Where are all the pics of painted minis? SF

i just wanted to say thank you for all the nice things people have said about my Terran Empire OCL. its been very encouraging i hope to put some more of my ships up soon. i'm my own worst enemy when it comes to evaluating my painting. although ill have to get my dad to post up his orion salvage cruiser ive been helping with!
Those Gorn and mirror universe ships are very nice.. Am tempted to buy some Gorn but do the main color a sort of teal, with grey on the engines, so a sort of reverse of what you have going on there.
My Klingon flagship. This finishes off the squadron box.
Those are just free-hand designs. I used the Klingon Imperial emblem and then a few numbers from a Klingon alphabet/language resource online.

wow the one kit looks like he's repackaged and is selling starline2400 stuff as his own. The one kit looks just like the franz joseph ships.
archon96 said:
wow the one kit looks like he's repackaged and is selling starline2400 stuff as his own. The one kit looks just like the franz joseph ships.

Don't know. As far as I can tell, he's he only seller of Starline style decals I can locate ANYWHERE, so I have no other options right now if I want Klingon decals.
archon96 said:
wow the one kit looks like he's repackaged and is selling starline2400 stuff as his own. The one kit looks just like the franz joseph ships.
Actually, I think the plastic Federation ships pre-date the SFB Starline miniatures. IIRC they were originally produced by or for Franz Joseph designs and ADB aquired the rights to distribute them as part of their SFB product line.

This is all based on my really fuzzy memory from back in the early-early days of the game in the late 70's or early 80's. :lol:
Dave773 said:
Those are just free-hand designs. I used the Klingon Imperial emblem and then a few numbers from a Klingon alphabet/language resource online.


that's amazing work.

That Klingon DN is amazing, absolutely lovely paint scheme! 8) 8) 8) 8)


Like I've said elsewhere, Bill, a great alternate take on the Kzinti colours. Viva el Centauri! :wink: 8) 8) 8) 8)

@ scoutdad

Ah, my favourites, the Orions! These paint schemes are just amazing. Can't wait to see more of these when the next Orion waves are released! 8) 8) 8) 8)
