Wave 2 Questions


My FLGS got these in this afternoon, and a couple of us have snuck in to buy them. They look good, but we got a couple questions on two items.

1. The Shadows have 70 pts listed on their card. Is that per vehicle or for all three. In the description on the card it just lists one car, unlike the infantry that saw how many in a squad.

2. The Feyadeen have a 7+ kill but no armour save. Seems a little redundant. Is there something we're missing?

1. Per vehicle. There's a field on the stat card which tells you exactly what ou get for your points, and it'll say Shadow RST-V with CKEM or somesuch. On the squad cards it's the bit that lists the composition of each team.

2. Other units or advanced rules might be able to give a unit an armour save.