Underexplored Sophonts


Emperor Mongoose
Players of Traveller have varying preferences for the degree of alien presence, particularly Minor Races. Some prefer to have them scarce, others enjoy emphasising them. Generally, the setting seems to balance these preferences quite nicely, with a good number of localised cultures and species that can enrich a given region without demanding that any campaign, adventure, or story accommodate them.

For those who like exploring the cultures, biology, political interactions, etc., of the alien races, but also want to remain within the core setting, opportunities for crafting Minor Races are sometimes scarce. Traveller Map has named and placed a number of such races in Vargr, Hiver, and K'kree space, unofficially; canonical indigenous species are placed throughout the Solomani Confederation (with the several such races of Canopus, Aldebaran and Neworld receiving only names and the briefest of descriptions); Mongoose has name-dropped some Aslan subjects who are also nothing more than those names coupled with descriptions as, say, "reptilian" or "avian" (these, tantalisingly, don't even have Map placements yet).

However... there are also a few canonical or long-established races about whom some interesting things have been established, but who haven't received attention. Places on both the literal and figurative map where a lot of creativity can be built on a foundation already in place.

Here are some of the established sophonts that have not, so far as I can tell, received any in-depth descriptions or explorations:

Bosaki of Bosak: Canonically a starfaring race within Far Frontiers Sector. We know that they control one of the large corporations active in the non-Zhodani region of the sector -- Qwuim Bosak -- and as such interact frequently with their human neighbours. This is all we know. We have no idea what they look like, and no idea of how their culture and society work beyond the fact that they have concepts of trade and business compatible with those of interstellar Humaniti.

Gniivi of Pru-mavin, Ar-gniiv, and Ar-stoon'l: They're slow-moving, they're active politically and economically in interstellar society, and the Map hints at some interesting things about their "Collective" and their language (the three homeworlds suggests some fascinating backstory or political complexity, especially with the implications drawn from their names, listed tech levels, etc. Which of course is what the world stats should do, provide inspiration for creativity and world-building). We know almost nothing about them as a society, though, nor anything about their biology beyond reference to "large, slow, and long-lived".

Krotan of Krota: They're omnivores; they're allies of the Hivers but independent of the Federation; like the Gniivi they have a large pocket empire and population; and they're one of the Hivers' "border hardening" projects to trip up the K'kree. Lots of potential... but who are they? We know nothing of them biologically or socially. What are the details of their relationships with the Hivers, the K'kree, and the Lithkind?

Tahavi of Tahaver: The first non-Humans the Vilani encountered; they've been clients/allies of the Vilani for practically the entire history of the setting, and there are ten billion of them on their homeworld (do they have offworld presence? Are they to Vilani as Dolphins are to Solomani, the "water explorer" partners? Do they have higher status than most races from a Vilani perspective, by virtue of the length of the association -- It Is Tradition And Thus Correct -- and the fact that unlike most Vilani conquests, they never really left?). They're aquatic, they're "manta"-like... and that's all we know.

Zithari of Ssissth: They're a client of the Imperium, there are billions of them, they have a theocratic government, they have old tales about fleets in the Lesser Rift (did they witness the Wandering People's exodus? The Faar's whatever-it-was that saw them flee home and become shut-ins? If the former, do Vilani factions like to limit their influence lest unfortunate facts resurface, explaining why we hear nothing of them despite their population and A-class starport?)
Players of Traveller have varying preferences for the degree of alien presence, particularly Minor Races. Some prefer to have them scarce, others enjoy emphasising them. Generally, the setting seems to balance these preferences quite nicely, with a good number of localised cultures and species that can enrich a given region without demanding that any campaign, adventure, or story accommodate them.

For those who like exploring the cultures, biology, political interactions, etc., of the alien races, but also want to remain within the core setting, opportunities for crafting Minor Races are sometimes scarce. (...)

However... there are also a few canonical or long-established races about whom some interesting things have been established, but who haven't received attention. Places on both the literal and figurative map where a lot of creativity can be built on a foundation already in place.

This desire to know more about the different Sophont species and their cultures is exactly what led me to compile my [Sophonts of Charted Space] document, thought that's pending an update with the turn of the year.

Interestingly, in compiling that I've found that many, many worlds within official sectors have Native Intelligent Live that's simply labelled as "Minor", that being "Minor Race", without even a name to them.
I'm not sure why these undefined Sophonts exist, but I choose to assume it's a deliberate choice so referees have a few spots on the map to create their very own Sophonts within Third Imperium space.

