Not to start a flame war or any such but so far every issue of errata that has been mentioned in ALL of these threads (plus a few others that I noticed on my read through) has been compiled into document and submitted to both ADB and Mongoose.
Their first order of business next week is to consolidate all of the errata and provide an online document that clears up every single issue in the rule book.

And every item listed in the first four posts in the new thread were included.
By all means, let's continue to post all of these that we find so they can all be reviewed / corrected at one time.

And I like the idea of a thread that has no commentary, only errata posted for review.
With the armour we don't know if it is errata or not. For the Romulan War Eagle all other Eagle ships have armour, and it has armour in the source material (SFB) so you would logically think it has just been missed out and is an error, and we need it to be confirmed/denied.
Well Matt ahs already said officialy that this is intentional and not an error with it being "durable" beign reflected in the large damage score. I would suggest that you put this on the thread I put up for conversion issues but that seems to have becoem yet another discussion on SFU versus non sfu :(
ah yes :oops: sorry

yeah thats a possible conversion issue - although I really hope that all these conversion issues are only implemetned if the points costs are reassessed at the same time.

I also doubt MGP will want to change too much in the book......