as seen in The Enterprise Incident] and Hawk)
So most of the Romulan ships are types which actually appeared on screen. This appeals to me. (I only ever bought models of B5 ships which appeared on screen.) Moreover, I believe that SFB had the Romulans using the Klingon F-5 as well as the D-7, which means if you buy a Klingon fleet, you get a partial Romulan fleet free. You don't even need to repaint them - the Romulans didn't in the original version of The Enterprise Incident. :)