As of the last update to the doc, there were 41 non-specified Minor Races:
  1. Minor of Ladon (Alde 2709)
  2. Minor of Lutsk (Alde 2714)
  3. Minor of Duurmurze (Daib 0922)
  4. Minor of Damar (Daib 0937)
  5. Minor of Karukhi (Daib 2137)
  6. Minor of Woosnam (Daib 2337)
  7. Minor (Extinct) of Unuv (Gush 1127)
  8. Minor of Yaiz (Lang 1803)
  9. Minor of Va Lat (Lang 2910)
  10. Minor of Monwran (Lang 0717)
  11. Minor of Ihn (Lang 1811)
  12. Minor of Gohi (Lang 2816)
  13. Minor of Gyuu (Lang 1623)
  14. Minor of Eeg (Lang 2123)
  15. Minor of Ochzyu (Lang 2823)
  16. Minor of Ckiic (Lang 2231)
  17. Minor (Extinct) of Saanshakase (Ley 2036)
  18. Minor (Extinct) of Khiguki (Lish 3203)
  19. Minor of Sanctified (Newo 1323)
  20. Minor of Labrys (Solo 1140)
  21. Minor of Quatre (Spic 1319)
  22. Minor of Aow'Post (Spic 1427)
  23. Minor of Xoarax (Spic 1921)
  24. Minor of Particulately (Spic 1926)
  25. Minor of Pezal (Spic 2224)
  26. Minor of Lihnor (Spic 2328)
  27. Minor of Panen (Spic 3127)
  28. Minor of Cairgax (Spic 1438)
  29. Minor of Waxatha (Spic 1738)
  30. Minor of Sealene (Spic 1934)
  31. Minor of Amrad (Spic 2034)
  32. Minor of Tharal (Spic 2136)
  33. Minor of Ordva (Spic 2431)
  34. Minor of Pixhemp (Spic 2940)
  35. Minor of Nakege (Spin 1305)
  36. Minor of Tionale (Spin 1511)
  37. Minor of 457-973 (Spin 3019)
  38. Minor of 769-422 (Spin 0240)
  39. Minor of Argonos (Vlan 3206)
  40. Minor of Khoezoun (Ziaf 2626)
  41. Minor of Tiorsedlie (Ziaf 0138)

If you search for those word codes on Travellermap, it'll take you to the respective worlds. Of particular note, I feel, are the four in the Spinward Marches: On Nakege in the Jewell Subsector, on Tionale in the Vilis Subsector, on 457-973 on Rhylanor Subsector, and 769-422 on Five Sisters Subsector, which are all very "classic" Subsectors for adventuring in!
There is a brief mention of the Nakege natives in Tripwire:
Nakege is a dry world with an indigenous population of around
60,000 people. The inhabitants are a human offshoot that are still
in their infancy where technological advancement is concerned

So, a Minor Human race, I presume. Not sure on the rest of the ones from the Marches... my first guess was that they came out of GURPs, but that's not the case. Haven't looked at 1248 yet - even if it's pretty much de-canonized (I downloaded The Spinward States off of some server out of Kazakhstan, then thoroughly soaked my computer in bleach)

All the Spica races might have been done by... well Spica Publishing... but I don't have any of that.
Which system had an atmosphere filled with something radioactive, and the Minor Race was a species of slugs which ate the radioactive material?
There is a brief reference to the Argonos natives in Vland within "101 Vehicles" for MegaTraveller. A piece of fluff about a refrigerator truck being repurposed for methane breathers so they could tour a local Human world.

In Spica, the Xoarax natives are presumably also found on the various Xoar worlds in the coreward part of the sector -- Xoar Alpha to Zeta. Those worlds all have similar environmental conditions which are shared also by Xoarax, so it's almost certainly an intentional link.
This desire to know more about the different Sophont species and their cultures is exactly what led me to compile my [Sophonts of Charted Space] document, thought that's pending an update with the turn of the year.

Interestingly, in compiling that I've found that many, many worlds within official sectors have Native Intelligent Live that's simply labelled as "Minor", that being "Minor Race", without even a name to them.
I'm not sure why these undefined Sophonts exist, but I choose to assume it's a deliberate choice so referees have a few spots on the map to create their very own Sophonts within Third Imperium space.

