I'm sorry, but having re-read the article in State of the Mongoose, I am not convinced. I notice that Victory at Sea: Ironclads will now be coming out after VAS 2, even though it was allegedly finished and only waiting for the layout queue (how may years ago was that?). The miniatures snipe hunt seems to be over, thank (enter name of appropriate deity here), but I think we should bear in mind that six years ago the miniatures were (according to the Mongoose archives) well in hand and would be released Real Soon Now. I have gone through the articles available back to 2012 and can't find a single reference to problems or delays (except for that bothersome layout queue) and yet the game that was constantly touted as being just around the corner has never appeared as close as the end of the block. You'll excuse me if I'm less than sanguine about the arrival of VAS 2 anywhere in the near future.
Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong.