Two-Weapon Strike: When armed with a slashing weapon in both hands you can make a special attack once per round using both weapons…….
…….If both attacks hit, total up the damage done and apply it as though it were a single attack for all purposes….
Sneak Attack: any time the thief’s target is unable to dodge or parry, or when the thief flanks the target, the thief’s attack deals extra damage……
Can a thief or pirate use the tow-weapon strike feat and add the sneak attack damage from each weapon?
I think this is a really though combination, especially if you can add the sneak attack dice from each weapon, I DM a game an would shudder to think the thief there starting to do this , well… I could think of a few things too….
It seem to me that if you can do a critical hit with each weapon you could do a sneak with each?, I think the basis for the sneak attack and a critical hit are essentially the same, you hit some particularly vulnerable spot, in that sense it could happen…
The thief from the Conan movie comes to mind
Any thoughts?
I know that at the end each game group or DM are going to rule in one way or another but I’d like to hear what people think of this, and also if we could reach who wrote it and maybe talk about the intention of the feat,
It looks to me that the feat was intended to level out the advantage of a two handed weapon vs two weapon fighting in the sense of massive damage and this might be an unintended use (abuse?) of the feat
Any comments and thoughts are apreciatted