As of the last update to the doc, there were 41 non-specified Minor Races:
  1. Minor of Ladon (Alde 2709)
  2. Minor of Lutsk (Alde 2714)
  3. Minor of Duurmurze (Daib 0922)
  4. Minor of Damar (Daib 0937)
  5. Minor of Karukhi (Daib 2137)
  6. Minor of Woosnam (Daib 2337)
  7. Minor (Extinct) of Unuv (Gush 1127)
  8. Minor of Yaiz (Lang 1803)
  9. Minor of Va Lat (Lang 2910)
  10. Minor of Monwran (Lang 0717)
  11. Minor of Ihn (Lang 1811)
  12. Minor of Gohi (Lang 2816)
  13. Minor of Gyuu (Lang 1623)
  14. Minor of Eeg (Lang 2123)
  15. Minor of Ochzyu (Lang 2823)
  16. Minor of Ckiic (Lang 2231)
  17. Minor (Extinct) of Saanshakase (Ley 2036)
  18. Minor (Extinct) of Khiguki (Lish 3203)
  19. Minor of Sanctified (Newo 1323)
  20. Minor of Labrys (Solo 1140)
  21. Minor of Quatre (Spic 1319)
  22. Minor of Aow'Post (Spic 1427)
  23. Minor of Xoarax (Spic 1921)
  24. Minor of Particulately (Spic 1926)
  25. Minor of Pezal (Spic 2224)
  26. Minor of Lihnor (Spic 2328)
  27. Minor of Panen (Spic 3127)
  28. Minor of Cairgax (Spic 1438)
  29. Minor of Waxatha (Spic 1738)
  30. Minor of Sealene (Spic 1934)
  31. Minor of Amrad (Spic 2034)
  32. Minor of Tharal (Spic 2136)
  33. Minor of Ordva (Spic 2431)
  34. Minor of Pixhemp (Spic 2940)
  35. Minor of Nakege (Spin 1305)
  36. Minor of Tionale (Spin 1511)
  37. Minor of 457-973 (Spin 3019)
  38. Minor of 769-422 (Spin 0240)
  39. Minor of Argonos (Vlan 3206)
  40. Minor of Khoezoun (Ziaf 2626)
  41. Minor of Tiorsedlie (Ziaf 0138)

If you search for those word codes on Travellermap, it'll take you to the respective worlds. Of particular note, I feel, are the four in the Spinward Marches: On Nakege in the Jewell Subsector, on Tionale in the Vilis Subsector, on 457-973 on Rhylanor Subsector, and 769-422 on Five Sisters Subsector, which are all very "classic" Subsectors for adventuring in!
There's some speculation about the minor races of Hiver space locally. Much like the Vilani used to do with Droyne, they may be groups of related sophonts who have been transplanted to multiple worlds, then counted as being distinct. Just a theory, though.
There's some speculation about the minor races of Hiver space locally. Much like the Vilani used to do with Droyne, they may be groups of related sophonts who have been transplanted to multiple worlds, then counted as being distinct. Just a theory, though.
It might explain the low populations of some of the listed homeworlds.

Given how the Hivers have clearly applied Gurvin labels to the races and worlds in their territory, working out how many distinct species, as opposed to peoples, there are in the region would be difficult, I imagine.

There are some interesting patterns that emerge going by Traveller Map. Quite often, there's a named homeworld with a relatively low population but then sizeable populations of the relevant race on nearby worlds. I assume that once the Hivers are done molding them into Federation citizens, most of a given population migrate or are relocated to more "standardised" Federation planets, and a remnant remains on the homeworld -- maybe living more traditionally, maintaining it as a cultural reserve.

One race, the Inasko, has 10% human population listed on its homeworld, which makes me wonder if the Inasko are themselves human -- we know there's at least one minor human race in the Hive Federation somewhere. Perhaps "mainstream" humans in the Federation gravitate to a known human population centre?
This desire to know more about the different Sophont species and their cultures is exactly what led me to compile my [Sophonts of Charted Space] document, thought that's pending an update with the turn of the year.

Interestingly, in compiling that I've found that many, many worlds within official sectors have Native Intelligent Live that's simply labelled as "Minor", that being "Minor Race", without even a name to them.
I'm not sure why these undefined Sophonts exist, but I choose to assume it's a deliberate choice so referees have a few spots on the map to create their very own Sophonts within Third Imperium space.

