Traveller Release Schedule 2024

Well, it should be

Army & rules for large fights on planets including planetary invasion from space
Navy & rules for fighting ships in space both large and small
Marines & rules for fighting in zero-G and boarding other ships
Merchants & rules for trade, piracy, and smuggling
Scouts & rules for subsector, system, and world surveying and exploration
Psions & rules for psionics

sounds familiar.
Well, it should be

Army & rules for large fights on planets including planetary invasion from space
Navy & rules for fighting ships in space both large and small
Marines & rules for fighting in zero-G and boarding other ships
Merchants & rules for trade, piracy, and smuggling
Scouts & rules for subsector, system, and world surveying and exploration
Psions & rules for psionics

sounds familiar.
Traditionally the Merchant relates to the Noble career path, as the Nobles had the greatest wealth, and wanted to use their riches to bolster their status and buy exotic goods from around the world, hence they were always patron/client to the merchant.

In a more modern or far future setting, then perhaps other combinations possible.

Vehicle book update would be amazing, it feels overdue now