Update on Battlefield Evo - The Full Scoop

AlgernonSidney said:
How are people's local stores reacting to this?
A wait and see the product that arrives, with the possibility of sending it back if the quality is low and no one accepts their preorders.
I don't mind the occasional missed date, or delay,
i'd rather have that than what EE did ,
outright deny any plans for a miniaturekit and tell you to convert from this and that kit and then release the exact thing you asked about less than a month later :evil:
msprange said:
Col_stone said:
I think the problem with delays is mostly due to them wanting to tell people what is coming in half a year instead of just the next two weeks releases as some companies.

We have always had a policy about being very open about what we do and where we are going. Yes, there are drawbacks, but what approach would you prefer?
Open and honest with a "Coming soon" tag rather than harder dates. Or even a more generic tag than a month with something like "spring 2007" or "3rd Quarter" or "Early 2007" to give you some wiggle room. Should be sufficient to appease the preview demands but tweak production delays. Once the product leaves the factory/your warehouse then trumpet it loudly with a release date. Or even get it to distributors and give them a street date with 2-4 weeks padding to give you a chance to build some hype and make sure all stores are ready to go before the green light is given.
msprange said:
We have always had a policy about being very open about what we do and where we are going. Yes, there are drawbacks, but what approach would you prefer?
i very much prefer the mongoose way:)
msprange said:
We have always had a policy about being very open about what we do and where we are going. Yes, there are drawbacks, but what approach would you prefer?

Previews are fine, but don't attach dates to them until the product is in-hand and has passed a quality inspection prior to shipping. When you give a date you create an agreement (implied or otherwise) with your customers that you have a plan in place to meet those dates. With as often as release dates have slipped on SST products, all you've done is create a reputation for yourselves as being unable to keep to your schedules.

As I said, doing this occasionally is understandable. However there's a perception, deserved or not, that Mongoose can't hit their initially announced release dates.
erion said:
And exactly why does mongoose deserve good faith?

I never said they did, and I see a lot of people frustrated and demoralised. And they've every right to be - Mongoose has had a lot of problems with SST, ActA and now BFE. Whether these are all internal, all external or a mix of both is something we'll probably never know.

Personally, one of the reasons I was sold on BFE was the quality of the minis, especially the wave 2 ones. I've had the opportunity to read the rulebook since then and I think it's a fantastic rules set, and these two things had me VERY excited for it.

Now that I've seen the minis, I'm torn. I know I can fix them up with a little bit of work, and they're not the worst figures ever, but the value for money aspect is vastly reduced. And now I've heard that the main rules don't include unit stats makes me even more worried about it.

I dunno, I'll probably still get some figures, but maybe not as many as I'd planned. If they sort out the painting issues, then I'll be much more satisfied.
Heh, the stores in my area kind of stopped dealing with MGP after too many quality control issues in the SST line. That killed interest in SST so fast it was unbeleivable. I had one store in the area on the verge of considering BFE, but that store is now out. They all basically say the same thing that has been echoed several times here. Essentially; "MGP has had serious issues with every major product they've ever released from the early d20 books all the way up to SST. Every time they say just stick w/us and things will get better, and the faithfull always seem to get rewarded with more of same-missed dates and shody product."

That's kind of an amalgamation of several different store owners views. Basically MGP has really shot itself in the foot in Western PA. Oh well. Back to Vor I suppose...

I have to say I agree with the idea of lowering the price at least on the wave one stuff- just like what MGP did with the metal LAMI that got screwed up. People are talking about showing faith in MGP, but maybe MGP should show some faith in it's customer base and maybe lower the price point for the first wave?

I take part of my statement back- the stores in my area that deal in rpg's still sell the MGP d20 stuff...
I was looking forward to Battlefied: Evolution but seeing this new figurines has completely turned me off the game. Ugh. One reason I was interested was that as a bad painter I could have a nice looking army to use. These things look just horrible though. I'm wondering if there's another company that offers roughly the same scale miniatures that I can use with the BE rules though if what I'm hearing about them being good is true.
Low Roller 1-1 said:
lastbesthope said:
Count me in for a Saturday Open Day Matt.

Lts Hope and Roller volunteering for duty.

"Lt" I got promoted :lol:

Sorry, I assumed you werre an Lt since you haven't been addressing me as "Sir" in your emails.

Make that Lt Hope and Private (Bottom of the class) Roller reporting for duty :lol:

Low Roller 1-1 said:

I'm OK at present for Sat 27th and LBH has no life apart from Mongoose so he will be there, Evil has a coridor pass.