As of the last update to the doc, there were 41 non-specified Minor Races:
  1. Minor of Ladon (Alde 2709)
  2. Minor of Lutsk (Alde 2714)
  3. Minor of Duurmurze (Daib 0922)
  4. Minor of Damar (Daib 0937)
  5. Minor of Karukhi (Daib 2137)
  6. Minor of Woosnam (Daib 2337)
  7. Minor (Extinct) of Unuv (Gush 1127)
  8. Minor of Yaiz (Lang 1803)
  9. Minor of Va Lat (Lang 2910)
  10. Minor of Monwran (Lang 0717)
  11. Minor of Ihn (Lang 1811)
  12. Minor of Gohi (Lang 2816)
  13. Minor of Gyuu (Lang 1623)
  14. Minor of Eeg (Lang 2123)
  15. Minor of Ochzyu (Lang 2823)
  16. Minor of Ckiic (Lang 2231)
  17. Minor (Extinct) of Saanshakase (Ley 2036)
  18. Minor (Extinct) of Khiguki (Lish 3203)
  19. Minor of Sanctified (Newo 1323)
  20. Minor of Labrys (Solo 1140)
  21. Minor of Quatre (Spic 1319)
  22. Minor of Aow'Post (Spic 1427)
  23. Minor of Xoarax (Spic 1921)
  24. Minor of Particulately (Spic 1926)
  25. Minor of Pezal (Spic 2224)
  26. Minor of Lihnor (Spic 2328)
  27. Minor of Panen (Spic 3127)
  28. Minor of Cairgax (Spic 1438)
  29. Minor of Waxatha (Spic 1738)
  30. Minor of Sealene (Spic 1934)
  31. Minor of Amrad (Spic 2034)
  32. Minor of Tharal (Spic 2136)
  33. Minor of Ordva (Spic 2431)
  34. Minor of Pixhemp (Spic 2940)
  35. Minor of Nakege (Spin 1305)
  36. Minor of Tionale (Spin 1511)
  37. Minor of 457-973 (Spin 3019)
  38. Minor of 769-422 (Spin 0240)
  39. Minor of Argonos (Vlan 3206)
  40. Minor of Khoezoun (Ziaf 2626)
  41. Minor of Tiorsedlie (Ziaf 0138)

If you search for those word codes on Travellermap, it'll take you to the respective worlds. Of particular note, I feel, are the four in the Spinward Marches: On Nakege in the Jewell Subsector, on Tionale in the Vilis Subsector, on 457-973 on Rhylanor Subsector, and 769-422 on Five Sisters Subsector, which are all very "classic" Subsectors for adventuring in!
I seeded the minor races in Aldebaran, Langere, and Neworld but I don't think I have much for details; I wanted to leave it open for someone more ambitious to fill in later. I used the CT Hiver world generation sequence which I think threw out those minor races, but I also checked to make sure the number fit with a statement in CT Hiver about the total number of minor races inside the Federation. (It was a bunch, as I recall.)

The minor race on Labrys (Solo 1140) has been kept intentionally vague. It is briefly described in MT Solomani and Aslan ("Large segments of the [Bootean] Federation leadership endorse the Reform Movement, even going so far as to grant membership to the aliens of Labrys") and GT Rim of Fire ("The Solomani Confederation interdicts the system to prevent any contact with the inhabitants, who are at a TL8 stage of development. The aliens are apparently uninterested in space exploration, and surprisingly seem unaware of the existence of Human civilization.") I think the most information comes from Imperial Lines 1: "Labrys is inhabited by a race evolved from omnivores, but humanoid in appearance. The Federation brought its support of the Reform Movement into the open by offering aid and eventual membership to the Labrysans. Although a member of the Federation, the majority of the population is unaware of its other-world contact and dialogue is mainly through government channels."
The minor race on Labrys (Solo 1140) has been kept intentionally vague. It is briefly described in MT Solomani and Aslan ("Large segments of the [Bootean] Federation leadership endorse the Reform Movement, even going so far as to grant membership to the aliens of Labrys") and GT Rim of Fire ("The Solomani Confederation interdicts the system to prevent any contact with the inhabitants, who are at a TL8 stage of development. The aliens are apparently uninterested in space exploration, and surprisingly seem unaware of the existence of Human civilization.") I think the most information comes from Imperial Lines 1: "Labrys is inhabited by a race evolved from omnivores, but humanoid in appearance. The Federation brought its support of the Reform Movement into the open by offering aid and eventual membership to the Labrysans. Although a member of the Federation, the majority of the population is unaware of its other-world contact and dialogue is mainly through government channels."
This is certainly a fascinating hook. It seems that the government(s) of Labrys have kept alien contact a secret from the general population; was this their decision, I wonder, or a "suggestion" from the Solomani? Regardless of which, what is the motive (stated or otherwise)? Is it an "open secret" among some Labrysans or tightly controlled information? What to make of the idea that the locals are "uninterested" in space; is this something that would change if they learned the truth? The wording also implies that the Booteans made contact largely for reasons of intra-Confederation politics and not any actual, practical benefit; they needed some non-Humans to champion to bolster their Reformist credentials or thumb their nose at a rival Purity bloc, so made some deals with the Labrysans; they'll be incorporated into the Confederation "once they're ready" or some such. So many agendas and layers could be in play. Plus, there's the satisfying possibility of playing as Labrysans investigating claims that the government is in league with aliens... or maybe some of the players are Labrysans, some are undercover Solomani agents either trying to aid or hinder them...

