This is an attempt at a conversion of the Warhammer setting. The Warhammer world has a lower level of magic, so Common Magic is not freely available. Instead it represents the "petty" spells of wizards - spells that must be mastered before progressing onto the more powerful magics, represented by the Sorcery magic system. Each Grimoire relates to a order of magic, be it Jade, Amber, Amethyst etc. Each player may only belong to one order of magic.
Character Generation
Men of the Empire
The Empire is the preeminent realm in the Old World, a wealthy nation with powerful armies, inhabited by a dynamic race of men who hold the fate of civilization in their hands. There is no such thing as the typical Empire citizen. The people of the northern forests and icy coasts are tall and strong, with fierce eyes and blond hair, the men sporting bushy beards. A belligerent folk, they honour Ulric, god of battle. Those from the cold, eastern borderlands are shorter and darker, the men growing luxuriant moustaches. They wear heavy furs and are renowned for their love of strong drink and their dour temperament. The inhabitants of the Great Forest that dominates the centre of the Empire prefer unhurried lives devoted to Taal, god of nature, while those of the sunny, open plains of the south dress in bright colours and are known for their lively disposition and tall tales.
Men are not as long-lived as the elder races of dwarfs and elves, but their mortality drives them to stamp their mark on the world. The folk of the Empire are renowned for their endless creativity, and are insatiable adventurers. Imperial engineers strive to improve upon the clockwork and steam-powered technologies borrowed from the dwarfs, and explorers traverse exotic lands across the ocean. A few men and women have recently begun to master the dangerous art of magic, introduced by the high elves to help humankind defend itself against the warped sorceries and armies of Chaos.
Human Adventurers start at 16+1D4 years of age. Aging tests are required at 40 years old, and every year after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (21), Veteran (28), Master (35), and Hero (42).
STR: 3D6 (11)
CON: 3D6 (11)
SIZ: 2D6+6 (13)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 3D6 (11)
DEX: 3D6 (11)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 8 metres
Traits: None
Dwarfs are a sturdy race: four and a half feet of solid muscle. They wear tough leathers, chainmail, and horned helmets, warhammers or axes slung at their belts. A dwarfs most prized possession is his beard – its length and whiteness reveal age and experience, and its adornments and the weave of its braids denote rank. Dwarfs live in mountain strongholds bordering the Empire, and are adept fighters, even in the gloom of tunnels. Unless they die in battle, they live for centuries. Every dwarf can recount his lineage back through numerous generations, and remembers every insult endured by his ancestors – the settling of a grudge is a serious issue. Dwarfs seldom back down or change their mind, but they always honour their pledge. They do not waste words on trivialities, and their gruff manner wins them few friends outside their own race. But a dwarf’s friendship, once given, is absolute.
Dwarf craftsmanship is vastly superior to that of men. They utilise steam-powered engines, clockwork devices, devastating blackpowder weaponry, and even ingenious flying machines. However, bound by tradition, nothing can be invented or improved without approval from the elders of the Dwarf Engineers Guild. Most dwarfs respect their betters, and those who do not are snubbed and humiliated. Dwarfs have no affinity for spellcasting, although runesmiths carve artefacts with intricate, magical runes. Dwarfs honour the smith-god Grungni, the warrior-god Grimnir, and Valaya, protectoress of the hearth, and their religious rites involve the copious quaffing of potent ale. Most dwarfs have an insatiable lust for wealth, and are loath to part with the smallest treasure. Expert miners, they delve deep underground for precious stones and metals, including rare gromril, tougher yet lighter than iron.
Dwarf Adventurers start at 50+2D6 years of age. Aging tests are required at 120 years old, and every 3 years after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (63), Veteran (74), Master (95), and Hero (126).
