This in interesting. *bump*
So essentially, a Barbarian is kept from specializing in any weapon type. It may also be a balance issue, because they get all these other boons like full Exotic proficiency and such. You're "specialized in versatility", so to speak.
So the "7 levels" threshold is not directed at full Barb characters - you just don't waste a feat like that. It's for multiclassing chars. On the one hand, you are permitted to "sniff in" the Bbn class without being penalized, but on the other hand, you are kept from powergaming all too much.
But look at it that way: the Improved Crit chain really ain't that great. At least it wasn't in 3E rules, so I don't know for sure how it works in Conan. But here's what I'm thinking:
A sword gives you a 10% chance of scoring a threat. With extended threat ranges, this expands to 20% or 30%, respectively. However. To score a threat, you first need to connect. If your opponent has a high DV/AC, you may find that the first half of your threat range is useless, because you just don't hit the bugger on a 16.
As I said, this is true for many D&D games, where you fight monsters with insane ACs, and can be lucky if you don't need a natural 20 to hit anyway.
DVs might not get as high in Conan, so if that's the case, basically you hit at lower rolls, and can benefit from the wider threat range. BUT an angry barbarian between levels 7 and 14 also has a good chance of scoring massive damage hits even without critting.
Be that as it may - you may find it a nuisance not being able to specialize in certain weapons. Maybe you can find a way around it, like getting your DM to make a house rule. Or you could get used to the idea, and just use your feat slots for other stuff.
Personally, I must say that the Barbarian in Conan is very much to my liking. As a player, I've always been paranoid about not being able to use specialized feats or equipment. Think about it - you get all the feats for the Bastard Sword, from Focus to Improved Critical, and then the GM makes you lose your prized sword and lets you find a battle axe instead. Big wailing and gnashing of teeth. Not gonna happen with the Conan Bbn.