I'm wanting to spice up melee combat and add in some cinematic moves that mostly just describe how you would 'fight dirty' using Mongoose Traveller 2e rules as written. What are your thoughts about the rules below? I've written some, but others I really need help with.
Description: A character throws sand, dirt, or a goblet of wine into his opponent's face in order to gain an edge in combat.
Rules: Use a minor action to pick up the sand with a hand free (no roll needed, requires there to be sand or equivalent present), and then another minor action to throw it (using an Attack roll). If successful, the opponent is partially blinded and the opponent will attack with a bane until they spend a significant action to rub the sand out of their eyes.
Description: Produce a hidden dagger and use it to attack (usually as a backup to a sword).
Rules: Attack and deal damage per the Dual Weapon fighting rules (can't aim, DM-2 on both attack rolls).
Description: Seize an opening during compbat to viscously kick your opponent.
Rules: Attack and deal damage per the unarmed combat rules.
Description: When an opponent is on the ground after tripping or falling, stomp or kick the opponent.
Rules: Attack and deal damage per the unarmed combat rules.
Description: The attacker grapples then chokes their opponent.
Rules: After a successful Grapple action, the attacker (as a minor action?) may make an immediate choking attack. The attacker makes a Strength vs. Endurance contested roll against the opponent, and if successful, the attacker deals 1D6 damage.
Description: Trip your opponent so they will suffer the disadvantages of being prone.
Rules: Not sure how I'd do this -- any ideas?
Description: With a flourish of your sword or a cool martial arts move, you disarm your opponent.
Rules: Not sure how I'd do this -- any ideas?
Would love to find ways to do the above but in a balanced way that would make players actually want to use them in combat
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
-- Stan
Description: A character throws sand, dirt, or a goblet of wine into his opponent's face in order to gain an edge in combat.
Rules: Use a minor action to pick up the sand with a hand free (no roll needed, requires there to be sand or equivalent present), and then another minor action to throw it (using an Attack roll). If successful, the opponent is partially blinded and the opponent will attack with a bane until they spend a significant action to rub the sand out of their eyes.
Description: Produce a hidden dagger and use it to attack (usually as a backup to a sword).
Rules: Attack and deal damage per the Dual Weapon fighting rules (can't aim, DM-2 on both attack rolls).
Description: Seize an opening during compbat to viscously kick your opponent.
Rules: Attack and deal damage per the unarmed combat rules.
Description: When an opponent is on the ground after tripping or falling, stomp or kick the opponent.
Rules: Attack and deal damage per the unarmed combat rules.
Description: The attacker grapples then chokes their opponent.
Rules: After a successful Grapple action, the attacker (as a minor action?) may make an immediate choking attack. The attacker makes a Strength vs. Endurance contested roll against the opponent, and if successful, the attacker deals 1D6 damage.
Description: Trip your opponent so they will suffer the disadvantages of being prone.
Rules: Not sure how I'd do this -- any ideas?
Description: With a flourish of your sword or a cool martial arts move, you disarm your opponent.
Rules: Not sure how I'd do this -- any ideas?
Would love to find ways to do the above but in a balanced way that would make players actually want to use them in combat

Thanks in advance for any feedback!
-- Stan