I'm still trying to make sense of a system I haven't even seen yet!But, say you're that 95% Rune Lord -- would you rather fight another Rune Lord, or a band of ten 10% Trollkin?
Luckily, HyrumOWC, my best friend de jour, has offered us a little clarification.
It appears that what MRQ does is remove the whiff factor present in many percentile games, and if this is so, then once again I am astounded.
No longer will my Fat Merchant (Walking stick Attack/Parry 35) and the GM's starving robber (Rusty knife Attack/Parry 30) dance about in the dark alley I unwisely took a short-cut through, rolling misses four or five rounds in a row. Whiff!
Now, if the robber rolls a 12%, my Parry had better be higher than that (and a success). However, when the robber rolls a 76% all I have to do is roll a 75% or less to get out of the way.
But if I roll 80% to Parry? As I understand the system now, it means he stabs me, and I would have been wiser to just give him my coin purse and golden rings when he asked.
If I get this, then here is another change to RQ that I really like.
If I am mistaken? Isn't going to be the first time!
