Well it's the 23rd of September and, if David Reade's prophecy turns out to be accurate, the world is going to end without WAS2 seeing the light of day. What a surprise.
And it's now the 1st of October in the year during which VaS2 was due to be released "end of March-ish". In order for this to rank as anything close to the truth, March would need to be minimum of 214 days long, assuming the rules were to be released today. Which, of course, they won't be.
msprange said:
Just to recap, the arrangement we had set up for VAS2 fell through - we are still looking though!

Just to recap, making the publication of the rulebook contingent upon the availability of a non-existent (and rather pointless) proprietary line of miniatures is either a first-class merchandising boondoggle or a convenient way to shove the whole project onto the back burner without having to admit that it won't be completed in our lifetimes.
msprange said:
* We have been looking at something like £10 for a large Battleship.

Of course that will be adjusted by inflation, so by the time they come out, that will be closer to £1000. :twisted:
Greg Smith said:
msprange said:
* We have been looking at something like £10 for a large Battleship.

Of course that will be adjusted by inflation, so by the time they come out, that will be closer to £1000. :twisted:

I wouldn't worry too much about that, since the rulebook will still be waiting for a spot in the layout queue, right behind Victory at Sea: Ironclads.
Miniatures are irrelevant, a distraction, a misnomer. Why do companies these days feel they MUST have a miniatures deal in place before they release a book???? Just publish the **** rules and let us sort the minis out. I wont be buying any minis from anyone other than GHQ and Navwar anyway, I doubt if many others will.

So GIMME THE RULES NOW! Otherwise I'll just have to rewrite them myself...... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :D

I feel much much better for that...... :shock:
Okay, Matt, what's it going to be? In your last reply to one of my messages you indicated that the search for miniatures fell through but you're going to keep going with it, but in your reply to AdmiralGrafSpee you're talking about working something out to make a PDF version of the rules available if the miniatures hunt fails, which it apparently already has. I for one would settle for a PDF version as a stop-gap. I don't care about the search for a redundant line of model ships; I just want to play the game.
The original game did well enough without models. I for one won't be replacing my Navwar fleet with fancy new big ships. (though I did say the same thing about B5!). Give us the book already!
msprange said:
Currently in development, it is a new edition of VaS!

The above is the first official company comment (second message overall) on this thread; it will be one year old on Saturday of next week. Prior threads on the same subject that go back at least to 2012 were filled with what can at best be called obfuscation, misdirection, and plain old disinformation. This thread has continued that tradition and carried it to new heights (or depths, depending on your point of view).

I have no expectation that VaS2 will be published in 2018 and possibly not in 2019, that the Ironclads version (you know, the one that's been in the layout queue since 2015) will ever be published at all, or that the miniatures line, if Mongoose persists in hunting that snipe, will be much sought after by people whose fleets in many cases are already built.

There are a lot of WWII naval rules out there and a whole bunch of model ship companies. The inability of Mongoose Publishing to grasp these two facts has put any future version of Victory at Sea well behind the pack and I'm not sure that VaS2 would have a real chance of survival even if it were to be published tomorrow.

Too bad. It's a decent game, but time passes on and Mongoose hasn't kept up.
What Brass says.....

With companies now publishing rules primarily in PDF format there's no reason why VAS2 could not have followed suit. No commitment to miniatures ranges or print runs is necessary or even desirable. There are already excellent player made variants out there such as Missiles at Sea, so if fans can do it there's no reason why a company such as Mongoose Publishing can't do the same (this is supposed to be your bread and butter after all). All that's required is an update to an existing set of rules, nothing scary or difficult. It should only be a few weeks work for a savvy author (although having a 'savvy author' may well be the problem...).

We have VAS games running in our club at the moment and are already playing a version a couple of stages on from the original. We'll continue to develop a modified club version as there's a fart's chance in a hurricane of seeing anything further from MP.
Okay, we have heard you chaps, and we are going to be doing something about it!

Victory at Sea mentioned in the State of the Mongoose:
"Our immediate aims remain ‘make Traveller and Paranoia the best RPGs in their respective fields’. You can also add ‘release the new edition of Victory at Sea before the mob outside lynches us.’"

Yaaay people power!
I am currently tying up some other projects but yes, I am planning some fairly mega-previews for the new VAS, enough for you to get playing and let us know just what you think of the new rules!

Stay tuned, it is on its way...
msprange said:
I am currently tying up some other projects but yes, I am planning some fairly mega-previews for the new VAS, enough for you to get playing and let us know just what you think of the new rules!

Stay tuned, it is on its way...

Sounds great!