Advice for an EA Tournement Fleet


I want to play my first tournament on September 9th, and have no (real) idea for the fleet, because I´ve played only Campaigns up today.

My first ideas for the fleet are :

2x Hyperion with Starfury
2x Nova with Thunderbolt
2x Sagittarius

1x Warlock with Thunderbolt
3x Hermes with Starfury

1x Omega with Thunderbolt
3x Chronos

What do you think about it ?
(And yes I don´t want to take the 10 Sag Fleet.)
It really depends on what you are facing. I find Super AP works a a lot better on the Hull 6 ships, than vanilla Twin-Linked. It also ignores interceptors. For EA, they suffer the penalty of being Boresight though.

In the above fleet;
Olympus, Turret mounted railguns and fore Missiles. However the hull 4 means you have to be careful. A surprisingly good ship though.
Saggitarius, makes up the infamous 10 sagg fleet o'cheese.
Nova, excellent ship though short ranged, remember the AP, Beam option on the LPAs. Carries four 'furies.
Artemis is a tough little cookie and packs Railguns.

If you want to add in lasers:
I would consider swapping out both the Olympus (Missile support from the Saggitarius, Railguns on Artemis) and/or a Nova for Hyperions depending on how many you want, or what range you want to engage at.

I find Hyperions to be fantastic ships for the armaments they pack, however the low damage and crew can make them a little too vulnrable at times. They will also bring a flight of 'furies.
I know that on the tournament in one week will be one Drakh and one Minbari Player and one ISA.

And I guess, that there will be Narn and Centauri.

The Problem is, that the Olympus and the Artemis have problems with the Drakh GEC and that fighters are useless. But against Centauri Fighters are good.


I think I change the 2 Olympus against one Hyperion with a Thunderbolt flight ang give the Novas the Starfuries.
I don't think one single thunderbolt flight will make much of a difference overall. It might be worth loading each Nova with 3 Starfury and 1 Thunderbolt.

The good mix of ships should hopefully serve you well gainst all the different opponents.

I think I take following fleet.

1x Hyperion with Starfury flight
2x Nova with 3 Starfury and 1 Thunderbolt each
2x Artemis
2x Sagittarius
(So in the Fleet are 7 Starfury Flights and 2 Thunderbolt.)

I think this is a good fleet for the Tournement on Saturday.

Another Question.
Would you first use the Starfuries and then launch the Thunderbolt or not ?
Rynar said:
try this one:

2 Olympi
2 Saggi
2 Nova's
2 Artemis

Nice...... 8)

This sounds pretty good but he'll have trouble against Hull 6 ships. Maybe trade the Olympus and Artemis for 2 Hyperions. The 2 Nova combo can be really deadly if played right though. And you get 8 flights of fighters with them.
I need now a really good EA fleet, because I want to win the ARMAGEDDON BOX, which is the prize for the first place.

So If somebody have good Ideas ...
Goldritter said:
I know that on the tournament in one week will be one Drakh and one Minbari Player and one ISA.

And I guess, that there will be Narn and Centauri.

The Problem is, that the Olympus and the Artemis have problems with the Drakh GEC and that fighters are useless. But against Centauri Fighters are good.


I think I change the 2 Olympus against one Hyperion with a Thunderbolt flight ang give the Novas the Starfuries.

Why do the Olympus and Artemis have problems against the GeG? The have double damage weapons(the Railgun) If anything, the Nova with it's single damage weapon would have more problems with the GEG then the Olympus and the Artemis.

The Olympus and Artemis have 2 and 4 AD weapons and the Nova has 8 and 12 AD weapons.

The GEC reduce the damage from every weapon System. So the 2 AD of the Missile will be reduced to zero damage if the missiles do no critical.

And the 4 AD of the Artemis will do on an average throw a damage of max 2.
Goldritter said:
The Olympus and Artemis have 2 and 4 AD weapons and the Nova has 8 and 12 AD weapons.

The GEC reduce the damage from every weapon System. So the 2 AD of the Missile will be reduced to zero damage if the missiles do no critical.

And the 4 AD of the Artemis will do on an average throw a damage of max 2.