STR: 4D6 (14)
CON: 2D6+12 (19)
SIZ: 1D6+6 (10)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 3D6 (11)
DEX: 2D6 (7)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 6 metres
Traits: Dark Sight, Earth Sense
High Elf
Taller and more slender than most men, high elves have pointed ears and pale, delicate features framed by long golden or ebony hair. They live for many centuries, and to stare into elven eyes is to gaze into deep wells of arcane lore. They bear themselves with noble dignity, wearing silk robes, or, in times of war, shining scale-mail and tall helms, decorated with gold and jewels. High elves dedicate their long lives to perfecting a chosen art. Some pursue the skills of war, some become exceptional craftsmen, and others seek out ancient lore, reaching an understanding of magic far beyond human comprehension. They value learning, and consider themselves the most civilised of all races. Subtle in speech and manner, they can convey intricate depths of meaning with the slightest gesture.
Their homeland is Ulthuan, ruled by the Phoenix King Finubar and the beautiful Everqueen. It is a verdant, magical isle of white-towered cities, lying across the Great Ocean far to the west of the Old World. The venerated elf deities protect Ulthuan: Asuryan the creator, Vaul the craftsman, Isha, lady of fertility, and violent Khaine. High elf citizens proudly join the ranks of Ulthuan’s armies from an early age, taking their responsibilities and duties seriously. The High Elves are not a numerous race, and their island is beset by a cruel enemy – their treacherous kin, the dark elves.
Elven Adventurers start at 64+2D8 years of age. Aging tests are required at 160 years old, and every 4 years after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (84), Veteran (112), Master (140), and Hero (168).
STR: 3D6 (11)
CON: 3D6 (11)
SIZ: 2D6+4 (11)
INT: 3D6+6 (17)
POW: 2D6+6 (13)
DEX: 3D6+6 (17)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 10 metres
Traits: Magic Sense, Night Sight
Wood Elf
Wood elves are physically similar to their high elf kin. They equal them in beauty and grace, and have unsurpassed agility. Wood elves wear simple hides and furs, camouflaged to allow them to fade among the trees. Their forest life teaches them to move without trace through the most tangled terrain. Their home, Athel Loren, is a great forest that hugs the southern foothills of the Grey Mountains between the Empire and Bretonnia. Outsiders dare not enter these strange woods, for a powerful magic protects the trees. The wood elves wander in small kinbands, forever guarding the forest. They emerge from the foliage like ghosts, striking down intruders before vanishing mist-like into the undergrowth.
Magic and illusion are integral aspects of wood elf life – their mages can awaken the trees and commune with the spirits of the forest, such as tiny spites, vicious dryads, and lumbering treemen. Wood elves revere all arboreal life, and despise those who despoil the forests, whether men, dwarfs, or greenskins, but reserve their bitterest hatred for Chaos, which warps the natural world.
Elven Adventurers start at 64+2D8 years of age. Aging tests are required at 160 years old, and every 4 years after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (84), Veteran (112), Master (140), and Hero (168).
STR: 3D6 (11)
CON: 3D6 (11)
SIZ: 2D6+4 (11)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 3D6+6 (17)
DEX: 3D6+6 (17)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 10 metres
Traits: Life Sense, Night Sight
Gnomes in the Empire have often been described,- though never to their face - as small (or "petty") dwarfs. They are undoubtedly distant relatives, sharing the same stocky build and long, shaggy beards, but they are about 10 inches shorter on average, and are noted for their large, bulbous noses. Gnomes are both more nimble and more dexterous than their larger cousins, and these facts, coupled with their well-known antipathy for other races, has often lead them to being labelled "thieving stunties". But they also include some skilled illusionists among their number, for, unlike dwarfs, some of them have a natural aptitude for this kind of magic. Gnomes are also excellent smiths and craftsmen, and are fascinated- not to say obsessed- by all things mechanical; they love gadgets of all kinds. Few gnomes actually live as part of human society, but they profit greatly from trade in gnomic artefacts.
Most gnomes are great practical jokers; there`s nothing they like better than a good laugh at someone else`s expense. But woe betide the man or woman who dares to extract the Michael from a gnome, especially if he or she dares to make any derogatory comments about the gnomes lack of stature. Not for nothing to they have a reputation for being short-tempered and difficulty to get on with.
