Hi, I'm kinda new here - though I have been lurking for a while. I'm mates with Nidalap and Wing Commander, and I came down for the open day you had a month or two ago - which was cool, by the way. I've played enough games to basically know what I'm doing, and I've only had a kicking off Wing Commander's White Stars so far (pesky little things). So in my great wisdom I said I'd go to this tournament - which is now looking like a REALLY BIG DEAL. Now, I'm quite aware that I am going to come and quite probably get my a$$ handed to me all day, and I'm cool with that. However I would at least like not to make a complete fool of myself. I'm taking a Minbari fleet, and I already have a good idea what ships I'm taking - not a Sharlin, at any rate. Are there any ships you would regard as stupid to take in a 5 pt Raid? So that I don't turn up with a fleet that makes everyone go 'huh'? Are there any tactics I might have overlooked? I don't want to be a total 'bonehead'... ahem.