worst modelling based injury competition, post yours.

Damnit, I just stepped on, with bare feet, a falkosi that I dropped. I had just shaved all the flash off it, so it was sharp enough to draw blood.

Bloody little pewter caltrop.
Air brushing at a wrong angle and got hit in the eye with thinned paint. I think it was actually the thinner that made it hurt like hell.. >.<
One of my friends whilst triming some models left a craft knife end up in the crease of the chair he was working on.

Then he put his hand down on it needless to say being sharp it drew blod and sunk 1" into the flesh of his hand and promply severed the tendon of one of his fingers.

Since then he has got the use of his hand back but the finger wil never be the same.

trimming the flash off a omega the other day slipped and drove the point into my finger. heh maybe if we all mail in our flash they can keep production up for a little while :lol: (kidding)
whitestar11 said:
One of my friends whilst triming some models left a craft knife end up in the crease of the chair he was working on.

Then he put his hand down on it needless to say being sharp it drew blod and sunk 1" into the flesh of his hand and promply severed the tendon of one of his fingers.

Since then he has got the use of his hand back but the finger wil never be the same.

All I can say is, lucky he didn't sit on it!
Once while using ruler/xacto knife to cut cardboard/cardstock I wasn't paying enough attention and the tip of one of my fingers was on the wrong side of the straight edge.

Er... ouch!

On Sunday night Cutting some newly purchased Russians off the sprue

Stabbed slf in left forefinger

Bled a lot, didn't hurt much.

First EVER modelling injury (if you don't count regular supergluing of bits to myself or bits of myself to myself!)

And I'm **

(This post redacted to save my blushes!) :D