They Walk Among Us....
...but I also checked to make sure the number fit with a statement in CT Hiver about the total number of minor races inside the Federation. (It was a bunch, as I recall.)
Yep. The stated number of minor races in Hiver space is *really* high compared to the rest of Charted Space even now, with Marc having endorsed a model closer to Panspermia in T5. We used to assume about one minor race per two Subsectors *total*, but now that's just the ones locals remember and may have met.

There are potentially natives on any world with reasonable air and tens of millions or more people. Developers that I've talked to scale that back a bit, because you start getting repetitive if you *must* create too many.
It might explain the low populations of some of the listed homeworlds.

Given how the Hivers have clearly applied Gurvin labels to the races and worlds in their territory, working out how many distinct species, as opposed to peoples, there are in the region would be difficult, I imagine.

There are some interesting patterns that emerge going by Traveller Map. Quite often, there's a named homeworld with a relatively low population but then sizeable populations of the relevant race on nearby worlds. I assume that once the Hivers are done molding them into Federation citizens, most of a given population migrate or are relocated to more "standardised" Federation planets, and a remnant remains on the homeworld -- maybe living more traditionally, maintaining it as a cultural reserve.

One race, the Inasko, has 10% human population listed on its homeworld, which makes me wonder if the Inasko are themselves human -- we know there's at least one minor human race in the Hive Federation somewhere. Perhaps "mainstream" humans in the Federation gravitate to a known human population centre?
As part of my insane project to make sense of Hiver Space, I found some notes about the Inasko on a blog by inpw. Basic details of the Inasko are that they are a "graceful humanoid race, with silver fur and a highly ritualised society" and the humans are supposed to be decendants of Terran colonists on a sleeper ship from the Interstellar Wars period.
As part of my insane project to make sense of Hiver Space, I found some notes about the Inasko on a blog by inpw. Basic details of the Inasko are that they are a "graceful humanoid race, with silver fur and a highly ritualised society" and the humans are supposed to be decendants of Terran colonists on a sleeper ship from the Interstellar Wars period.
Interesting, thank you!

And I notice you're using my favourite Hiver illustration for your profile pic (y)
Yep. The stated number of minor races in Hiver space is *really* high compared to the rest of Charted Space even now, with Marc having endorsed a model closer to Panspermia in T5. We used to assume about one minor race per two Subsectors *total*, but now that's just the ones locals remember and may have met.

There are potentially natives on any world with reasonable air and tens of millions or more people. Developers that I've talked to scale that back a bit, because you start getting repetitive if you *must* create too many.

Personally, I quite like having diverse Ayy™ species in the OTU, but... yeah, specially in the Marches, it's starting to get a wee bit too much.

"Inside of you there are two Groats: one wishes for many interesting sophont species, the other craves a universe where life is relatively rare."
I've always had a soft spot for the Githiaskio.
There's a fair bit still to explore with them, too, since we have the Tobai offshoot in Corridor who have been there for a very long time, and whose origin is a mystery.

A piece of fun speculation on my part is that Luolilali in Antares carries a Githiaskio name; it's relatively distant from Githiaski (almost in Lishun), but the name is anomalous and fits what we've seen of Githiaski language. What's interesting about Luolilali is that there's an extinct Minor Race named Sokorrin assigned there. I don't know what the source for Sokorrin is (maybe they're one of the Map-first additions) but so far as I can tell they're a blank. A bit of speculative worldbuilding on my part: Perhaps there was evidence that the Sokorrin were the agent who transplanted ancient Githiaskio to Tobibak (astrographically they're well-placed for it), and as such the system is of interest to the race in the 1100s, hence why charts use (what I've decided is) their name for it.

Taking that further -- maybe there's the root of a Githiaskio-heavy campaign here? -- another Antares system with a name that sounds Githiaskio to me is Roiirawhi, a Red Zone. Maybe the red zone is due to some sensitivity relating to revelations that the Sokorrin may have been more influential and wide-ranging than first assumed?

(This is why Traveller Map is such a great and fun resource, it suggests so many potential stories)
This is somewhat related but definitely a sidebar to the subject...
There has always been a lack of information about minor races, unique cultures, unique plants, unique animals, etc. in every sector of the OTU. You could mine every sector's Library Data ever written since 1977 and it would probably make up just one sector's worth of 'interesting stuff'.
It's always been an ambition of mine to do up a subsector's Library Data where it included every reasonable look-up that PCs might need to do and just have the file ready for them to use. But every time I tried to do it the enormity of the project just overwhelmed me. Adult ADD is actually thing I guess ;)