The missles have a 1/3 chance of ignoring the GEG if they hit since they are precise. Also, against the smaller ships with a GEG of 1, Double Damage weapons guarantee doing damage. I would take the Chronos over the Nova with it's 6AD of Railgun, however in retrospect:

I get 2 Oylmpus per Nova. This would get me 4 AD of Missles and 8 AD of Railguns and 12 AD of TL VS 8AD/12AD of TL. The railguns are turreted.

2 Artemis get me 12 AD if Railguns Forward and 8 Aft. with 12 AD of AF, TL, Weak on the sides which negate the Dodge of the Drakh raiders

Of course you could take more Sags.

He is also up against Minbari and ISA, and possibly Narn and Centauri. So he needs a versatile fleet to stand a chance against all of them, rather than just concentrating on beating the Drakh. And the hull 4 Olympii will likely be easy kills to the Minbari and Centauri lasers. I would not be suprised to see a Tinashi or a Primus fielded in these fleets, though they enven have a pile of lasers in their Raid choices.

As to fighter deployment, I would start with three flights of Starfury deployed (unless fighting a Narn Fleet with Energy mines). This will give you a small interceptor screen to start with. Depending on how fast you need to close the distance with the Novas, look at either deploying more starfuries if you need more fighters or scanners to full units. If your enemy has a distinct lack of anti-fighter units and weapons, then it might be worth launching Thunderbolts. If fighting Narn, then it depends on when you feel comfortable launching them as Narn Frazi's will likley be following in behind the Enegry-mine barrages.
And another. The Olympus is a bad choice against Drakh.
First the GEG of minimum 1 on every Ship.
Second all Drakh ships have AP weapons and only one (the Scout) has no Beam weapons (but 6AD of AP Weapon front).

So the Olympus will be an easy target for Drakh. (I think.)
Im the second from six in the tournament.

My first Game wa sagainst Centauri (2x Primus & 1 Centurion).
We played 6 round and the I destroyed the three ships. My survivors are one Saggittarius, 1 Nova and one Hyperion. This games was balanced and only the dieces deiceded which side win.

I lost my second game against 2x Shadow Hunter and 1 Shadow Scout. I have only killed one Hunter. And in average every turn a ship from mine was destroyed :( .

The third game I played against ISA (5x White Star) which I won with 2 Saggittarius and one Nova alive. The length of the game was 7 round and I won 4 to 5 times the initiative.
I was suprised hoe many crits I´ved rolled with the Novas and the Sags.

In the third game we have an interesting situation.
A White Star has made a Skin Dance against a Sag and then the Sag moved away. The referee told us, that, even when the White Star is now 6" away, the Skin Dance dow work and that only weapons with "precise" can attack the White Star now.
Is he right or wrong ?
Well done on the result. What fleet did you choose in the end and how did you think the ships in it performed?

Goldritter said:
In the third game we have an interesting situation.
A White Star has made a Skin Dance against a Sag and then the Sag moved away. The referee told us, that, even when the White Star is now 6" away, the Skin Dance dow work and that only weapons with "precise" can attack the White Star now.
Is he right or wrong ?

In my view the judge has got it right. Despite the Saggitarius moving away the White Star had already completed it's Skin Dance. I guess this is only a problem when the White Star does it as the target can move away afterwards. Kudos to your opponent for pulling off the manoeuvre though.
The ruling does seem techincally correct.

I find this one kind of odd, as a supporting fighter that I move out of range of is lost, but the skindancer stays. We generally have agreed that Whitestars should only skindance ships that have already moved and are bigger than they are. (We also frown on heavily damaged whitestars using this as a way to get a cheap ram in.) It is in some ways like the gentlemans agreement with boresights. Perfectly legal and all but must we? Of course if the ship cannot move, or is in adrift, or something we tend to allow it at the point the ship will be when its enforced movement happens.

Incidentally, from reading the rule 'intended target' should probably read 'intended enemy target' to aviod attempt at cheese.

I choose :

1x Hyperion with Starfury,
2x Nova with 3x Starfury and 1x Thunderbolt each,
2x Artemis,
2x Saggittarius.

And it was interesting, that all Players (exept the Centauri) first try to kill my Hyperion ;) and that the Fighters where a good choice against White Star and the Shadows.

The Situation with the Skin Dance, was, that I got the Iniative and he has only one Ship. So he must move his White Star and make the Skin Dance and I then move all my ships. So the Saggittarius can move in the same round as the White Star made it´s Skin Dance.