What extra stuff should she give The Treasure Fleet


I'm asking for advise for A GM who has took over from A GM she knows but I don't and who left to look after his elderly mother and she have a problem. Can you help?

The GM has 6 players who have done No Honour Among Thieves, Treasure of Sindal, Revolution on Sperle, Game of Shadow and Sun and The Demons Eye and now she wants to do Treasure Ship

The problem is that in order to ensure that even if the worst happens that their Civilians ID's have a cushy retirement they've invested almost everything in a portfolio worth Cr 280,000,000 that they got as Cr 100,000,000 for Ransoming The Duke's Niece and Cr 60,000,000 each for ransoming Krond, selling the location of The WMD's at The Hidden Base to The Imperium and as hush money from The PRQ about their atrocities on Acrid and Argona and which currently funds the following Fleet with 1 Pc leading each ship

1st to 4th

They are all 200 ton Drinaxi Class Commerce Raiders. Other then all being fully repaired, fully refurnished, fully refurbished and all having A 4-ton medical Room, 25.75 tons of Cargo Space and 3 of them having A Triple Turret with 3 Beam Lasers are standard. They all have a total of 11 crew that are made up of 3 Marines, 2 Gunners, 1 Medic, 1 back-up engineer, 1 back-up pilot, 1 engineering officer, 1 piloting officer and 1 1st officer and A Pc as The Captain and other then The Pc all crew have A +3 DM in their 5 key-skills and A +2 DM in their 3 none-key skills


It’s A 400 ton Buccaneer Class Blockade Runner. Its Entirely Standard and other then its Pc Captain all of its 11 regular crew and all 3 of its Marines all have A +3 DM in their 5 key-skills and A +2 DM in their 3 none-key skills


It’s a 500 ton Watchdog Class Fleet Picket. Its entirely standard and other then its Pc Captain all of its 13 Regular Crew and 3 Marines all have A +2 DM in their 5-key skills and A +1 DM in their 5-none key skills

So in all a sizeable Fleet but it does cost them Cr 740,515 a month of their Cr 1,400,000 a month from their portfolio
as well as 74% of all of their illegal earnings or 84% of all of their illegal earnings when you add in The 10% that Oleb demands and her Pcs give him

So can you tell me what extra ships, extra weapons to give the both the new and existing ships, how many extra marines and combat-trained personnel to give the both the new and existing ships and what extra weapons, armour, explosives and equipment to put in the armouries of to give the both the new and existing ships?