Being gregarious creatures, who invariable make their homes in communal burrows and caverns, it is unheard of for a gnome to spend any length of time in the wide open spaces that foster hunters and other rural types. Accordingly, gnomes do not start in such careers.
STR: 3D6 (11)
CON: 2D6+6 (13)
SIZ: 1D6+4 (8)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 2D6+6 (13)
DEX: 3D6 (11)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 7 metres
Traits: Dark Sight, Earth Sense
Gnome Adventurers start at 32+1D8 years of age. Aging tests are required at 80 years old, and every 2 years after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (42), Veteran (56), Master (70), and Hero (84).
Halflings are a small but dexterous race who look like human children to the untrained eye. The fact that they cannot grow beards only enforces this impression. Although they tend to be pot-bellied, since they eat twice as often as any other race, they are capable of great stealth. When combined with their natural ability with a sling, Halflings can prove to be surprisingly stubborn opponents. They are, however, a largely peaceful people, content to farm, eat and smoke pipe-weed. They are proud of their families and all Halflings can recite their family lineage back ten generations or more.
Most Halflings are homebodies. They enjoy peace and quiet and want nothing more than to be left alone to enjoy good food and a good smoke. There are, however a small number of Halflings who find their homeland, the Moot, intolerably boring. When the most exciting event of the day is finding out what kind of pie is for desert, some folks need a change. These Halflings develop a taste for adventure and leave the Moot behind, often for roguish pursuits. Since these Halflings are the ones most often encountered in the Empire, it is perhaps no coincidence that Halflings as a whole, have gotten a reputation as light-fingered sneaks.
Halfling Adventurers start at 24+1D6 years of age. Aging tests are required at 60 years old, and every 18 months after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (31), Veteran (42), Master (52), and Hero (63).
STR: 2D6 (7)
CON: 2D6+9 (16)
SIZ: 1D6+3 (7)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 3D6 (11)
DEX: 2D6+9 (16)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 6 metres
Traits: Night Sight
Ogres are big, ugly, brutish monsters that excel at two things: eating and fighting. An ogre is easily recognised by his massive frame and boulder-gut, but any that come across one would do well to stay out of its path, for an ogre will, more often than not, , club to death and messily devour any living thing it can catch. The Ogres come from a number of kingdoms scattered throughout the Mountains of Mourn and beyond, far to the east of the Old World. They travel the world fighting as rnercenaries and picking on those weaker than themselves, which, to be frank, is nearly everybody. To the dismay of the civilised races, the ogre populations in the mountains have grown so large that they have begun to foray into the outside world, no longer in groups of two or three, but in their hundreds.
A single Ogre is more than a match for half a dozen normal men. A full-grown ogre bull stands over ten feet tall and is almost half as wide at the gut. The gut of the common ogre is of utmost importance to its owner, socially, spiritually and physically. An ogre with a large gut is seen as wealthy and strong,for he has obviously eaten well to ensure such impressive girth. The ogre religion revolves around eating, and the gluttonous Butchers believe that they can commune with their primitive god through this simple act. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the ogre's vital organs are situated far lower than a man's. These organs are protected by a thick interlocking skin of musculature, and can grind and crack with terrific force, allowing the ogre to digest almost anything he cares to toss into his cavernous maw. But the common ogre leaves nothing to chance when it comes to his beloved abdomen, and protects his innards further with a large circular "gut plate". This is usually made of metal , beaten into shape or even cast in a mould, and will commonly depict an icon important to the owner's parent tribe. The gut- plate is secured around the ogre's waist by a heavy belt often used to store the ogre's eating tools.
STR: 3D6+12 (23)
CON: 3D6+12 (23)
SIZ: 3D6+12 (23)
INT: 1D6+6 (10)
POW: 3D6 (11)
DEX: 2D6 (7)
CHA: 2D6 (7)
Movement: 10 metres
Traits: None
Ogre Adventurers start at 16+1D4 years of age. Aging tests are required at 40 years old, and every year after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (21), Veteran (28), Master (35), and Hero (42).