So this sounds like a good day :lol:

LBH we may need a breakfast club/Dead commies party - thread in a couple of days :wink:

Soon as we have a date.

im sure if their was an eaisier way o doing this mongoose would do it.

im on the fence, i love the fact mongoose are open and enthusiastic on their product and listen to their gamers, and evan reply to us. yes its anoying supppliers and distributers let them down to the dates mp give, but we never complain when something comes out a week or 2 earlier than we exspected it ?

rakam on the other hand never seem to miss a date, but in reflection they never answer questions on their forums dirctly and leave you clueless bar digging to find exact release dates or evan months for some products, evan now a few days from release of the troop boxsets there is no confermed uk street price its all guese work. total lack of english support :(
I'm on the fence as well. I don't mind the minis. THey are good enough to game with. THe problem I'm starting to see is that if everyone bolts, I'll be stuck with models no one will use and without further support. I've contacted my pre-order holders, and they are fine with me canceling. I would really like to get into this game, but the almost universal uproar I've been finding on the net has me wondering if this game will see wave 3...
Mac V, do you think you wouldn't be able to use the figures with other games? There are plenty of other manufacturers that make moderns.

Surely there must be people playing other games besides this, you may be able to use your figures with those people. Not saying that there are any in your area but that may hold true with BEF anyway.

But even if this game tanks there will still be people playing modern wargames.
Low Roller 1-1 said:
lastbesthope said:
Sorry, I assumed you werre an Lt since you haven't been addressing me as "Sir" in your emails.


Sir?????????? :twisted:
Yeah, and I expect it too, PRIVATE ;)

I still owe you a favour by the way LR because I bailed on you for the Phat Cats Open Day. I can't give you infinite pints, but I can give you a pint or two...
Reborn said:
Low Roller 1-1 said:
lastbesthope said:
Sorry, I assumed you werre an Lt since you haven't been addressing me as "Sir" in your emails.


Sir?????????? :twisted:
Yeah, and I expect it too, PRIVATE ;)

I still owe you a favour by the way LR because I bailed on you for the Phat Cats Open Day. I can't give you infinite pints, but I can give you a pint or two...

go back to washin dishes reborn, and know your place :D

il just take the position of kommisar if you dont like it join the que and take a bullet like the next man :D
True there others with modern games and minis. Problem is that the other minis out there are not pre-painted.

I've been working on a WWII 15mm game for MONTHS. This was supposed to be a quick up and fun game. I was hoping to start playing this and finish my WWII painting at my leisure. I'm really not intersted with painting moderns. Too much WWII and really no time.

So, no BF:EVO, no modern for me.

I really hope Matt does more digging over the weekend and thinks long and hard on what to do. Going from "these will not be sold" to "they are OK" is a little unsettling to me. I also don't think it's going to fly with a majority of others out there either. Like I said before, I personally think they are good enough for the table, but if it's going to die on the vine, I don't want to get stuck with the minis.

That being said, I canceled my pre-order and will wait to see what happens when the smoke clears. I do hope things improve because I really want to play this game...
Mr Evil said:
Reborn said:
Low Roller 1-1 said:
Sir?????????? :twisted:
Yeah, and I expect it too, PRIVATE ;)

I still owe you a favour by the way LR because I bailed on you for the Phat Cats Open Day. I can't give you infinite pints, but I can give you a pint or two...

go back to washin dishes reborn, and know your place :D

il just take the position of kommisar if you dont like it join the que and take a bullet like the next man :D

Kommisar Evil - i don't think either of them are getting a sir out of me :P

Though I should have had reborn at mine on Christmasday, plent of dishes to do then :?
hes not good enough to wash your dishes lee

i shall command a force of pla verses whatever you can muster :D you shall bend to the way of the red star.

what gets me is why arnt the pla better painted than the rest youd think the little chineese painters would put some national pride into them. although it doese exsplain the foomanchoo tash on the mea guy.
Mac V,

I know what you mean. I don't really want to paint moderns either and although I'm a fairly good painter I don't mind buying painted figs if the deal is good enough. But I'm not going to play with bad looking figs either.

The quick turn around on the quality made me think it was more of a financial decision to release the figures than one of quality as well. Which seems, on the face of it, duplicitous. I completely understand the reasoning, it would be nice to be told straight up though.

A sale on the first batch, followed by improved quality would seem to set things aright.