Where are all the pics of painted minis? SF

every fleet need their shuttles. so i have painted a blister of this little ships. three for marine transport duties and three for suicide tasks.


two more pics you can find on the blog.
Nice job. One bit of advice if you buy anything from them in WSF again: it's a good idea to give them a couple of coats of varnish before painting to reduce the roughness of the surface (got a few WW1 planes and things in that material, but I usually go for the much smoother white detail material unless the model's particularly fragile).
Pictures of the first Constitution-class cruiser I got finished. Found a bead shop the other day that had a couple different options that looked like they would be a good replacement for the misshapen sensor dishes. This is the smaller of the two pieces I got; will use the slightly bigger ones on the larger ships.

My first conversion and painted 2500 ship. For some reason I just love the look of the Fed Scout.
USS Revere Scout_1_2_1.jpg
Gotta try to find some free time to paint some more.

The conversion used the Fed CA saucer and engine. Engine was sanded down and gaps filled in with Tamiya putty. The sensors were from the 2400 line, plastic.