Character Generation
Men of the Empire
The Empire is the preeminent realm in the Old World, a wealthy nation with powerful armies, inhabited by a dynamic race of men who hold the fate of civilization in their hands. There is no such thing as the typical Empire citizen. The people of the northern forests and icy coasts are tall and strong, with fierce eyes and blond hair, the men sporting bushy beards. A belligerent folk, they honour Ulric, god of battle. Those from the cold, eastern borderlands are shorter and darker, the men growing luxuriant moustaches. They wear heavy furs and are renowned for their love of strong drink and their dour temperament. The inhabitants of the Great Forest that dominates the centre of the Empire prefer unhurried lives devoted to Taal, god of nature, while those of the sunny, open plains of the south dress in bright colours and are known for their lively disposition and tall tales.
Men are not as long-lived as the elder races of dwarfs and elves, but their mortality drives them to stamp their mark on the world. The folk of the Empire are renowned for their endless creativity, and are insatiable adventurers. Imperial engineers strive to improve upon the clockwork and steam-powered technologies borrowed from the dwarfs, and explorers traverse exotic lands across the ocean. A few men and women have recently begun to master the dangerous art of magic, introduced by the high elves to help humankind defend itself against the warped sorceries and armies of Chaos.
Human Adventurers start at 16+1D4 years of age. Aging tests are required at 40 years old, and every year after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (21), Veteran (28), Master (35), and Hero (42).
STR: 3D6 (11)
CON: 3D6 (11)
SIZ: 2D6+6 (13)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 3D6 (11)
DEX: 3D6 (11)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 8 metres
Traits: None
Dwarfs are a sturdy race: four and a half feet of solid muscle. They wear tough leathers, chainmail, and horned helmets, warhammers or axes slung at their belts. A dwarfs most prized possession is his beard – its length and whiteness reveal age and experience, and its adornments and the weave of its braids denote rank. Dwarfs live in mountain strongholds bordering the Empire, and are adept fighters, even in the gloom of tunnels. Unless they die in battle, they live for centuries. Every dwarf can recount his lineage back through numerous generations, and remembers every insult endured by his ancestors – the settling of a grudge is a serious issue. Dwarfs seldom back down or change their mind, but they always honour their pledge. They do not waste words on trivialities, and their gruff manner wins them few friends outside their own race. But a dwarf’s friendship, once given, is absolute.
Dwarf craftsmanship is vastly superior to that of men. They utilise steam-powered engines, clockwork devices, devastating blackpowder weaponry, and even ingenious flying machines. However, bound by tradition, nothing can be invented or improved without approval from the elders of the Dwarf Engineers Guild. Most dwarfs respect their betters, and those who do not are snubbed and humiliated. Dwarfs have no affinity for spellcasting, although runesmiths carve artefacts with intricate, magical runes. Dwarfs honour the smith-god Grungni, the warrior-god Grimnir, and Valaya, protectoress of the hearth, and their religious rites involve the copious quaffing of potent ale. Most dwarfs have an insatiable lust for wealth, and are loath to part with the smallest treasure. Expert miners, they delve deep underground for precious stones and metals, including rare gromril, tougher yet lighter than iron.
Dwarf Adventurers start at 50+2D6 years of age. Aging tests are required at 120 years old, and every 3 years after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (63), Veteran (74), Master (95), and Hero (126).
STR: 4D6 (14)
CON: 2D6+12 (19)
SIZ: 1D6+6 (10)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 3D6 (11)
DEX: 2D6 (7)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 6 metres
Traits: Dark Sight, Earth Sense
High Elf
Taller and more slender than most men, high elves have pointed ears and pale, delicate features framed by long golden or ebony hair. They live for many centuries, and to stare into elven eyes is to gaze into deep wells of arcane lore. They bear themselves with noble dignity, wearing silk robes, or, in times of war, shining scale-mail and tall helms, decorated with gold and jewels. High elves dedicate their long lives to perfecting a chosen art. Some pursue the skills of war, some become exceptional craftsmen, and others seek out ancient lore, reaching an understanding of magic far beyond human comprehension. They value learning, and consider themselves the most civilised of all races. Subtle in speech and manner, they can convey intricate depths of meaning with the slightest gesture.
