Anyone familiar with OGL Barbarian


I was checking out RPGnow and saw that Misfits Studios has OGL Barbarian Treasure and OGL Barbarian Sorcerer and the Barbaric Warrior, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with any of these products as print versions or pdf versions.
I haven't bought any of these products, but downloaded one or two free PrC some time ago. As far as I remember, they were good and solid.
I picked up the Barbaric Warrior a while ago. It was OK. There are a couple nice combat manouvers and a good feat or two ( IIRC one of the feats was a little broken ). Since it was a pdf download it was pretty cheap. So, for the price, it is good.
Hum, I wnated to go the print route on it, would it be worth the extra money?

And if anyone is familiar with the hawkeye prestige class, does the throwing Base attack replace the base attack gained from the prestige class or from all the character classes, if so it's kinda worthless.
foxworthy said:
And if anyone is familiar with the hawkeye prestige class, does the throwing Base attack replace the base attack gained from the prestige class or from all the character classes, if so it's kinda worthless.
The throwing base attack adds to the BAB of previous classes for the sake of throwing in the same way as the PrC's BAB adds to the BAB of previous classes normally. So, if your previous BAB before taking the class was +6/+1, a fifth level hawkeye would have a BAB of +9/+4 and a throwing AB of +11/+8/+5/+2
I forgot to mention that has reviews up of Barbaric Warrior and Barbaric Treasures. Barbaric Sorcerer was supposed to be reviewed in the August issue, but the entire issue has been delayed.

I have all of Misfit's OGL Barbarian products to supplement Mongoose's great stuff, and its worth the price of admission. Barbaric Treasures is my favorite so far and does the best to supplement all the supplements.

My 2 cents...
If people are looking to try the books out, the Barbaric Sorcerer's download notification at RPGnow currently includes coupon hyperlinks to get the Barbaric Warrior and Barbaric Treasures PDFs at reduced costs.
Araos said:
I have all of Misfit's OGL Barbarian products to supplement Mongoose's great stuff, and its worth the price of admission. Barbaric Treasures is my favorite so far and does the best to supplement all the supplements.

My 2 cents...
Glad you enjoyed it. I'd be interested to hear any specifics you were especially pleased or displeased with to keep in mind for future projects.
Does Barbaric sorcerer include a new magic system, or just new spells and styles compatible with Conan?

Eventually, I am going to be looking for an alternate magic system to replace the default one (for an alternate setting, not because I don't like the current system), and am wondering whether or not there is a chance BarbSorc will fit the bill.
SableWyvern said:
Does Barbaric sorcerer include a new magic system, or just new spells and styles compatible with Conan?

Eventually, I am going to be looking for an alternate magic system to replace the default one (for an alternate setting, not because I don't like the current system), and am wondering whether or not there is a chance BarbSorc will fit the bill.
Sorry, but no new magic system.

New feats, sorcerous maneuvers (magical equivalent of combat maneuvers), prestige classes, new spells, rules for building magical locations, new sorcerous organizations, new lotus types, and new magic items.
Cool, thanks for the info.

OGL Barbarian material is still hovering on the periphery of my "to buy" lists. In any case, your positive web-presence will almost certainly see me pick up some of your material for something at some stage.
I bought all three of the supplements and briefly went over the pdf's and it all looks great. Once I get the print copies I'll add comments tot he RPGnow page since I have problems reading PDF's all the way through, but from what I read with the pit fighting and the treasure book are all great. I haven't checked out the meat of Sorcerer enough yet, but what i have looks good, all the new spells look nifty.
Glad you liked them. :D

We're always looking for playtesters, if you're interested. The more people there are looking over the material, the fewer errors sneak in.
that be cool, cause I do like the supplements, plus you have been very helpful with the little things I noticed which is great.
foxworthy said:
that be cool, cause I do like the supplements, plus you have been very helpful with the little things I noticed which is great.
Swing by the Misfit Studios forums and start an account. I'll send you a NDA.