Recent content by Games&Theory

  1. G

    Simple question: Will the old SST models be discontinued?

    If they are serious about keeping the old models "legal" by supporting them with EVO stats and allowing them in offical events, then MGP will have regained a lot of respect in my mind. I bought into the original game and worked had to support it...but came perilously close to selling off...
  2. G

    Abandon Ship

    A disturbing trend I've noticed is that anybody with a join date in the 2006 range thinks this idea is just too peachy keen. Well, that position is easy enough to say when your investment (of time, money, support for the company) has been minimal. But look at posters with early 2005 (or prior)...
  3. G

    Abandon Ship

    Hi, Scip Though yours were much more deserving of a response, if it makes you feel better, my rants never got any response from anybody official either... :wink: G&T
  4. G

    Suspicious About SST Evo?

    Very classy move, Matt. While, I can't attend this show due to being on the wrong side of the Atlantic, this show of good faith is very welcome. I'm still uneasy about how the move to SST:Evo treats pre-Evo customers but I am willing to listen to the reports of this event. G&T PS - My...
  5. G

    Starship Troopers Evolution

    Let's see...Howabout: Your old models are still going to be usefull? It's not like they are gone. Ok, my old models can still be used but how's that different than me using GW Space Marines as proxies? Heck, I coulda been doing that all along (and, in hindsight, maybe I should have)...
  6. G

    Starship Troopers Evolution

    SST:Beta Someone used an analogy in this thread about SST: Evolution being more like a computer strategy game…how appropriate. I can’t help shaking this feeling that the game I’ve been playing and buying minis for the last 1.5 yrs has turned out to be just an extended beta test period for the...
  7. G

    A Sculpting Poll

    I knew things were going to be touch and go for the Skinnies when the concept art was released and not many of the designs were very good. And that’s not trying to be nitpicky. I can appreciate something as good looking even if it’s not to my own particular taste. Unfortuantely, with the...
  8. G

    SST Box Design

    I voted box art but it needs to be GOOD box art...which probably means it costs GOOD money which adds to the cost (which makes the minis more expensive). Boo. But But BUT!!! Taking a longer view, I'm willing to have (theoretically) more expensive minis if it means helping the line continue to...
  9. G

    My Pathfinder Quandry

    I'll always vote for the "different" option so I say go for the camo! Just note thatcamo takes FOREVER to paint up if you are aiming for show/display quaity since you have to highlight and shade based on the patch of color you happen to be working on at the moment...and all those patches of...
  10. G

    Army Boxed Sets

    I voted yes...reason being is that SST is almost into year #2 of it's life cycle. The two original races have been fleshed out to such a degree that there are enough units out there to allow a player to focus exclusively on just one race...meaning, even as good a deal as it is, the boxed set...
  11. G

    Project Card (Updated 06-20-07) - New Card: Brute Squad

    Hiro! Thanks for the "Doogie Howser" edition of the SICON Agent card!...wowsers...excellent excellent work!!!! G&T
  12. G

    Project Card (Updated 06-20-07) - New Card: Brute Squad do the wee folk get copies of these!?!?! G&T
  13. G

    Which Skinnie Faction (And a Small Preview of the Army Book)

    Wow! Sounds like there's gunna be a whole passle of Skinnie models to try out. Kudos to the 'Goose for giving us cross-over options for the Skinnies (Brain Bug-Skinnie army, Human Slaves, etc.). It'll give us a chance to get more milege out of our existing Bug/MI models. Nice. I must say...
  14. G

    Whats better for the money? Nighthawk or Chickenhawk

    I voted for the Chickenhawk. I can see scenarios where the Nighthawk would certainly be better but, in terms of where the game is today and what players (in my area, at least) are using...frankly...there's not enough Air Phase action to warrant the Nighthawk's big AA missile launcher (and it's...
  15. G

    How many boxes of Light Armor MI to buy?

    Yeah, Elvis I'm with you on wanting to be crystal clear about the plastic LAMI. For all the great idea-honing re: blisters of metal LAMIs for additional poses, one decent box of plastic LAMIs would make the bargain-basement conversion artist in me happier than the King eating a deep-fried...