Their homeland is Ulthuan, ruled by the Phoenix King Finubar and the beautiful Everqueen. It is a verdant, magical isle of white-towered cities, lying across the Great Ocean far to the west of the Old World. The venerated elf deities protect Ulthuan: Asuryan the creator, Vaul the craftsman, Isha, lady of fertility, and violent Khaine. High elf citizens proudly join the ranks of Ulthuan’s armies from an early age, taking their responsibilities and duties seriously. The High Elves are not a numerous race, and their island is beset by a cruel enemy – their treacherous kin, the dark elves.
Elven Adventurers start at 64+2D8 years of age. Aging tests are required at 160 years old, and every 4 years after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (84), Veteran (112), Master (140), and Hero (168).
STR: 3D6 (11)
CON: 3D6 (11)
SIZ: 2D6+4 (11)
INT: 3D6+6 (17)
POW: 2D6+6 (13)
DEX: 3D6+6 (17)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 10 metres
Traits: Magic Sense, Night Sight
Wood Elf
Wood elves are physically similar to their high elf kin. They equal them in beauty and grace, and have unsurpassed agility. Wood elves wear simple hides and furs, camouflaged to allow them to fade among the trees. Their forest life teaches them to move without trace through the most tangled terrain. Their home, Athel Loren, is a great forest that hugs the southern foothills of the Grey Mountains between the Empire and Bretonnia. Outsiders dare not enter these strange woods, for a powerful magic protects the trees. The wood elves wander in small kinbands, forever guarding the forest. They emerge from the foliage like ghosts, striking down intruders before vanishing mist-like into the undergrowth.
Magic and illusion are integral aspects of wood elf life – their mages can awaken the trees and commune with the spirits of the forest, such as tiny spites, vicious dryads, and lumbering treemen. Wood elves revere all arboreal life, and despise those who despoil the forests, whether men, dwarfs, or greenskins, but reserve their bitterest hatred for Chaos, which warps the natural world.
Elven Adventurers start at 64+2D8 years of age. Aging tests are required at 160 years old, and every 4 years after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (84), Veteran (112), Master (140), and Hero (168).
STR: 3D6 (11)
CON: 3D6 (11)
SIZ: 2D6+4 (11)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 3D6+6 (17)
DEX: 3D6+6 (17)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 10 metres
Traits: Life Sense, Night Sight
Gnomes in the Empire have often been described,- though never to their face - as small (or "petty") dwarfs. They are undoubtedly distant relatives, sharing the same stocky build and long, shaggy beards, but they are about 10 inches shorter on average, and are noted for their large, bulbous noses. Gnomes are both more nimble and more dexterous than their larger cousins, and these facts, coupled with their well-known antipathy for other races, has often lead them to being labelled "thieving stunties". But they also include some skilled illusionists among their number, for, unlike dwarfs, some of them have a natural aptitude for this kind of magic. Gnomes are also excellent smiths and craftsmen, and are fascinated- not to say obsessed- by all things mechanical; they love gadgets of all kinds. Few gnomes actually live as part of human society, but they profit greatly from trade in gnomic artefacts.
Most gnomes are great practical jokers; there`s nothing they like better than a good laugh at someone else`s expense. But woe betide the man or woman who dares to extract the Michael from a gnome, especially if he or she dares to make any derogatory comments about the gnomes lack of stature. Not for nothing to they have a reputation for being short-tempered and difficulty to get on with.
Being gregarious creatures, who invariable make their homes in communal burrows and caverns, it is unheard of for a gnome to spend any length of time in the wide open spaces that foster hunters and other rural types. Accordingly, gnomes do not start in such careers.
