State of the Mongoose 2018

enpeze2 said:
Regarding the Alien Modules, I would wish for a kind of material which helps a gamemaster to portray them more easily to the players. For example when players visit an outpost of the kkree what impressions do they have. What kind of electronics to kkree have, what is the smell there and which exotic kind of equipment do the players see? What architecture style? How looks the typical food and how is it prepared - by a high paid chef, a dozen slaves or star trek style food synthesizer? Kkkree Civilian clothing, how does it look? Which customs do the players experience? Kkree furniture? Nice details like: Do the Kkree have special silver combs for their horse manes? :) Some typical Kkree prases when they speak. Or how do a Kkree Starship looks inside?

Maybe some of those above infos are already in a source book, but I didnt read them all.

The reason behind my request is that I think some such infos and details would help the GM to portray alien encounters to the players in a realistic way especially if they are supported with well selected pics of alien environment, equipment and typical cultural scenes. Its also away from the theory and towards how the group experience the alien culture in a more practical way.
Yes, that would be very nice. Extensive information of history, society, biology etc is primary valuable for the referees (which is good since it’s the referee who buys the book).

I think this type of information could be a one(?) page handout which the referee either can describe for the players, or even hand it out to them as a reminder of what this race is like. Short and simple.
qstor said:
Does Aliens v1 have a "new" sector with official UWP data? One for the K'Kree.

No, the Alien books concentrate on characters, equipment, vehicles and ships - basically, everything you need to get them into your campaign wherever it is set. We will be visiting new sectors though.

Baldo said:
You're doing a Deneb+Spinward Marches book, what about the Solomani Rim+Alpha Crucis and Ziafrplians+Gvurrdon combos? And yes, we want two more Sector Books for the Hiver and the K'Kree :) ...

Rim/Alpha Crucis will be the next sector book after Behind the Claw (looking to get it out later this year). Hivers and K'kree will also be covered - we are already talking about Gateway sector...

TrippyHippy said:
Would you be able to play Dolphins in the third Aliens book?

No. But you will be able to play them in Behind the Claw :)

Among a great many other minor races, as it happens...

arcador said:
The Sword worlds and (don't know how to type it, starts with F), are still in the long term scope, I hope!

The Sword Worlds book is in the next tranche of books to be written (actually, it has already been started...).

Lilor[FR said:
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So, if we can expect some publications before the end of 2019, can we also hope for the editing of the two or three french traductions for Legend that you have received ? Just asking :P

Actually, yes - the French version of the Traveller core rulebook is being laid out right now, and Legend is the logical next step there... Don't expect anything to happen immediately but yes, it is on the cards.
OK, I've seen your Facebook post :D , but I have different questions:

1): What's the page count of the new Aliens of Charted Space books? The old books had 100+ pages even after removing the Sector chapter, but I doubt we'll see a 400-or-500-pages-long hardback series anytime soon...

2): It's a month I'm waiting to shop in your new site, and No Deal Brexit Day is imminent (I much fear the renewed customs tariffs once UK leaves EU :roll: ). Any news on this?
The Aliens books will be big - the first is over 250 pages.

As for the new web site... we have just been informed that it is going live on Tuesday...
msprange said:
As for the new web site... we have just been informed that it is going live on Tuesday...

Thanks for the fast answer! :mrgreen: Are the forums changing somehow too?
I just noticed that the new Behind the Claw covers Deneb, not just Spinward Marches. Very cool!

And Hivers get a new book? Excellent, even if they have to share a volume with some others.
Will there be a book about the Third Imperium as a whole? Or only sectorbooks? I remember I read some plans about a Third Imperium sourcebook in the NuTrav core rulebook.
enpeze2 said:
Will there be a book about the Third Imperium as a whole? Or only sectorbooks? I remember I read some plans about a Third Imperium sourcebook in the NuTrav core rulebook.

This is something we are puzzling over right now - there certainly will be sector books, but we think there probably should be an intro to the Third Imperium set too...
Because its the core setting I would find it good to have an Imperium book for reference. As it is now there is almost no info about it for new players. Or at least you could make a 125 page book with articles covering the most important things a new traveller player should know about the 3rd Imperium.
enpeze2 said:
Because its the core setting I would find it good to have an Imperium book for reference. As it is now there is almost no info about it for new players.

Or at least you could make a smaller book (maybe with 80 pages) with articles covering the most important things a new traveller player should know about the 3rd Imperium.
Is there going to be a book with more starships? Like conversions of some of the "new" ships introduced in MgT 1e?
What as the new license that was to be announced around april? is that still to come, or is that the traveller fiction?
Moppy said:
What as the new license that was to be announced around april? is that still to come, or is that the traveller fiction?

Come back to our site this Friday morning, and we will have something quite spiffy for you to see :)
msprange said:
Moppy said:
What as the new license that was to be announced around april? is that still to come, or is that the traveller fiction?

Come back to our site this Friday morning, and we will have something quite spiffy for you to see :)

That's when UKGE opens. Any coincidence? I'll be there and if there's a booth I could stop by instead.
msprange said:
There is good news for fans of Paranoia...

OK, I've seen the Paranoia RED Clearance Bundle, do you have plans for a Mongoose Traveller 1st Ed. Bundle anytime soon? :)
Baldo said:
OK, I've seen the Paranoia RED Clearance Bundle, do you have plans for a Mongoose Traveller 1st Ed. Bundle anytime soon? :)

I am afraid not, but we do have plenty of goodies coming for the current edition :)