The Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society is back!


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The Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society is back, with three new volumes! Visit the JTAS3 Kickstarter page today and help bring this project to life!

We have been collating content from across Charted Space, combining the work of featured Traveller writers and community members to create the ultimate library of new adventures, ships, animals, lore, equipment, vehicles, characters, aliens, and much, much more...

These three 128-page volumes (with more unlockable via stretch goals) will come in an exclusive slipcase, which will grow with every volume unlocked during the campaign (and go nicely with previous deluxe slipcases on your shelf).

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You can download a free draft of Volume 13 on the JTAS Kickstarter page right now. Go check out what we have in store for you, including:

  • A Guide to Fashion in the Imperium: Never get caught in the wrong outfit again with this stylish guide.
  • Art College: A new pre-career option for creative Travellers.
  • Becoming the 1%: Additional character creation rules for assets and portfolio building. Navigate volatile markets, track your wealth and gain passive income.
  • The Endurance of Ftahalr: Learn about the history of the 700-year peace treaty between the Imperial worlds of Daibei and the Aslan clans of the Hierate.
  • Hi-Ex Solutions: A new bounty hunters guild specialising in 'kinetic warfare'. The people you turn to when simply eliminating a target does not send a clear enough message...
  • Mewey: A new playable alien race, Aslan descendants with a diplomatic nature and persistent curiosity
  • New Vehicles: Transport cargo beneath the waves with the Cargo Submarine and herd livestock with the Farm Crawler.
  • Star Angel Executive Medical Transport: A space-going ambulance service, rapidly delivering sick or injured patients to medical facilities on or off world.
  • Starleaper Yacht: Travel in comfort and style across Charted Space – so long as you can afford the price tag.
  • Stowaways: Read up on tips and tricks for stowing yourself away on a starship.
  • And much, much more...
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JTAS has always been a collaborative experience between Mongoose Publishing and the Traveller community. We have been collecting articles from across Charted Space, and Kickstarter is the perfect place to bring these new volumes to life, allowing us to interact and collaborate with Travellers worldwide to make this latest JTAS Kickstarter the best yet!

Backers will be in control of how many volumes we produce, and as the campaign progresses, your thoughts and opinions will be critical in building out that slipcase and getting the journals onto your gaming tables.

Check out the JTAS3 Kickstarter page for more information on pledge levels, add-ons and stretch goals.

Just to be clear, the ICS Papers and TAS Presents only exist for physical backers? That's fine, if so. Just don't want to overlook a chance to get them as digital goods if that's an option.
Just to be clear, the ICS Papers and TAS Presents only exist for physical backers? That's fine, if so. Just don't want to overlook a chance to get them as digital goods if that's an option.
This is correct (though you get digital versions of them as well at Premium level!).
pledged!! Nice... first time backer. I had read a lot, via youtuber reviewers about the joys of Mongoose Traveller Kickstarters. Happy to be in the supporting the product game myself instead of just playing catch up with all the years of books .

and the hunt begins for the first two box sets.. just have them in PDF.. oh my wife is not going to like this. One bit... I'll have to double down on the male charm and munching on the vitamin C D.. and probably E and F by the time this is over.
You should see my house.
I empathize. I describe my place as having load-bearing book piles.
Also, the sad truth is that slipcases must go because they subtract ~3mm per slipcase from space that could be dedicated to books...
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Indeed! And seriously enjoying the offerings in the Vol. 13 preview. The article on carpets and decking immediately got my eye, and the reference to Traders and Gunboats warmed the cockles of my grizzled heart.
Looks like it has passed the point of getting all six issues. What will we do for the other 29 days it will run? ;)

scoreboard watch... rooting for $100K myself!! 🍾

And maybe hope and hope for surprise additions. Didn't I see in another thread that we might see another installment of Bu and Embla. That would be a nice addition. Perhaps hopefully continued from where they left off and giving us some nice dirt on the less overcooked areas of charter space.. like the Vargr Extents? Perhaps going from Vrirhlanz to Lair and giving us a nice guided tour. A girl can dream at least...
scoreboard watch... rooting for $100K myself!! 🍾

And maybe hope and hope for surprise additions. Didn't I see in another thread that we might see another installment of Bu and Embla. That would be a nice addition. Perhaps hopefully continued from where they left off and giving us some nice dirt on the less overcooked areas of charter space.. like the Vargr Extents? Perhaps going from Vrirhlanz to Lair and giving us a nice guided tour. A girl can dream at least...
I saw elsewhere that there would be more Bu & Embla around Christmas. I do hope they add some more to the campaign though. Your ideas are good.
yeah Mark... the quality is what finally reeled me in after 40 years of NOT playing it.

My experience is very similar to Skorkowsky's. the reaction 'where has this game been my entire life'. With the same story that yeah sure I had heard of the game, who hadn't back then but while I gravitated more toward GDW's T2000 and more combat themed RPG like the stable of TSR games I just never got the nudge, or group of friends that played or actually tried Traveller.

However once I stumbled upon Seth's intro vids this last spring, while on his channel looking at D&D vids he had, I got interested and took the leap... but..

it was the quality of what I got, especially as I've waxed ineloquent before, the art and stunning visual presentation of Mongoose's Traveller that rapidly made it a full blown addiction and as Mr. Welch so accurately said.. 'be prepared to miss some house payments' as I wanted everything.. now.. not over time. Funny to say for one who is 40 years late to the party.. but I do wonder probably as many long time players do.. why isn't this game more popular than it is. Especially among younger players. Fabulous system, incredible modern production values.