What cults would you like to see?


With Gods of gloratna due in October(Volume 1) I was wondering what medium/small cults would people like to see in the future. I think we can assume the big boys and girls like Orlanth, Kyger Litor, Thed, ect will make it in Gods of Gorantha ,so Im more interested in the smaller ones people would find interesting
For me I would like to see Babeestor Gor and the Cannibal cult.
The Cannibal Cult dates to the beginning of time so they should still be running around Prax in the second age, inviting adventurers over for dinner. I have always thought they would be a nice change of pace to spring them on a party instead of the normal Broo and other types but outside the fact they eat people not much has been written on them that I have been able to find.
Babeestor gor I have alway though would be a good cult for some adventurers as they have to go out and avenge certian crimes against earth temples, ect. Not only that but considering how a number of adventourers act, they could also wind up hunting down certian types of players too. Finding out that serving wench at the local bar big sister is an Ax Maiden might not be pleasent news to some players.
Well the author of Cults of Glorantha asked the same question on rpg.net.


But as it is now Cults of Glorantha Volume 1 we can still try and get our ideas in.

Me - I always wanted to be a runelord of Daka Fal in RQII. Because you got to choose which ever five skills you wanted to have at 90%... :lol:
I'd love to see some cults that could be used as GM tools, rather than specifically focussing on PC cults. Previous editions were just strong in that department, and ultimately everybody won as they helped to make the world so much more believable.

I'm talking about domestic cults, chaos cults, "good" cults that no PC would ever dream of joining, that sort of thing.

Most of all though, I'm interested in seeing how the designers envision Gloranthan cults fitting in with the framework of "rune magic". I'm sure that they have something workable in the wings, and am looking forward to seeing (and constructively debating) it.
GbajiTheDeceiver said:
I'm talking about domestic cults, chaos cults, "good" cults that no PC would ever dream of joining, that sort of thing.

Chaos cults were covered pretty well by Lords of Terror for RQ3. I agree that we absolutely need those again, for lots of good foes. Domestic and "good" cults have been covered before, but in a haphazrd way, and many only through Tales of the Reaching Moon, and similar publications, rather than through official channels.

Still, we need the biggies before we see any of these. I don't know how similar any of the cults in the 2nd Age will be to the 3rd Age cults that we're all familiar with.
While not typically Gloranthan, I just saw a portion of the draft for one of our upcoming "plain wrap" releases: elemental options.

Oh, wow, I'm enthused. It's good.

Rurik said:
atgxtg said:
We need the obligatory Kygor Litor write-up. That's a tradtion.

It should be in the Cults book AND the Glorantha Book. Plus in the inevitable Troll book.

I'm just shocked I tell you that there wasn't a "Troll Mother" in the Core rules.

I await the Companion to put things right.
GbajiTheDeceiver said:
Rurik said:
atgxtg said:
We need the obligatory Kygor Litor write-up. That's a tradtion.

It should be in the Cults book AND the Glorantha Book. Plus in the inevitable Troll book.

I'm just shocked I tell you that there wasn't a "Troll Mother" in the Core rules.

I await the Companion to put things right.

Maybe they will put a "troll mother" up on the board? :wink:
In RQ2-3 the cults where cool but Gods within the same pantheon didn't mesh well in a 'fluffy' way heroquest did a better job. So what I'm, getting at is it would be cool to see integreted pantheons rather than isolated cults, that also show links and how they function 'realistically' within their associated culture.
And backed up by loads of myths to emphasis the nature of the god.

So I like to see the Storm Pantheon in MRQ terms :)

Dear All,

I would like to see Aral Vilsin - the Roaring God, supreme god of Granbretan.

Probably shares the Smoking skill with Chirshil - the Howling God

Lord High Munchkin said:
Dear All,

I would like to see Aral Vilsin - the Roaring God, supreme god of Granbretan.

Probably shares the Smoking skill with Chirshil - the Howling God


Nah, that's a Divine spell. 3 POW, No range, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable.

Causes immense clouds of smoke to billow from the caster's nostrils and mouth in a 10m radius around him. The caster is concealed behind the smoke, causing a -40 penalty to attack, parry and dodge for his opponents. At the same time, each person (enemy or friend) in the radius of the cloud must roll CON x 5 each melee round or be incapactiated by a coughing fit for that round. A critical failure of the CON x 5 roll will cause 1d3 Chest damage.
Dear all,

Now is there a bonus from a pipe or cigar?

I would say as Aral Vilsin was a 'pipe man' (and he is the chief god), it would be more powerful issuing from a pipe.

I want to see lots of EWF takes on the regular cults . I have the existing cults in my collection , so i dont especially need those again, but Dragon Orlanth, Yelm etc yes please.
Arkat said:
Foundchild. Deezola, and the other less popular of the Seven Mothers.

Being set in the Second Age I wouldn't expect any of the Lunar Pantheon from Mongoose.

Still may get some stuff from Issaries/Moon Design though (did that second Lunar Handbook ever get released?).
Arkat said:
Ya know there really isn't anything stopping them from releasing 3rd age stuff too.

Yes, there is. Greg Stafford. One of the perks of Second Age is that the writers will have an easier time getting stuff approved by Greg. Second Age has a lot of blank room where a writer can make something up. Third Age less so.

Plus, any Third Age stuff would need to be coodinated with HeroQuest, and competing with, HeroQuest.