STR: 3D6 (11)
CON: 2D6+6 (13)
SIZ: 1D6+4 (8)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 2D6+6 (13)
DEX: 3D6 (11)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 7 metres
Traits: Dark Sight, Earth Sense
Gnome Adventurers start at 32+1D8 years of age. Aging tests are required at 80 years old, and every 2 years after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (42), Veteran (56), Master (70), and Hero (84).
Halflings are a small but dexterous race who look like human children to the untrained eye. The fact that they cannot grow beards only enforces this impression. Although they tend to be pot-bellied, since they eat twice as often as any other race, they are capable of great stealth. When combined with their natural ability with a sling, Halflings can prove to be surprisingly stubborn opponents. They are, however, a largely peaceful people, content to farm, eat and smoke pipe-weed. They are proud of their families and all Halflings can recite their family lineage back ten generations or more.
Most Halflings are homebodies. They enjoy peace and quiet and want nothing more than to be left alone to enjoy good food and a good smoke. There are, however a small number of Halflings who find their homeland, the Moot, intolerably boring. When the most exciting event of the day is finding out what kind of pie is for desert, some folks need a change. These Halflings develop a taste for adventure and leave the Moot behind, often for roguish pursuits. Since these Halflings are the ones most often encountered in the Empire, it is perhaps no coincidence that Halflings as a whole, have gotten a reputation as light-fingered sneaks.
Halfling Adventurers start at 24+1D6 years of age. Aging tests are required at 60 years old, and every 18 months after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (31), Veteran (42), Master (52), and Hero (63).
STR: 2D6 (7)
CON: 2D6+9 (16)
SIZ: 1D6+3 (7)
INT: 2D6+6 (13)
POW: 3D6 (11)
DEX: 2D6+9 (16)
CHA: 3D6 (11)
Movement: 6 metres
Traits: Night Sight
Ogres are big, ugly, brutish monsters that excel at two things: eating and fighting. An ogre is easily recognised by his massive frame and boulder-gut, but any that come across one would do well to stay out of its path, for an ogre will, more often than not, , club to death and messily devour any living thing it can catch. The Ogres come from a number of kingdoms scattered throughout the Mountains of Mourn and beyond, far to the east of the Old World. They travel the world fighting as rnercenaries and picking on those weaker than themselves, which, to be frank, is nearly everybody. To the dismay of the civilised races, the ogre populations in the mountains have grown so large that they have begun to foray into the outside world, no longer in groups of two or three, but in their hundreds.
A single Ogre is more than a match for half a dozen normal men. A full-grown ogre bull stands over ten feet tall and is almost half as wide at the gut. The gut of the common ogre is of utmost importance to its owner, socially, spiritually and physically. An ogre with a large gut is seen as wealthy and strong,for he has obviously eaten well to ensure such impressive girth. The ogre religion revolves around eating, and the gluttonous Butchers believe that they can commune with their primitive god through this simple act. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the ogre's vital organs are situated far lower than a man's. These organs are protected by a thick interlocking skin of musculature, and can grind and crack with terrific force, allowing the ogre to digest almost anything he cares to toss into his cavernous maw. But the common ogre leaves nothing to chance when it comes to his beloved abdomen, and protects his innards further with a large circular "gut plate". This is usually made of metal , beaten into shape or even cast in a mould, and will commonly depict an icon important to the owner's parent tribe. The gut- plate is secured around the ogre's waist by a heavy belt often used to store the ogre's eating tools.
STR: 3D6+12 (23)
CON: 3D6+12 (23)
SIZ: 3D6+12 (23)
INT: 1D6+6 (10)
POW: 3D6 (11)
DEX: 2D6 (7)
CHA: 2D6 (7)
Movement: 10 metres
Traits: None
Ogre Adventurers start at 16+1D4 years of age. Aging tests are required at 40 years old, and every year after. When creating an experienced Adventurer, age requirements for each rank are Seasoned (21), Veteran (28), Master (35), and Hero (42).