Mortepierre said:pa11ad1n said:As the game is based on Howard's vision....(the original) the world is not one with countless monsters around every corner.
.. except Conan meets one in nearly each and every adventure. OK, so that's one monster, but still...
Nuff said on that....If we can all agree that someone disagreed with me on this point I can move on, yes?
As for not understanding where I am coming from...
I am trying to preserve the feel of the Hyberian world. A world that, as we have already stated, does not have a monster around every corner.
Day to day life would not include weird stuff. Do we agree on this?
Assuming that we do...
How can you get your players (who may not have read conan and who are familier with games lie D&D) to get this feeling if weird stuff happens to them every time they take up their character sheets?
I understand where you are coming from. It is fine if all of your players are familier with the concept of what Conan is about. Many don't, I try to make sure that the feel of the world is properly preserved for these people.
If you can appreciate that I may be allowed to continue after the Open Day.
PS. Apparently my personality type takes disagreements personally.
I'm trying not to...