Arkobla Conn, you've GOT to read what I wrote. It sounds like what you're looking for.
Basically, I treat a horde as a single creature, with one attack roll against each PC to keep bookkeeping simple. If it hits, roll 6d whatever for damage (ex. an arming sword does d10, so roll 6d10), since no more than 6 opponents can flank a single character. Less the character's DRx6, of course.
The level of the horde + DR is the "drop threshold". For example, a horde of 2nd level pirates wearing chain shirts (DR5) would have a Drop Threshold of 7. If a PC does 7 or more points of damage in an attack on the horde, cross one off. If it does less than seven, no one falls. If you've got a boarding party of 50 pirates rushing the party, this is easier than keeping track of 50 separate HP scores. You make a tic mark on a piece of paper to track how many enemies have fallen; that's it.
There's more to it, I've got rules for the enemy routing and running away as well, but that's the gist of it.
To have two enemy groups face each other (like the PC and an NPC army against an enemy horde), you could just make attack rolls and then roll a die (d6? d10?) to indicate how many from each side have fallen.
For example: side A attack side B. you roll a d20 and it's a hit. Roll a d6, get a 4, so 4 people on side B are down.
Side B counterattacks, and missed. No casualties on Side A this round.
It's fast and loose, quick 'n' dirty, but it might work.